Friday, July 31, 2009

A new haircut and what a day!!

My friends, the last 2 days have not been kind to your pal Sasha. Yesterday, Mom puts my leash on and of course I am all excited to go out. Wait, we are getting in the car, I have a bad feeling about this. Next stop the vet. I am nervous as always, not knowing what to expect, before I can even think they stuck something in my butt!! Oh the shame and Mom held me and let them do it. Then they take me into a torture chamber and trim my nails, I am howling and where is Mom? In the other room, thank you very much. Ok, I am back with Mom, but she and the vet are chattering to each other, Mom gives me a kiss and she leaves me there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is where the story gets very dark for me. Brace yourselves please. The vet gets a sample of my pee-pee, you don't even want to know how she did that. After that they put a torture device over my tiny little sweet angelic face and they begin shaving my body. My hair is gone and there is nothing I can do about it. Finally it is done and soon Mom comes to get me. Everyone is oooing and aaaing me, I am too upset to enjoy that part. I go home and I did get some treats, but big deal, compared to the rest. Now I am trying to bury one of my treats for later and I get this thing stuck on my neck. I didn't want to go shopping today. This is too much for one puppy to handle. Mom and big sis got it off and I got a lecture from Mom, she said I could have been hurt with this stupid bag. Whatever! Afterwords, they both laughed at me. What a day! I am exhausted. Now here are the pictures and please don't laugh at me. Oh the shame of it all, I was trying to hide some treats from my family.

Mom, some help here would be nice.

Here comes my sis, maybe she will help me. Wait, not the camera, oh come on , give me a break.

Here it is , the devil bag that tried to kill me. I won this battle!

licks and sniffs, Sasha

A note from Mom: Sasha has a UTI and is on medication. While I was at the vet with her, I asked the vet about grooming since Sasha has bit 2 groomers, it is hard for me to find one. Her wonderful vet said, "If you leave her here for a little bit, I will try to groom her". I was thrilled, since Sashys long hair was making her very hot. She said Sasha was actually pretty good(with muzzle on of course) and she managed to groom her, except when she got to the paws and ears, so those are long. She looks like a cocker spaniel lol. Sashy had a bad day but it was for the best.

Eyewatch Friday

Please visit Norwood at Norwood Unleashed and play eyewatch Friday, its fun.This is a little older picture of me giving Mommy the evil eye for suggesting that I need a bath.
Here I am now, just looking like my usual Sashiness. Mom tricked me today and I ended up getting a haircut. She wants to post new pictures tomorrow, but I am too mad about it right now to even think about it.

licks and sniffs, Sasha
Its Friday!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My 100th Post and a package from Mango!!

Hi to all my friends. Guess what?? Did you guess? No, ok, this is my 100th post!! Ta-da! If you know my Mom at all you will know, she is not good enough on the computer to do any contest kind of thing. We thought we would celebrate by showing you our first "Paw it Forward" package. It is from MANGO, it is so much fun to get pressies in the mail. Now we want to "Paw it Forward" to you. The first 3 of my friends that tell me that they want to play with me, I will send you a package. So when you comment just say Paws up to Paw it Forward and I will and then send Mom your address to her e-mail. Chicamom85@comcast.net. I think there are some rules, but mostly I remember that you shouldn't go crazy or anything on the gifts and when you get the pressie from me, then you keep it going. I think, Mango will have to let me know if I said that right.
Now onto my pressies from MANGO. First look at the cool card I got, we have it on our refrigerator now.

Here is what MANGO wrote to me.

Here I am all crazy and geeked up for my pressie. Can you see that crazed look in my eyes.

Come on Mommy, I can't wait, get on with it. I wonder if MANGO put any slobbers in my package?

Back off now Mommy , I will do this myself!

Wow, there is a lot of cool stuff in here. Foodies and toys and some pink heart baggies things. What are those for Mommy?

Oh, I get it, so when I make poo outside, then big sis doesnt have to steal the plastic bags from peoples newspapers to pick it up. Now I can be stylish and be the only one on my block to have pink heart poo bags. That is so cool

Ok Mommy, lets break into these right now.

Here is all my loot, 2 new toys, a bag of foodies, pink potty bags and a special holder for them and a picture of MANGO. I love everything, but I have one favorite already.

My new hedgehog friend, I am going to call him MANGO of course. Ok goodbye now, I am going to play with Mango the stuffie.

Thank you very much for teaching me how to play "Paw it Forward" Mango and Mango Mommy. Now the next 3 friends that want to play, just give me the "paws up to paw it forward"
Because this is my 100th post, Mom and I also want to do something else for our friends. We want to make a donation to an animal cause. For our horsey friends we are sending a donation to http://shop.theanimalrescuesite.com/store/item.do?siteId=310&itemId=29900&origin=adpl..16983..82122..ARS_linktous_125_01
Thank you all for being my friends and I love you!
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mystery Light

Last night we were snuggling as usual and watching that talky box thing that Mom and Dad seem to like a lot. Everything got dark, everywhere. I thought I was dreaming but I was awake because everyone got up and Dad said some words that he only says when hes mad. Mom said, oh no, the power went out, whatever all I know is it is dark. My sister comes in and she has the only light anywhere and she isn't sharing it. Can you see it? I am trying real hard to grab it and give it to Mommy, but sis won't let me get it. I get real close and it moves real fast. To make matters worse, everyone is laughing about something. What a bunch of kooks my family is sometimes. Everything is dark, there is one little circle of light left and they are all laughing when I try to get it.

Well after a little while, the big lights came back on. I am exhausted. Next time they can try to catch the light themselves.
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Thank you Checkers!!

Look what my friend Checkers gave me. Rock on my Checkers! Please go and visit this very handsome southern gentleman atCheckers The Peek A Poo . Thank you very much. Checkers just wanted to thank his friends for following him and there are no rules. Yahoo!!

Mom thinks I need a haircut. I don't agree. What do you think?
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Pet Pride

Ok, this is from last Halloween. Why do you want me to wear it now? Well, as long as I have it on, do you like around my neck?

Or do you like it around my waist, like a skirt? Me? I don't like it anywhere, but in the garbage.

Please go and visit Bozo at Pet pride for more great photos.
Love, Sasha

Friday, July 24, 2009

Camera Critters # 68

Camera Critters Meme Please go and visit for more Camera Critters.
Camera Critters
My tunnel is a very good place to rest. I am on my own, but not too far from Mommy. I never like to be too far away from Mommy.
I hope I dream of a magic place, where the bubbles take me to visit all my friends. In my dreams, it would be so fun to play with my friends.

Have any of my friends found the magic dream bubbles yet? Please tell me what they look like. I will keep searching.
Have a nice weekend
Love, licks and sniffs, Sasha

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I am playing tag with Mango!!

Yahoo, Mango said I am tagged. Run around, run around, BOL, BOL, you can't find me. Wait, I guess it is a different tag, it is just as well, if Mango found me, he might want to play that bitey face game and I never played that one before. Please go and visit Mango at
Mango's Great Adventures , it is a very fun, very cool blog. My Mom would love to give Mango a big squeezy hug.

1) open the folder that has your pet pics in it
2) choose one you haven't posted before
3) tell its story
4) tag 5 friends

Ok, here it is. I would never allow this to be shown before, but I am giving in. My Mom and sister bought me a Halloween costume with devil horns and tail! Me, can you believe it. The sweet angelic Sasha, a devil. Well let me tell you the devil in me came out that night! They were sorry, but I did get a lot of treats and people did kind of give me a lot of attention. Still!! A devil!

Is this the face of a devil?????? I think not, it is the face of a doggy that just got a haircut and was not happy about it!

I tag:

1.Mona & the Mommy Too!!

2. The Daily Oskar

3.We love Luna

4.THE BUMPASS HOUNDS (and Kitties)

5.Raising Addie

Have fun, love, licks and sniffs, Sasha

Sasha's News Report

Hello my friends, the weekend is almost here. It has been raining here, so I am a little down, because I haven't been to the park or out for long walks. I got to thinking as I was watching the news recently that big dogs are very nice to look up to. They can do some things that us little squirts have trouble with. Paws up to my big friends out there. Little dogs also have talents, other than circus tricks I mean. We can bark very fiercely and when someone is on the other side of the door, we sound huge. We can get into small spaces, under beds, etc. My Daddy found this cool article in the Milwaukee newspaper. Milwaukee is someplace on the other side of the world where Mom and Dad were born. So I am going to share my post today with a little dog hero. Gracie may not sniff out drugs or track down criminals, but she has a gift and she is doing her part to make the world a better place. Paws up high for Gracie

Gracie is a terrier specially trained to sniff out bedbugs in the city.

Gracie, a 12-pound Parsons Jack Russell terrier, has come to Milwaukee with a mission.
Sure, a lot of canines are trained to sniff out bombs, drugs or dead bodies.
But as the newest member of the Housing Authority's environmental services department, Gracie's job can literally be described as: Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Acquired from a specialized canine training center in Florida for $10,000, Gracie can go to an apartment door and smell if there's a bedbug or live bedbug eggs inside, said Bill Klein, the supervisor of the Housing Authority's environmental services. He introduced the dog Wednesday at the annual meeting of the authority's board. For her public debut, Gracie wore a light blue jacket with an official Housing Authority logo and a uninterested look.
"The dog can find an insect the size of a pinhead and can then get to the spot on the chair or the bed or whatever," he said.
"Bedbugs are a horrible problem all around the world because they are hard to control because they have extreme tolerance to most pesticides," Klein explained in an interview later.
Bedbugs also are hard to detect, he said.
Some people can have an allergic reaction to the bug bites, which can cause them to scratch. In some cases, they can then develop an antibiotic-resistant staph infection that can be "very dangerous," he added.
Bedbugs travel widely and can be picked up on suitcases, in hotels and motels, dorm rooms, day care centers, just about anywhere, he said. "By the time you know you have them, you have a large infestation."
Klein believes Gracie is the only dog in the state doing bedbug duty and the first at a public housing authority. He's rather sure of that because he said he's the only handler listed as passing the certified training in the National Entomology Scent Detection Canine Association.
Pepe Peruyero, CEO of the J & K Canine Academy in High Springs, Fla, where the housing authority purchased the dog, said in the last 2 1/2 years, some hotels and businesses have started using dogs for bug detection because bedbug outbreaks have reached "epidemic proportions."
He said he knows of no other public housing authority that's done so. "It speaks volumes of the Milwaukee Housing Authority that it's taken the initiative to go above and beyond what any other housing authorities in the country have done to provide services using the latest state-of-the-art technology in the detection of bedbugs," he said.
If the $10,000 price tag seems steep, Klein defends it as an efficient investment in public health. By comparison, dogs trained to track narcotics and as patrol dogs cost also cost about $10,000, which includes the dog, training and certification, said Larry Filo, who coordinates the Fox Valley Technical College canine training program and owns the Steinig TalKennels in Campbellsport.
Gracie's been sniffing out bedbugs for the past month and has gone on more than 150 inspection missions, he said, although he declined to give a bug count.
She's a key element in the authority's "war on bedbugs," he said. "We think it's prudent and cost-effective because it can take five hours or more to go through a unit looking for bedbugs where there are no visual signs."
In all, the Housing Authority oversees 5,300 units of public housing, says executive director Tony Perez. The funds to acquire Gracie came from fees the housing authority has generated, such as developer fees attached to the housing tax credits used to build Convent Hill, and an environmental service contract that the Housing Authority has for City Hall, and other revenue streams the authority has developed to pay for additional services, he said.
"The advantage is that the animal can pinpoint bedbugs without having to go through all the units in a building, or trying to treat a whole building with various methods like raising the temperature in a building to 120 degrees," he said.
For example, bedbugs were found in one chair in a management office in one building and the chair was removed within minutes, he said.
Klein has to constantly keep Gracie up to snuff with her training, which is reinforced three times a day. And he also now has a constant companion, since Gracie lives with him and goes everywhere he goes - even on vacation.
Licks and Sniffs, Sasha

Monday, July 20, 2009

An award from my friends

Thank you to my friends Sassy, Zach and Buddy over at Dog Daze and also to Dory and Bilbo too over at Dory's Backyard for passing on this award to me. I love you all and please go and visit both of these very fun blogs.

The translation is: Your blog is a dream
Wow, how cool is that??

Ok now the rule things: Give 7 beauty secrets and then pass it on.

Beauty secrets makes me giggle just a little, because if you follow my blog, you know I don't much care for water or being brushed or groomed in general. I have posted this picture before, but I think it pretty much sums up how I feel about grooming.

I do, however have beauty secrets to pass on to doggy friends. My human friends may not agree, I know my Mom doesn't, in fact she breaks my first rule much too often.

1. Don't take baths, maybe only once or twice a year, but no more. The stinkier the better.
2. Brush your teeth every day, even more than once a day. We need our teeth for many things.
3. Roll in the grass whenever possible, every day if you can. The grass is cleansing, the smell wonderful.
4. Eat lots of treats, they are good for everything.
5. Drink plenty of water, also good for everything.
6. Chase your tail, it is good exercise and let me know if you ever catch yours.
7. Real beauty is found within. There is no need for all that grooming nonsense, it is what is on the inside that counts. Ok Mom did you get that NO NEED FOR GROOMING!

I will pass this on to:
Checkers The Peek A Poo , Checkers just got back from vacation and may have some grooming tips.
EL DIARIO DE LORENZA Lorenza certainly knows about beauty, she will have some great tips, I am sure.
Honeygo Beasley Another dog who knows a lot about beauty
I need a Sugar fix I have to give a shout out to my twin sister Sugar, she is also beautiful.
Martha and Bailey's Blog Martha and Bailey are also beautiful and I am sure will have tips to share.
Corgi Country There has been a lot of recent grooming here, so these beauties should have tips, I hope.

I tried to pick different blogs than my friends who gave me the award picked. I love you all.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pet Pride

All day I waited and waited and finally I got my ice cream! Way to go slow Mom, but late is better than never.

Look I eat it so fast that you can't even take a good picture of me and then...

...right back in for more. Yom, yom, yom.

Hey wait a minute, this bowl is no regular bowl, it is a bowl I can eat. I am going to sneak off to someplace I can eat in private, just in case they try to take it. It might be a trick.

Oh man, this is the life, ice cream and I get to eat the bowl. I will have sweet dreams tonight.

Love Sasha

Friday, July 17, 2009

I got a package from my Corgi friends!!

My friends over at Corgi Country celebrated their 100th post!! Yahoo and congratulations to all of you. They had a contest and BG picked my name out of the papers on the floor. Thanks BG you are the best. Thank you to Dott, OC and BG and of course their Mommy for sending me a nice pressie. I was so excited. Please go and visit them, they have great adventures and help keep us safe from squirrels.

Mommy, Mommy, I got a package. Open it, hurry. Come on I can't wait. Today please!!

Never mind I will do it myself, now how do you get into this paper shell, I smell something good.

Woohooooooooooo! It is my prize for winning the contest over The Corgis. Yahoo, Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
First I will read the book about Dott, oh it is so cute. I love the pictures, these are my blog friends. Its like they are here with me. I am going to sleep with this.
Oh my, someone is taking Dotts brothers to a new home. Dott are you ok?? I can't wait to read on.
Whew I love a happy ending, thank you so much for that great book. Look I also got a new toy and it squeaks!
But wait, this one smells really good. Ummm, hey up there , a little help please. No thumbs, remember.
Thats what I am talking about. Yummy in my tummy. It tastes so good. I am trying to be ladylike but I can't control myself, it is so good. Yom, yom, slurp.

Thanks again to all my Corgi friends, Dott, BG and OC. Paws up and I love you all. Sasha
Corgi Country -Please go and visit.