Sunday, August 31, 2014

The Aftermath of a Great Day at the Park!

Hi my Pals, there are many things I love to do.

Let me name a few.

I love to snuggle with Mommy or Daddy or Sissy.

I love to eat.

I love to play.

I love to go for walks.

I could go on and on, but one of my very favorite things to do is go to the park with Sissy and Boyfriend.

We had a great day and I have lots of pictures to show you in the next post.

I played, I ran and I rolled in plenty of good stink, which leads me to the aftermath of park day.


Why oh why does such joy have to be followed by such torture???

I am gonna take a nap now and try to only think about all the fun I had at the park. It was a great day even if it ended with the dreaded "bath".

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha

Friday, August 29, 2014


I am joining Murphy and Stanley @ Murphy

It was a beautiful day and Mommy was just coming home from grocery shopping. I couldn't believe my eyes, she was carrying in the biggest wallymelon I have ever seen! 

The best part was, it had SASHA written on it. It was all mine! A whole wallymelon just for me.

Mommy set it on the floor and cut it open. 

She looked at me and said," its all for you my angel"(she calls me her angel).

I was all over that wallymelon.

I can't believe I ate the whole thing!!

I was the happiest pup in the world and then...

I woke up.

It was just a dream and I didn't eat a giant wallymelon, bigger than me.

Mommy did get a wallymelon and I did get to eat some, so it worked out pretty good anyway.

What a great dream.

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Some days all a girl needs is a nap in a nice sunpuddle!

Today is one of those days for me.

Mommy is crazy for pizza, but she is trying to lose weight. 

This is a zucchini with turkey italian sausage with homemade pizza sauce, mushrooms and mozzarella cheese melted on top.

She said it was really yummy.

I didn't get any so I wouldn't know(giving Mommy raspberries)

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha

Monday, August 25, 2014

My Furs Were Robbed Again!!

My pals, this is a before picture and I think you know what that means.

Yes, I had to face the dreaded and horrible "FUR STEALERS"!

Just because I was scratching and my furs were coming out all over the carpet.

Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, what is the bid deal??

I must tell you because Mommy is making me that I do not do well at the Vetlady. 

I think our pal Sarge would understand this. 

Mommy actually has to call at least 2 weeks ahead to make sure they have the proper staff and that they have signed all the papers that say they won't sue Mommy no matter what I do.

Well they don't really sign papers, but Mommy thinks they should.

Sissy picked me up. Do you see how my face is still kind of long??

I put my paw down and said "that is enough of this"!

They couldn't quite finish my face.

I think it is great, cause now I kind of look like Ruby !

I am a Aire-tzu!!

Notice how Mommy didn't vacuum yet(snickers).

I found a place to hide and pout and I am done for today.

Paw out my Pals.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. Mommy vacuumed right after that(snickers).

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Another Pal Crosses the Bridge

Leo @ Grady and Leonardo crossed over the bridge on Friday.

Grady has a beautiful post on their blog.

Leo was so handsome and I know that Remington was there to help his brother cross the bridge.

They are catching up and running free together.

Tonight they are gonna meet Jazzi at the 24 hour Taco Bell up there and all have a pawty.

I am going to celebrate their lives and all the beauty they all brought into the world. 

I am happy for the good memories.

We had tacos today and that made me happy!

Paw out my Pals.

Loveys Sasha

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Run Free Jazzi

Our Sweet Pal Jazzi @ Jazzi  has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.

Run Free Sweet Jazzi and Eat Lots of Tacos!

Her Mommy has a beautiful tribute on her page.

I love this picture I have of her, when I hosted "Boxing Day" for the Olympics.

I am gonna have a taco tomorrow and think about how great it was to know her.

Paw out my pals

Loveys Sasha

Friday, August 22, 2014

Keeping the Homestead Safe

Hi my pals, I am at my post watching out for squirrels and general danger.

It is a tough job, but you know it must be done.

All safe for now.

I will check the perimeters soon.

Keep your digs safe.

Paw out, my pals!

Loveys Sasha

p.s Mommy asks you to excuse the mess, these were taken after Sissy and Boyfriend came back from a trip. They borrowed coolers, etc and just sort of left them there for a while.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Teddy Bear Plant Starring Mini Me

Hi my pals, I am gonna turn my blog over to my Mini Me, Miss S.

We have been working on a gardening project that we are very proud of.

Before I go I want to let you know that everything we learned about growing plants we got from Frankie and Ernie @ Frankie Furter and Ernie .

They are experts and have a bumper crop of milk bone plants every year. 

Hi all and please just call me S. 

I am checking out Frankie and Ernies past posts to learn how to plant things.

Sasha and I don't really care for milk bones, so we are going to use the good information we learned and try to plant "Organic Peach Teddy Bear Cookies".

Chewy usually supplies these, but we thought we would give this a try.

I put these in the ground several weeks ago and first the green leaves came up.

I went to check back every day and look what started to grow!!

Can you see me??

I need to climb up there.

I made it!

Now(he he) a little fertilizing of my own. 

Don't tell Sasha.

Wow, we are gonna have a good crop for our first try.

Can you see that some have already ripened and fallen down.

No worries, I will take care of those on my own.
What Sasha doesn't know won't hurt her(snickers).

I hope you enjoyed that.

 I have been out running errands with my Sissy.

I sure hope there are some teddy bear cookies for me when I get home

Loveys Sasha

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bad Poetry for Oz

Hi my pals, today I am joining with Oz theTerrier for The Second Annual Bad Poetry Contest


I have always wondered what "noogies" are, I have heard of them, but never knew.

Into Boyfriends arms I flew.

He gave me noogies and now I wish I never knew.

Noogies, you made me want to poo.

I hope my poem didn't make you blue.

Loveys Sasha

p.s. We were just having fun and it didn't really hurt or anything.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Art of Eating Wallymelon by Sasha

Hi my pals, I think you know by now that wallymelon is one of my favorite things in the world to eat.

I love it and could eat it everyday.

There is a method that I like to use that I want to share with you.

Mommy loves it as much as I do and we work together so that I eat it both ladylike and also avoid a bath from the drippings when I eat it on my own.

First check it for just the right color and redness.

Give it a sniff, make sure it smells sweet and yummy.

Next take a small bite, just to be sure that it is as tasty as it smells.

Now go in for a big bite, cause it is pretty hard to resist at this point. My defenses are down.

Ok at this point, I have to just go for it. 

Now, I also enjoy just eating it out of the bowl, but as I said this method does lead to less mess and Mommy and I have fun with it. 

I hope you enjoyed this,now please go get some wallymelon and try your own methods and let me know.

Loveys Chef Sasha

Saturday, August 16, 2014

A Day of Rest

Hi my pals, wow, safety week was sooooooooooooooo much fun. I learned a lot, took lots of notes and am going to study them often.

Thank you to Sarge and Sidebite and all the great teachers.

I am pooped today after that great picnic.

I went up in a hot air balloon, played in the bouncy house, played in the sandbox, got a fun balloon, played with water balloons and ate and drank and ate and drank some more.

Today I am gonna rest.


What did Ruby put in those drinks?????

Ruby, you are my special pal and I love working with you(what was in that drink)!

Loveys Chef Sasha

Safety Picnic Day!!!

Welcome one and all to the Safety Week Picnic !
 Ruby and I have so much yummy foodables and beverages ready.

Ruby and I will be your hostesses for the picnic. 

We hope you enjoy everything, relax and have fun.

 What a great event this has been, I have learned so much and I am sure you all have to.

Thanks to Sarge and  Top Cop Sidebite
 for setting this very impawtant week up.
 Thanks also to all the great teachers.
We can never learn too much about being safe.

Now lets PAWTY!!!

This is a more intimate setting with private blankets and baskets full of treats and flowers for the lovers out there.

Grab a corn or try some "ants on a log". Please save all the sticks for Goose, you know how much he loves sticks.

This is "picnic central" Join in and grab some goodies and sit a spell.

Wallymellon of course!!

There will be a seed spitting contest later on, so get ready.

I had a little extra time so I did a carving. I hope you like it, but don't be afraid to eat it. I won't mind at all.

Wallymelon pupcakes for everyone!

Grilled pizza with pupperoni and squirrel toes.

I dare you to eat this whole burger in one sitting(well maybe Sarge can)!

For Mayor Madi and kitty pals, salmon burger deluxe.

Cotton candy covered pupcorn!! "Cottoncorn"

Refreshing safety snow cones.

Grab some treats to take with you.

If you need to cool off, jump on in. 

There is plenty of grass to dry off on.

If you are thirsty, there is a refreshing pool of cool water waiting for you.

 Please do not pee in this pool!!

Another way to cool off is a nice water balloon fight. Who wants to start???

I think I need to warn you that Ruby...ummm...well, might have switched water with margaritas in some of the balloons, so be careful.

Way to go Ernie, grab some and have fun.

No Ernie, not at me, get Frankie!

Look out Frankie...oops.

I have to go.

Ruby, not me!!!! 

Wow that actually tastes good.

Hit me again Rubes!

I hope you are all having a blast, keep eating and take some home with you.

Frankie, it was just a joke.

Loveys Sasha