Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sad news about Grandma and happy news about Dad

My Mommy is away and I am so sad. She just wants you all to know somethings so I am letting her use my blog and waiting for her to come home.

Hi everyone and everypet, this is Anne, my Mom passed away on Monday morning. She was 92 and in poor health. I know she is in a better place and she had a very good and full life. On Sunday evening, my husband, who is on kidney dialysis got a call from the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, where he was on a waiting list. They had not just one but 2 kidneys for him!!! We got the call at 8 p.m. and were in the car by 9. We got to Madison at 4 a.m.(we live in Michigan). The transplant took place at 7:30 a.m. and both kidneys are functioning very well. The doctors are amazed at how well he is doing. I am writing this on Thursday and he might be going home(to Michigan) Saturday or Sunday. I think that is incredible. It is so amazing how life works. The morning my Mom passed away, his new life began. Sashy is home with my daughter and doing fine. I miss them both something awful. We will be home soon. I just wanted to share the happy news.

God bless you all
Anne and Sasha

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Please pray for my Grandma

Hi my pals and good day to you all. It will be very short today as my Mommy's Mom, Grandma Mary is very, very sick. She is 92,( I don't even know what that would be in doggy years) and in the hospital. Mommy said a priest came and gave her a special blessing so she can go to Jesus now. We will be away for a while, but not as long as last time. I love you my pals and The Power of the Paw to all of you.

licks and sniffs and loveys Sasha

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sleepy Saturday with Sasha

Hi my pals and good day to you all. Mommy had a busy week and hasn't been able to make me a post. We are both sorry(especially Mommy). I am having a sleepy lazy day today. You might note on the picture of me how pink my skin is, well it has always been that way, the vetlady says that is just me. Right after a haircut it just looks more pink than ever. That is why I say NO HAIRCUTS, they are evil!
Here are some fun pictures, my Daddy sent us of some dachsies having a race for Barktoberfest. Look how fierce they are!

It makes me think of some of my pals like Twix. Those little legs are flying!
Ok well enough of that, I have some sleep to catch up on. Have a nice weekend and we will do some visiting on your blogs now. Well Mommy will, I am going to sleep.

Loveys, licks and sniffs, Sasha

Thursday, September 30, 2010

I am sending love to Tank and Mercy

Hi my pals and good day to you. We have some friends out in blog world that need some extra love right now. I know they are friends to all of us, and you can never get enough love, I always say. I am going to get into my magic bubble and visit them. Can you send good wishes so I can fit them into the bubble and spread the love.
First here is Tank at Tank's Two Cents http://tankcolnar.blogspot.com/ Poor Tank hurt his leg at a run in during a swim meet and had to have an operation. Tank is tuff and I know he will be better and good as new very soon. Rest Tank and milk it for all you can!

Poor Mercy over at Corgi Country http://countrycorgis.blogspot.com/ got a bad bite from a very sassy spider and has had a nose booboo for 2 weeks now. It is getting better, but poor Mercy has to get her booboo cleaned every day and has junk put on it and I bet she is tired of it. Mercy is beautiful and so loved by her family and I know she will be all better soon.
Ok my pals, I am getting the magic bubble all ready and it can hold lots of love and good wishes.
Get well soon my pals.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I was having a very nice fall Saturday until...

Hi my pals and good day to you. I was having a nice relaxing day, chilling, sleeping, snuggling with my Dad while he watches football and then...Mom pulls out the Halloween stuff. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I hate costumes. The horror of getting it on, the humilation of my friends seeing me like this. Oh dear, here are some past nightmares so you can see what I am talking about.

I don't even know what this is supposed to be, do you?
Ok as you can see, I have a bribe on the floor for the year I was a crossing guard in a rain slicker.

Here is last years humiliation, a princess, I know I am a princess, I don't need a stupid costume to show that.
Look at this years model, I mean who dresses as a reindeer for Halloween I ask you, what is Halloween about that????? Seriously my friends, my Mommy has really gone off her rocker this year. I will do my best to find and hide this, but she put it on a high table. Any suggestions?? Good luck to all of you and I hope you are having a better day than I. I need to sleep now.

Love, licks and sniffs, Sasha

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pedigree and Dogs Rule!

Hi my pals. I am one lucky doggy. I have never been hungry as long as I have lived with my Mommy and Daddy and big Sis. Not one single day and even though Mommy sometimes gets mad at me and says"no treats for you missy" she always gives in. Some doggies and kitties are not so lucky, so I am making a post to try and help a little. If we all helped a little there would be so many less hungry friends out there. Please read this and then help, it only takes a few minutes and so many can be helped if we all work together.

For each blog that posts about the PEDIGREE® Adoption Drive through September 19th, PEDIGREE® will donate a bag of their new Healthy Longevity Food for Dogs to shelters nationwide. It’s simple: Write a post, help a dog.

Thursday, September 16 through Sunday, September 19, the Pedigree BlogPaws bloggers will host a Blog Hop, to help raise awareness for the “Write a post, help a dog” effort. Please share this with everybody. Write your own post and go to Life With Dogs to leave a link to your post so Pedigree can find it and count it. Make a difference for another pup or two. It's easy and it will even make you feel good.


licks and sniffs, Sasha


Hi my pals and good day to you. I feel it is time for me to tell you something I have never shared before.

Ever since I can remember I have known that I am really a big dog trapped in a little dogs body. I have kept this secret and hidden, but since I met my pal Mango I feel it is time for me to RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS. This is my destiny and even though I spend my life in this little body, I know who I really am. The little body does have some advantages, its easier to snuggle with my Mommy and Daddy(when I let them), I can hide easier when its bath time or time to go to the vet lady. Mango, I join you in spirit and together we play bitey face and chase Dexter (even though your poop is probably bigger than me) we are the same you and I.

When I walk outside, the sidewalks break because I AM MANGO!

Even the tiniest ant is intimidated by me, take that you ant I AM MANGO!

Look at this face, this is my MANGO FACE, I will strike fear in all because I AM MANGO!

I give you the full monty with pride, because I AM MANGO

And finally now after all that I must rest, because(well you get it by now) I AM MANGO

My bed isn't purple but it some purple on it. I am also a Momma's girl and believe it or not I can toot with the big dogs. I have been known to clear rooms. Mostly SBD, but those can be the worst. I state my case and I leave the rest up to you . I ask you my pals AM I MANGO? I love Mango and even if I am not, I know inside there is an inner Mango trying to get out.

Have a good weekend my pals

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Thursday, September 16, 2010

RIP my friend Buddy the horse

Run free Buddy as you cross the rainbow bridge, you were loved and will be missed
Mommy and I have been friends with Lily at Blawg,life on, and off,the Farm http://www.lilyrobinson.blogspot.com ever since we started blogging. We love to see pictures of her farm and all the animals and Mommy loves to read her great stories. Lily lost a good friend this week, Buddy the horse and I wanted to have a little tribute to Buddy. Buddy was loved and he will be missed(but look out all those lady horses that have crossed the bridge before him, he is handsome).

licks and sniffs, Sasha and the Mommy

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sasha's Monday Flash from the Past!

Hi my pals and good day to you all. I hope things are going well for all of you out there in blogland. Today I would like to go back just a bit to my last Thanksgiving. As you might know we were not together due to computer issues and Mommy issues(yes you Mommy). I thought I would share my Thanksgiving with you since I remember it so fondly, although it was quite a long time ago or at least it seems that way to me.
Ok first look at the cherry pie my sister made, can you stand it??? She can bake and she is an artist so always decorates pies with edible food color.They make great gifts, but I hate when she gives them away.

On to the good stuff, look at my plate. I even get a Christmas plate of my own! I finished the turkey and am moving on to stuffing and mashed potatoes. Don't worry I saved room for pie.Well my pals, I think this face says it all. Can you see the gravy dripping off my chin(snickers)? What a day, I hope you enjoyed sharing it with me again. I am off to look for something to eat now and take a long nap. I love you my pals
licks and sniffs, Sasha

p.s. Sasha does share in our Thanksgiving feast but shhh don't tell her I do put her regular dog food on the plate as well so her diet doesnt' get too thrown off. Last year she actually ate around the dog food and left it right in the middle, so I am afraid she is on to me. Anne

Saturday, September 11, 2010


"And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me"~Lee Greenwood "How important it is to recognize and celebrate our she-roes and heroes"~Maya Angelou

God bless our country

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Another nightmare haircut. WHY??

Hi my pals and good day to you all. I want to ask you seriously, what is wrong with letting my hair grow out? I like the crazy unkempt look, its me! Look at this picture, did I really need another haircut? I ask you??
Ok Mommy takes me to the vet lady(she is the only one who will do it... snickers)and I have to spend hours and hours and days and days of my life there away from my Mommy. If thats not bad enough, they always stick me in this ridiculous shirt and then go all oooo and aaaaa doesn't she look sweet. Well of course I do but I do need a stupid shirt to prove it.

Don't worry it didn't take me long to get it off, here I am 5 minutes after I finally got home,
and then another minute or two and then I shook and shook that shirt and hid it. Mommy is still looking for it hehe.

I am very stressed so I am going to rest and do a little meditating. Here I am dreaming about getting into my magic bubble and visiting my pal Tweedles. I feel better already.
I hope you all had better days and remember JUST SAY NO TO HAIRCUTS

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

Hi my pals and Happy Labor Day to all of you. I don't really get this holiday, but it is one of my favorites. First my Daddy is home from work(Mommy can't work right now, so she is always home with me), then NO BOOMBOOMS,then my Daddy makes us burgers on the grill and we do...nothing, well maybe go for a walk but thats it. Thats my kind of holiday, if there were presents it would be perfect.

Happy Labor Day to all of you

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Sasha Saturday College Football Report

Welcome to my first 2010 Football Saturday Report!!

Hi my pals, its me Sasha! I hope you are doing good and having a great Saturday. The Weather is perfect here, cool and windy. I am snugging with my Dad and catching up on college football.

Wow the Big Ten has gone kafloooey. We have a new team and I would like to give a great big Wisconsin Big Ten Welcome to Nebraska!!!!! But wait the Big Ten has twelve teams?? I don't get it. I wish when I got treats that my Mommy would say here are 10 treats but really there would be 12, that would be cool. Oh well anyway, the teams are now divided like this: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Penn State and Ohio State( notice I put them last Brutus, snickering) will be one division and Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Nebraska and Northwestern will be the other division. Wow that is crazy, but fun!!!!!

As far as the tailgate party goes, well Mommy is on a special all liquid diet for a while, so Daddy and I are making do with our own snacks. Lots of cheese(duh) and Daddy will make us some burgers later on. I hope you all have a great football and Labor Day weekend. God bless you all and ON WISCONSIN!!!

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Do you remember me????

Hi my old pals, I have been away for quite some time. Mommy has not been herself, but she is getting better so we are back and want to know if you still remember Sassy Sasha. I have missed you all and we are going around to check on all of your blogs. Please forgive us for being away and we love you all very much. Mommy says thanks for all of your kind notes and thoughts and prayers. I have been out in my magic bubble but I can't seem to find any of you. Tweedles, have you seen my bubble come by your house. I think some of the magic is gone, can you help me to get it back??

I have many, many stories to tell you about all the adventures I have had the past few months, but for now I just wanted to say hi and see if you still want to be friends with me. I hope you do, I feel the magic coming back already, oh I am getting excited. Ok I will talk to you soon and God bless you all.

licks and sniffs, Sasha