Hi my pals, today December 15th is my 10th birthday!!!
Do I look older??
Mommy says I still act like a puppy, so I am young at heart
I had a great day, we started the evening with a drive to see pretty lights on houses.
It was a little snowy, but not bad and that made it even prettier.
I also got to have some Arby's in the car which made it all the better.
The fun ended for a little while.
When we got home, horror of horrors, I had to suffer through a molten lava torture session bath.
Mommy says it is in the birthday handbook that you must have a bath on your birthday.
I can't read so I hope she isn't lying like a #$%&## fibbing me.
I got a new toy that I named "Gobbler".
He has a really cool squeaky noise that really seems to get everyone's attention.
I also got eggs and bacon for breakfast and lots of yummy treats.
I think these are pretty self explanatory.
Wasn't my cake beautiful???
It was delicious.
After all of that I was pretty tired and this is how my day ended.
It was a great day.
I have lots of extra cake, so if you want to stop by this week, I would be happy to share.
This is for Puddles and anyone else who has one of those elves.
Loveys Sasha