Hi my buddies, I hope you have been following all the excitement for me since New Years Eve when I got my first kiss at the pawty when the lights went out.
Thanks to Murphy and Stanley, the mystery kisser has been solved!!
It is Tegan, the little sister of Wyatt!!!
Wow she is so pretty, I feel all funny inside and don't know what to do.
Mommy says I am too young to date. I will be one year old on February 27 and then she will see.
I hope Tegan and I can be good friends and then maybe when we are both old enough she might go out with me.
Tegan will you consider going on a date with me when you and I are both old enough???
Wyatt can be our chaperon and maybe he can teach me about girls.
Why does my tummy feel so funny inside???
Thank you Murphy and Stanley, can you teach me about girls???
Ziggy Out!!