Hi my buddies, this is a very special and also very difficult week for Mommy, Sissy and Big Brother.
One year ago the Daddy in my dreams went to heaven.
I only know him in my dreams and my favorite dream is the one he came to me to tell that a very special lady was going to come and see me. She would see me and love me instantly and she needed me very much. I could hardly wait and I thought that day would never come and then she was there in front of me. I knew it was her, I had seen her in my dreams.
Thank you Angel Daddy and Angel Sasha for bringing her to me and me to her.
I am a lucky pup, I am so loved.
Angel Daddy loved celebrations!
I know in my heart that they are together and watching us.
Mommy says life goes on but the ones you love are never very far from your heart even when they leave us.
We wish you all love and peace.
Mommy says thank you for all the support she gets from all of you.
We love Blogville!
Ziggy Out!!
p.s. Mommy will be taking a short break for a few days.