Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Me and my big Sis

Monday, September 28, 2009
I think I partied too much this weekend!

Ohhhhhhh, I think I will try to sleep for a while. Mayhaps I will dream about cheese and my friends and I having a party together. Wouldn't that be nice. On second thought I could use a belly rub. I think I will go find my Daddy. He gives the best belly rubs.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Sashy's College Football Friday!!!

Here is a picture of last weeks cherry pie that Mommy and big Sis made and I got to share it!! It was soooooooo yummy.

Ok on to this weeks menu:
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Please Read Sasha's Important Tip of the Week

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
I love cherry pie! Pet Pride

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Camera Critters

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Football Friday by Sasha

1. Cheese and crackers ( again this is a must for a Wisconsin tailgate party)
2. Rueben dip in a rye bread bowl.
3. Chicken wings cooked on the grill with barbecue sauce
4. Grilled corn on the cob
5. Seven layer salad
6. Cherry pie

Recipe for Reuben Dip:
1 cup corned beef, chopped up
1 cup grated swiss cheese
1 cup well drained saur kraut
1/2 cup thousand isle salad dressing.
Mix together well and put into a casserole. Heat in a 350 oven for 30 minutes, or until hot and bubbly. Put into a hollowed out rye bread round. Use the bread you took out cut into pieces for dipping, it also goes well on cocktail rye.
Happy Saturday everyone! On Wisconsin!
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Good luck Brutus, we have a date on October 10!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sasha has news to share

In addition to those grants, we're offering a pair of $2,000 judged prizes for the most touching story and photo from a shelter. We know there are plenty of heartwarming tales of rescued animals out there, so if you work at a participating Petfinder.com rescue organization, visit our story page to share your favorite story and photo today!
The prizes don't end there. There will be weekly $1,000 grants given, plus $1,000 prizes given to top vote-getters in each of the 50 states, and Washington D.C., the top two organizations in Canada and one pet shelter or organization located outside North America. Every vote counts so don't hesitate: Start today!
Get the word out and send our $100,000 Shelter+ Challenge e-card to up to 20 of your friends and family members at a time. Spread the word, cast your vote and help animals in need today!"
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Camera Critters

Friday, September 11, 2009
The Purple Hatter!!!

licks and sniffs, Sasha
Sashy's College Football Friday!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009
"Ear"risistible Contest Entry and Awards

I let Mommy and big Sis choose. They went through older pictures of me and they both like this one. It was right after a bath and I look all clean and shiny. I approve.

Thank you for the following awards: Oskar at http://thedailyoskar.blogspot.com/ my very handsome pal and neighbor is sharing this cool award he got from the Purple Hatter at Purple Hatter . Please visit them both. Coco at http://luvbeingachihuahua.blogspot.com/ shared this very cool award she got from The Purple Hatter also. He is very cool and fun to visit and Coco is my gal pal. Thanks Coco!

Check my side bar for his badge. Please visit Dory if you haven't, you will be happy you did.
Thanks Dory my chicka!

Next my new friend Olive at http://olivecutedog.blogspot.com/ passed this award on to me. Thanks Olive and you know who made this award?? Do you ?? Do you?? The Purple Hatter!!! Purple Hatter
Thank you to all my friends for sharing the love and awards with me. I love you all. I have seen these awards on some blogs and I don't remember who, so I am going to pass them out to anydog who doesn't have them yet. They are very special and if you take them pleases give a shout out to Purple Hatter for making them.
Please visit my friends if you haven't already.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Sunday, September 6, 2009
A Fun Game to Play

Pet Pride and an Award

Saturday, September 5, 2009
Camera Critters

Friday, September 4, 2009
Eyewatch Friday and Sasha's Important Tip of the Week!

Our country’s new-found thrift has lead many homeowners to save a penny by tackling do-it-yourself home improvement projects. But take care, pet parents—you may be exposing your furry friends to dangerous tools and tricks of the trade. Polyurethane glue, a water-resistant adhesive and favorite of woodworkers, is highly toxic if ingested by cats and dogs.
According to data from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), pet poisonings from wood glues—and other adhesives containing the substance diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)—are on the rise. In the past 12 months, the APCC handled more than 170 cases of pets who ingested expanding glues. Of those incidents, the majority involved dogs and were evaluated at high or medium risk for developing severe, life-threatening problems.
Polyurethane glue—also known by brand names like Gorilla Glue and Elmer’s Pro-Bond—is prized for its ability to bond to wood. If eaten, however, the glue expands in the stomach’s warm, moist environment and forms a softball-sized lump. A dog who eats even a small amount of MDI-based adhesive can experience severe gastrointestinal problems resulting in blockages and requiring emergency surgery to remove the mass.
Pet parents should treat any expanding adhesive as a potential hazard, since the offending chemical MDI is not always listed on product labels. Like all toxic household products, wood glue should be stored in a secure cabinet to prevent your furry beloveds from coming into contact with it. If you suspect your pet has ingested polyurethane glue, please call your vet or the ASPCA’s 24-hour poison hotline at (888) 426-4435. And for more information about keeping your pet domestically sound, check out our handy online guide to creating a poison-safe home.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New Kitchens are EVIL