My friends, the last 2 days have not been kind to your pal Sasha. Yesterday, Mom puts my leash on and of course I am all excited to go out. Wait, we are getting in the car, I have a bad feeling about this. Next stop the vet. I am nervous as always, not knowing what to expect, before I can even think they stuck something in my butt!! Oh the shame and Mom held me and let them do it. Then they take me into a torture chamber and trim my nails, I am howling and where is Mom? In the other room, thank you very much. Ok, I am back with Mom, but she and the vet are chattering to each other, Mom gives me a kiss and she leaves me there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is where the story gets very dark for me. Brace yourselves please. The vet gets a sample of my pee-pee, you don't even want to know how she did that. After that they put a torture device over my tiny little sweet angelic face and they begin shaving my body. My hair is gone and there is nothing I can do about it. Finally it is done and soon Mom comes to get me. Everyone is oooing and aaaing me, I am too upset to enjoy that part. I go home and I did get some treats, but big deal, compared to the rest. Now I am trying to bury one of my treats for later and I get this thing stuck on my neck. I didn't want to go shopping today. This is too much for one puppy to handle. Mom and big sis got it off and I got a lecture from Mom, she said I could have been hurt with this stupid bag. Whatever! Afterwords, they both laughed at me. What a day! I am exhausted. Now here are the pictures and please don't laugh at me.
Oh the shame of it all, I was trying to hide some treats from my family.
Mom, some help here would be nice.

Here comes my sis, maybe she will help me. Wait, not the camera, oh come on , give me a break.

Here it is , the devil bag that tried to kill me. I won this battle!
licks and sniffs, Sasha

Here comes my sis, maybe she will help me. Wait, not the camera, oh come on , give me a break.

Here it is , the devil bag that tried to kill me. I won this battle!

licks and sniffs, Sasha
A note from Mom: Sasha has a UTI and is on medication. While I was at the vet with her, I asked the vet about grooming since Sasha has bit 2 groomers, it is hard for me to find one. Her wonderful vet said, "If you leave her here for a little bit, I will try to groom her". I was thrilled, since Sashys long hair was making her very hot. She said Sasha was actually pretty good(with muzzle on of course) and she managed to groom her, except when she got to the paws and ears, so those are long. She looks like a cocker spaniel lol. Sashy had a bad day but it was for the best.
Oooch! sounds like torture to me.What a day.You look so cute and now i can see your sweet face.
I really wish I hadn't read this... I'm getting groomed tomorrow:(
Sasha -
Contrary to what you might think, you look quite fetching in the cocker-cut! And isn't it easier to see without all that hair around your eyes? Besides, it'll all grow back in a few weeks... But I really do like you this way :)
Oh dear..Oh dear..I know EXACTLY what you mean! The vet nestitizes me when I gets my haircut.
Sasha, Sorry to hear about your terrible day. Mommy keeps threatening to shave me too! Daddy brushed me last night, but it's hard to tell the difference.
I like your new hair cut.
Both Parker and Sydney feel for you, but really your Mommy knows what is best:)
Sasha you look very adorable. I hope you feel better.
Lindsey and Vickie
I am so sorry Sasha..Bilbo told me you had to get the hair cut off...But don't you feel cool and breezy now???
PeeEss - Bilbo here Sasha...I told Dory this wouldn't help...we need to band together JUST SAY NO TO GROOMING!!!!
Oh how rude. What were they thinking?
You look great all trimmed up..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
BUT YES, if my name was TANK, I would be furry furry afraid!
PeeEssWoo: Woo do look khute!
Sasha princess,
You need to learn to make a brave face even when you are abused. Those pout faces are not very attractive. You don't look so bad all nekked.
My Beautiful Raja used to get the UTI's and momma would collect her pee pee on walkies. Must have been quite a sight.
I hope you start to feel better Sasha!!
Your new do is pretty cute!!! Think of it as a new lease on life!! A lovely make over!!
xo martine
Why you look like a new dog!!! One thats worth a MILLION!
Dispatch sympathizes with you about the bag, if his mama leaves them on the floor he has to inspect every one to find out what she has gotten him (isn't that why she goes to town?) and sometimes he gets caught on one too.
I think you look very cute with your cocker spaniel haircut, @ least you will be cooler?
Dis and TC
Sasha, you look so cute with your new cut. But sorry you had such a bad day at the vets. I don't like the vet either but I know the shots he gives me will keep me healthy.
Bags are fun, I guess cats are better with the wiggle through things.
Purrs and Hugs,
Miss Cindi Lou Who and Judy
She looks so cute shaved! Poor Sasha, I'm sure UTI's are no fun. My Harvey had to go to the vet the other day to for digestive problems...he shares your pain!
Awww Sashy, look at you, you know it's not bad at all, you're still the same Sashy that I know, even if they trim all that coat off, you will be my friend.
Hi Sasha
I love your hair cut. It is quite in and adorable on you!
It must feel soooo good!
I used to get UTI's all the time when I was younger. The dr suggested I get a little yogurt everyday- and guess what? No more UTI's.
I am glad you did not scare the dr too bad while you got beautified.
You look gorgeous to me. And you got lots more hair than me- still!
You poow thing..thewe is no end to the towtoowe we must endoowe to be bootiful, but you weally look faboolous at the end of this owdeal so I hope all the pwaise and fuwthew oohs and aaaahs will help make up fow the howwow
smoochie kisses
so sweet and lovely
You'll still look cute my dear Sasha, I put your page as the inspiring one on my blog. I'll always follow your updates. :)
Much love.
What a torture!
But you are so cute cute cute !
Cool post!!!
Happy weekend dear friend
oh we are sowwy to wead about your terrible day ... we wuv your new hair cut
Mommy gotta learn how to fully groom us herself. She is no good at it. thats why she takes us to the groomer. Most of the time, she stays with us during the whole session
Maltese paws
What an AWFUL day for you, you poor thing! I am so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well, and know that what the V-E-T did will help you feel much better soon... I'll bet you already do by staying cooler!
We think that you are totally adorable. My Mom's sister's Shih-tzu gets that clip pretty regularly. You are a MUCH nicer girl than she is though! SHE is totally witchy! OC
Sasha, you look MAHVELOUS! Sorry you had to endure that ordeal, but you know what they say, we gals have to suffer for our beauty :-)
You sure did look forlorn wearing that shopping bag!
What a funny girl you are.
PeeEss: hope you get over your UTI quick, that's no fun :-(
Your pal,
Poor Sasha, those UTIs are nasty - hope she is better soon. And the haircut is just fine - it will grow back soon if she really doesn't like it. We don't think we would like anyone messing with our furs either.
Woos, the OP Pack
I was feeling so bad for you with that ordeal at the vet and then I saw the bag photos and fell off the chair laughing...dogs can laugh, right? I'm sorry I was laughing at you but you are such a cutie and the look on your face is great! I even had to call Mom over to check it out.
Love and hugs,
Oh, and I love your new 'do!
sorry you feel like you were tortured - but if you are a good girl it isnt as bad
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
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