Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Pressie from Jazzi!

Hi my Pals, I am getting so excited for Christmas that I can hardly sleep. The maillady has been bringing lots of packages, they are mostly for Mommy or Sister but yesterday I got a pressie from Jazzi. Jazzi @Jazzi's World   had my name in the gift exchange

I want to thank Jazzi's Mommy for organizing the gift exchange, she did such a great job. Thank you Thank you!

 I was so excited and Mommy said I could open it up right away. Look at the pretty paper, its Snoopy.
I got so many wonderful things in the package.I got a pretty new jacket to wear with a heart and you know of course that my heart belongs to Remington. I got a really pretty mat with my name on it. How cool is that??? I also got treats and a Santa hat to hang by my bed and a new squeaky toy. I love squeaky toys.

What a treasure chest. Thank you so much Jazzi, I love you.
I wanted to show how pretty my house looks all decorated up outside. On the table is a little shih tzu statue that my Sister got for me.
My Sister loves penguins, she is crazy for them so we got a new light up for outside, isn't it cute??

This is Sister's Boyfriends dog Smokey Joe that his family rescued. Smokey is a very happy boy now and loves his family. He is all ready for Christmas, except his tail keeps kind of knocking ornaments off the tree. His family doesn't even get mad, they love Smokey.  I love when pals get rescued into really good furever homes.

Saturday is a very special day, it is my "Gotcha Day". Mommy never found out my real birthday so we celebrate my birthday on the same day. I can't wait, we are having a party and watching Lady and the Tramp which is my favorite movie. 

I am counting the days now.

Loveys Sasha


GOOSE said...

What wonderful gifts from Jazzi! You know what made MOM smile? Smoky's tail waggin'. She said a happy dog in a forever home will always wag.

Millie and Walter said...

Jazzi did a great job shopping for you Sasha. Is Rem coming for the party on Saturday so you will be watching the movie with him? That would be so romantic.


Anonymous said...

That is a brilliant gift from Jazzi :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Jazzi knew just what you would like, those are great gifts. You house looks so pretty. Looks like Smokey Joe is all decked out for Christmas. We like it when doggies and kitties find furever homes.

It sounds like you have great plans for your "Gotcha Day".

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew
Georgia and Adam

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Fantastic presents! Your house looks beautiful..... just be sure those penguins don't take over like the snowmen in Frankie's house.

Settle down with some popcorn and enjoy that movie. We love Jock, of course.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, you certainly got a lot of wonderful pressies!
We love your little trees with the lights on outisde.
Smokey Joe looks brilliant.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Unknown said...

Great present Sasha. Wow we are so looking forward to your Gotcha day. We know it is going to be swell. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Such cool pressies!

Cowspotdog said...

You got some paw some gifts there and it looks like you are ready for a wonderful christmas

Unknown said...

You sure got some super pressies! Have fun with them!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Remington said...

AWESOME gifts! Jazzi is so sweet! I hope we can still go on our sleigh ride on Saturday to celebrate your birthday....I'll call you soon....HUGS!

Matilda the Boxer said...

What grreat gifts! And that Smokey Jo looks like a happy and lucky guy! I can't wait to celebrate your Gotcha Day this weekend.

3 doxies said...

Girl, you racked up in da gifts from Jazzi! Her is so sweet.
I can tells Smokey Joe is loved tremendously, he just looks happy.

I'll be back on Saturday to wish you a happy Gotcha day. You knows I wouldn't miss such a special day...I'll bring da beer too.


My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha you are such an appreciative and sweet puppy. You are deserving of each and every special pressie!
Smokey Joe is a handsome and lucky boy. Have you two met yet?
Hugs and we'll be back on Saturday for your celebration.
madi your BFFF

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH MY DAWGNESS Sasha... you REALLY scored some SPECIAL stuffs from Jazzi. THAT GIRRRRL KNOWS how to SHOP. She even gave you a mat with your NAME on it!!!

I can't wait to see some pictures of you on your COMBO Birfday/GotCha Day. I know it will be a CELEBRATION to end all Celebrations.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

PeeS.... we furgot to say how lovely your home looks... and that Smokey is grrrrreat and.... best of all your sister is into PENGUINS.. THAT is soooooooo much better than what WE are having to endure.

The Army of Four said...

I love seeing your decorations! And what nice presents! The BEST gift is Smokey Joe finding his forever family!

Duke said...

Jazzi sent you wonderful gifts, Sasha!
Your house looks so beautiful for the Christmas season!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Two French Bulldogs said...

Look at all that great stuff! We love that Jazzi
Benny & Lily

Ruby said...

Oh, that is ALOT of swag Sasha!! Jazzi sure has good taste, huh?! YOur such a lucky pups!
Your house looks really cool all lit up!

The Websters said...

So much happiness in one post...presents, Smokey Joe looking mighty fine and YOUR GOTCHA DAY IS COMING UP!!!


Hope you have a fabulous day celebrating.


Scooter said...

I am glad that you liked it all. The mat should be big enough to hold your food and water bowls.
Merry Christmas!!


Declan said...

What great gifts and a very happy Gotcha Day for Saturday! Deccy x

tubby3pug said...

Wow what great prezzies

urban hounds