Hi my Pals, today is a very special day for me. A little more than nine years ago I was a very sad and confused girl. I was born in a puppy mill(grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for puppy mills) and then sold to a pet shop. I was there for a short time and some people took me home. I thought this is ok, I am not in a crate anymore and I have peeps to pet me and give me loveys.
That didn't last long, after a few months one day they put me on my leash and took me for a car ride. I was excited at first, I hoped we were going for ice cream. I was wrong, they took me to a place called "The Humane Society" and just handed me over to them and said, "here we don't want this puppy mill reject, she doesn't listen". Well I must tell you that they didn't try very hard to help me. Some people shouldn't ever have pets.
The Humane Society called a local rescue group and they came and got me and I got to live in a real nice ladies home. She had another pal and some little two leggers and we all got along. She got sick and couldn't keep me anymore so I went to live with another lady, who was good to me also, but by now I was afraid to trust anyone.
That lady put me on my leash one day and we went to the car. I got real scared and thought, "here we go again". When I got out of the car at a building I saw a man and lady and they looked really happy to see me. The lady was crying and smiling and she had a toy and some treats for me. The man looked happy too, we went in a room and they sat on the floor and played with me. The lady smelled so good and she kept saying how pretty I was and that we were going to be good pals. I was confused, but I also had a good feeling. After they talked to some people and gave them some green papers, they put me in their car.

We took a ride and came to a house and the lady said "Sasha, this is where you are going to live forever now, no matter what we will never give you away, you are my girl now and please call me Mommy". It took me a little while to believe her and I must admit I was kind of sassy at first. I even bit my Daddy once and barked a lot. That is all just a memory now. I am the happiest pup in
the world. My family loves me so much and they never give up on me, even
when I am a bit sassy. Their love is unconditional.
That is my story and I only hope that every pal finds a furever home
like mine. Someplace where you can be you, no matter what. Someplace
where car rides are a good thing, like a trip to Dairy Queen or the
park. I still have separation issues, but I am so happy all the time.
Thank you for sharing my special day and I love all my bloggy pals. Enjoy some cookies and warm cider (Puddles is bringing the beer) and lets Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarty!!
In honor of my special day we are going to donate $1.00 for every comment to St. Annes Homeless Shelter for the Pet Area in honor of my sweet and giving pal Goose. I hope this will help some pals find their furever home.
Loveys Sasha