Hi my pals and how are you?? Well the weather has been pretty cold and we have some snow, so mainly we are all staying in and catching some movies.
I would like to start my movie review column and invite you to comment as well. Personally I don't always like movie time, cause I get ignored a lot. There are exceptions however if there is a doggy in the movie.Here is my first review"Disney's Lady and the Tramp "
My first review is an old favorite:
This is a delightful movie full with doggy barks and cries and even some nasty cat yowls. Tramp is a boy from shall we say the other side of the tracks while Lady is pampered and loved. Now I fell asleep in parts but mainly Tramp wants Lady. Lady finds out that Tramp is a lady's man and had lots of other girlfriends. Now which of us would put up with that?? I would I say cause Tramp is a fine looking doggy, he makes me feel funny and I get all hot and woozy. Well skip to the chase a bunch of stuff happens but in the end, love triumphs and Lady and the Tramp get married and have puppies( I figured they get married right?) Oh that lucky Lady, sleeping next to that every night yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowza. They have some cool friends and everyone is happy in the end(especially Lady).
Here is my rating systemBarks: lots and lots
Whiny cries: pretty many
Oohs and ahs and teary reaction: big time, my Mom actually cries in parts
Dogs in movie: pretty many, more than I can count
Good looking foodables: lots, can you say spaghetti
My overall rating is 5 paws out of 5 paws
I recommend this movie to everyone except cats, especially siamese cats(who don't need to get any ideas).
Happy viewing

Licks and sniffs Sasha
p.s I will have sweet dreams tonight