I think I partied too much this weekend!
Please visit Camera Critters Meme and check out lots and lots of critters. Its fun!
Oh my goodness, it was a fun weekend around here. The Badgers and the Packers won and the Tigers are getting closer to being the champs. My Mommy sure knows how to throw a party. I wish you could have all joined me. Now I am exhausted. I can barely lift my head. I ate too much cheese and I think it is weighing me down, I can't get up.
Ohhhhhhh, I think I will try to sleep for a while. Mayhaps I will dream about cheese and my friends and I having a party together. Wouldn't that be nice. On second thought I could use a belly rub. I think I will go find my Daddy. He gives the best belly rubs.
Daddy is a sports nut, fanatic and every other word that there is for his addiction. Needless to say he is happy right now. When the Daddy is happy, everyone is happy. At least around here. I love my Daddy, I just wish he didn't yell at the talking box so much. I don't even like the talking box, cause when it talks no one pays attention to me. Sometimes I hear the doorbell ring or someone knocking at the door and I run to check. I hear everyone laughing and saying, silly pup, its just the talking box. I think it is evil. What do you think? Does your family have a talking box? Please let me know so we can figure it out together. Maybe the Scarlet Puppynickel will come and take it away(giggle).
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hi Sashy, I have missed you so much. Belly rub, we like belly rubs especially with AL's long nails. It makes us sleepy arf arf!
Have a nice day Sashy.
Coffee and Oreo
We wish we could be weighed down by too much cheese too, Sassy! We LOVE cheese!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Sasha, Sasha here!
I also don't like the talking box, the one in my house makes loud noises all the time, and sometimes dogs bark on it and then I get told off when I bark back. I'm only being polite!
I hope the Scarlet Puppynickel comes and steals that, too!
Puppy kisses
You do look kind of worn out from all those foodables.
We watched a lot of sports this weekend too.
Sounds as though a good time was had by all - what fun!
Your Mommy's cherry pie looks scrumptious - no wonder you like it so much.
Hey Sasha.
Yep, we have a talking box too. Guess what..our humans put it on loud when they go out...to 'CALM' us dogs dogs and it works! I guess it calms your dad down too!
Oh No! You can't get rid of the talking box! Maybe your folks could put in an old video of Lassie for you to watch. Have some Talking Box time of your own to enjoy! Just ask them.
Sasha, sometimes a girl just has to party on down! Be careful with all that cheese or you may not just be all pooped out physically but may not be able to poopie☺
You look like one little tired party girl. All that cheese!
And the photo of you on your dad's lap looked like everyone calmed down and was peaceful. Win or lose, those games just won't go away.
Just forget the talking box and keep on being cute little 'ole you!
The tall guy has a big talking box, but it's stuck on the wall so I can't get to it.
I can eat the remote though! :)
Did you get some kwackers to go with your cheese?
That's what's nice about daddy's they can watch the games and give you belly rubs at the same time and never take their eyes off the t.v.!
Luv ya Sasha,
Riley and Star.
nice post thanks
love Naqvee
We are all so happy that the Pack and the Badgers won too...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Sasha
I think that is an evil joke. It happens here too. Lily barks when we hear the door bell coming out of that box too. I think humans get a kick out of watching our reaction. Ugh...humans..can't live without'em
Benny & Lily
Parties are fun... but they sure can make you tired!
You are cute as ever Sasha!!
xo martine
Sasha, I so love cheese too!
lots of woofs
Sadie got on here to read your blog, but when she saw your scary costume, she yelped and ran out!
I know just how you feel Sasha...I always bark at the animals on TV...Bilbo does not like the TV at all! He barks at it whether it is on or off! Bilbo just goes upstairs when Mama and Daddy start yelling at that silly tv boxy!
Hi, Sasha!
Sounds like you had an interesting weekend!
Mine was very sporty too!
Kisses and hugs
So your squirrel was victorious again, huh? The upcoming contest on Oct should be quite the gaim methinks, since our B-boys are putting on quite the show lately! We even got to go and visit them this weekend!! Even if our foodables aren't nearly as good as your mommy can make, it was great to have a party!!
Shut-Out Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
Cheese cheese. Did I hear cheese?
I love all cheese but I do not like that talking box either and all the strange peoples and sounds that live in it!
It makes me barekety barkety barkety
.Lets get rid of them!
Oh, I could eat cheese til it made me sick! My daddy is a sports nut too...ESPN is on at our house a lot. Our Chiefs are not doing good so my daddy is not too happy on Sundays. I'm glad your daddy's teams are winning. Have a great week!
Too much cheese? I don't understand that combination of words ...
Sasha, it's really hard being a party animal. Now it's time to get some rest so you will be ready for the next party.
My humans have one of those talking boxes too. I kind of like it though cause I can lay on mom's lap and get a tummy rub or 'scritching' behind my ears.
Miss Cindi Lou
Awwwww Sasha.... you do look stunning in your costume. I love dressing up, too. I love cheese. I love you. And I admit I used to giggle when Miss Frankie barked at the doorbell on the talking box, too. You are such a pretty girl!
Yummy, cheese! You still look beautiful!
My mom loves her talking box. I don't know why either.
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