Here is my first review"Disney's Lady and the Tramp "

This is a delightful movie full with doggy barks and cries and even some nasty cat yowls. Tramp is a boy from shall we say the other side of the tracks while Lady is pampered and loved. Now I fell asleep in parts but mainly Tramp wants Lady. Lady finds out that Tramp is a lady's man and had lots of other girlfriends. Now which of us would put up with that?? I would I say cause Tramp is a fine looking doggy, he makes me feel funny and I get all hot and woozy. Well skip to the chase a bunch of stuff happens but in the end, love triumphs and Lady and the Tramp get married and have puppies( I figured they get married right?) Oh that lucky Lady, sleeping next to that every night yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowza. They have some cool friends and everyone is happy in the end(especially Lady).

Barks: lots and lots
Whiny cries: pretty many
Oohs and ahs and teary reaction: big time, my Mom actually cries in parts
Dogs in movie: pretty many, more than I can countGood looking foodables: lots, can you say spaghetti
My overall rating is 5 paws out of 5 paws
I recommend this movie to everyone except cats, especially siamese cats(who don't need to get any ideas).
Happy viewing
But Sasha, our favorite song in the movie is "We are Siamese if you please". MOL! We are kidding, we love that movie even if the kitties are mean. We would never do those sorts of things.
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
We didn't see any mention of popcorn, Sasha. The movie would have been 10 times better with popcorn!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Our little bipeds love that movie so we see it on here a lot too. We love movie reviews. You did a great job, Sasha.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
You were askin about a Date.. I happen to know that Remington is lookin... and he is a grrrreat guy. If you don't know him you can link from his comment.
Good Luck!!! See you at the dance girrrrrl. Even if you Don't have a date... there will be PLENTY of Singles Fur Mingles.
Hello Sasha....this is Remington. I would be honored to escort you to the Valentines Dance. I know I am a big guy (I am a football player, by the way) but that will make no difference and your mommy will know you are safe with me....I will protect you! I am polite and have been taught good manners. I look forward to this date. You can call me on my cell anytime -- I may be at the gym but just leave a message and I will return your call.... Your new friend, Remington Steal My Heart
Great review!
I am going to tell my mom to get it so we could watch it again!
Kisses and hugs
sounds like a great plan, movies, treats and snuggles
Benny & Lily
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