Mary Engelbreit

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.~Author Unknown

No one is listening until you fart.~ Author Unknown

If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.~David Carradine
My friends, I hope you have enjoyed these random thoughts. I have been resting in my tunnel, just having some "me" time and looking forward to a nice weekend. Mom's back continues to bother her, so she can't play with me very long, but I am attending to her and doing my best to pass the time. God bless you all.
Very nice post Sasha. I especially like the worm/mouse one.
Love the new layout!
-Mollie and Bobo
Your tunnel looks really cool! I'm still working on our twins photo... give me time I'm new to photoshop!
xo sugar
I hope your mom gets better soon!
Oh I love these quotes! Thank you for posting them, Saha! They made my day :) XOXO
Very reflective Sasha ! Lovely pictures of you too!
We trust all is right in your world.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
And an apple a day is seven apples a week!
Ain't it...Sashy?
i love your post shasha, very lovely!!!
i love your background..
Thank you for those thoughts. I will think on them greatly and also send good thoughts to your mom for her hurt back.
Sasha, your tunnel looks like fun and I see you have your hot dog for company.
I hope your mom feels better soon, take good care of her.
Love and purrs,
Judy and Miss Cindi Lou Who
I also like your quotes, and hope your mom's back is feeling better soon.
grest little tidbits of knowledge - they are greatly appreciated - your tunnel looks like fun - woodrow is an advanced tunneller it is his favorite
Woodrow Sweetie MJ
Sasha you are so sweet to share your thoughts with us.Stay near mum and look after her,you look cute in that tunnel.
Furry nice assortment of wisdom!
Hope your mom's bakhk feels better soon!
Super post and background Sasha!
We liked these thoughts, thanks for sharing!
Loved the quotes Sasha, Dispatch says to tell you he will be home soon. Sorry your moms back is acting up, you look so cute in your tunnel.
That tunnel looks awfully cozy. I'm so sowwy youw mom's back is huwting hew. Wif youw help and love , I'm suwe it will get bettew soon.
You awe iwwesistable. Thank you fow those quotes..I had no idea you wewe such a deep thinkew.
smoochie kisses
I hope the back gets better soon!! Great quotes :)
Take good care of your Mom!!!
*kissey face*
Feel better, and love the background. *pets the puppy*
Sasha you are such a good and loving puppy! Tell Mommy that our prayers are with her that her back gets better soon!!
As we say in agility "Go tunnel!!" I love going through tunnels, they are my favorite obstacle! Hope you enjoy yours just as much!!
Lovely post Sasha. Hope your Mom's back is a lot better soon.
Take care
Hugs and kisses to your Mom to feel better. We really enjoyed all your thoughts. You do look quite thoughtful in your tunnel.
woo, the OP Pack
Great quotes, Sasha!
Paws crossed for your mom!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi my cutie Sasha,
This is "your very own tweedles" I love that you sharred the words of wisdom and thoughts to live by! I will try to remember them when the "goin gets rough"
I love your tunnel. How special is that?
I hope your moms back gets better soon my friend. Give "tweed kisses to her"
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