Hello my friends, as you may know there have been lots of home changing things going on around here lately. Mom found the info below from the ASPCA and we both thought it would be good to pass it along. I don't normally eat glue myself, but I do sometimes chew on furniture and areas that may have glue, so we felt it was good for my pet friends to be informed. Hope you all have a nice Labor Day weekend and get lots of goodies and no tummy aches.
Pet Poison Alert: Accidental Ingestion of Wood Glue on the Rise
Our country’s new-found thrift has lead many homeowners to save a penny by tackling do-it-yourself home improvement projects. But take care, pet parents—you may be exposing your furry friends to dangerous tools and tricks of the trade. Polyurethane glue, a water-resistant adhesive and favorite of woodworkers, is highly toxic if ingested by cats and dogs.
According to data from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), pet poisonings from wood glues—and other adhesives containing the substance diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)—are on the rise. In the past 12 months, the APCC handled more than 170 cases of pets who ingested expanding glues. Of those incidents, the majority involved dogs and were evaluated at high or medium risk for developing severe, life-threatening problems.
Polyurethane glue—also known by brand names like Gorilla Glue and Elmer’s Pro-Bond—is prized for its ability to bond to wood. If eaten, however, the glue expands in the stomach’s warm, moist environment and forms a softball-sized lump. A dog who eats even a small amount of MDI-based adhesive can experience severe gastrointestinal problems resulting in blockages and requiring emergency surgery to remove the mass.
Pet parents should treat any expanding adhesive as a potential hazard, since the offending chemical MDI is not always listed on product labels. Like all toxic household products, wood glue should be stored in a secure cabinet to prevent your furry beloveds from coming into contact with it. If you suspect your pet has ingested polyurethane glue, please call your vet or the ASPCA’s 24-hour poison hotline at (888) 426-4435. And for more information about keeping your pet domestically sound, check out our handy online guide to creating a poison-safe home.

Our country’s new-found thrift has lead many homeowners to save a penny by tackling do-it-yourself home improvement projects. But take care, pet parents—you may be exposing your furry friends to dangerous tools and tricks of the trade. Polyurethane glue, a water-resistant adhesive and favorite of woodworkers, is highly toxic if ingested by cats and dogs.
According to data from the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC), pet poisonings from wood glues—and other adhesives containing the substance diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)—are on the rise. In the past 12 months, the APCC handled more than 170 cases of pets who ingested expanding glues. Of those incidents, the majority involved dogs and were evaluated at high or medium risk for developing severe, life-threatening problems.
Polyurethane glue—also known by brand names like Gorilla Glue and Elmer’s Pro-Bond—is prized for its ability to bond to wood. If eaten, however, the glue expands in the stomach’s warm, moist environment and forms a softball-sized lump. A dog who eats even a small amount of MDI-based adhesive can experience severe gastrointestinal problems resulting in blockages and requiring emergency surgery to remove the mass.
Pet parents should treat any expanding adhesive as a potential hazard, since the offending chemical MDI is not always listed on product labels. Like all toxic household products, wood glue should be stored in a secure cabinet to prevent your furry beloveds from coming into contact with it. If you suspect your pet has ingested polyurethane glue, please call your vet or the ASPCA’s 24-hour poison hotline at (888) 426-4435. And for more information about keeping your pet domestically sound, check out our handy online guide to creating a poison-safe home.
Oh thank you. I am going to talk to Master about being extra careful with what he lets get on the floor in his workshop.
Furry good tips!
Tank woo fur sharing!
Thank you for posting this! Have no problems now, but who knows what the future could bring.You are just to smart for your own fur!
thanks for the tip... what have you got on dried worms?
Hi Sasha,
That is very good information, thank you for sharing. My mommy says I can't go into the workshop because there's bad stuff in there that might hurt me. I guess some of that glue stuff might be in there huh?
Miss Cindi Lou Who
Thanks for the advice! I sure hope your changes are getting back under controls. We are happy your hoomans got all those nice new toys. Tell them now that they have new stoves and stuff that you expect more homemade baking doggie treats as compensation for all the stress! BOL
Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog! You have many followers..I am very new to all this blogging :)
Great advice too..thanks Sasha!
Hope to see you soon!!
Licks and Tail Wags--
Olive :)
You have lovely shih tzu eyes! They give me the impression you're a nice and calm dog. Are you Sasha?! Much love from your friend in Brazil!
A sweet little dog a great companion for you.
Oh my gosh! wood glue poisoning! Awful!
Good thing my little babies don't chew on furniture!
have a lovely long weekend sasha!
xo martine
Thank you for the great information about eating glue. I will have to watch Sally Ann because she loves to chew. I must tell her not to chew wood.
Thank you for the tip Sasha - we're very tired here but we're trying to catch up and say hi!
Great tips Sasha...and you are looking so pretty today!! Have a great week!
Smiley Growls!
Bilbo (and Dory too!)
Hi Sasha
thank you for sharring that information. I am sure my moms need to know- since I am such a big tease-everything goes into my mouth and then I run! Thanks for the wondering tip!
Hi Sasha
thank you for sharring that information. I am sure my moms need to know- since I am such a big tease-everything goes into my mouth and then I run! Thanks for the wondering tip!
Thanx Sasha,
I'll never wait for my mommy to drop a glue gun stick on the floor again! But please tell me that it's still okay to eat toilet paper, I luv that stuff!
Wrooo wrooo, Sweet Sasha...Thanks for this very important imfo!
Have fun w/e,
Thank you so much fow that impawtant tip.
Thewe awe so many dangews fow us doggies and ouw pawents don't know all of them.
I hope you stay safe and have a wondewful weekend swwe sassy Sasha
smoochie kisses
Hi Sasha
Thanks for that info - we are going to immediately bring this to the attention of our Dad!
He is the DIY member of the household so we will make sure he reads your post.
Have a lovely weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Never gave glue a thought before - who knew? Thanks for sharing the important info!
Oh, Sasha I had to talk my mom into letting me come over to comment - she is worried about me hanging our with a Badgers fan.... But I convinced her it was OK since at least you are not a Michigan fan! Be careful of that mascot of yours - he looks mean! Can't remember if the Bucs play the Badgers this year - have to check the schedule!
Buckeye Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
Lovely tips,
thanks for the information :)
Have a nice sunday
Kareltje =^.^=
This is something I didn't know -- thanks for the tip!
Thanks for letting us know about this hazard, Sasha! Good to know.
And nice eyes :-)
Your pal,
Thanks for telling us. We're not eating that...we have to many other good things to eat like cheese
Benny & Lily
Hi Sasha,
Thanks for the tip. My Aunt Judy heard about that too & send it to all our daachsie fosters.
I love yout watchful eye picture.
We are in the country and it started raining so we had to come inside early. Jake saw a squirrel in a tree and tried to climb the tree. It was funny. Mommy took a video and when we get home she will see if she can load it.
Have a happy labor daqy weekend.
Thanks for the info, Sasha!
Kisses and hugs
That is really good information and my Mom says to thank YOUR Mom for sharing it with all of us!
Hope you are feeling better, Sasha's Mom!!! My Mom is praying for you and your Hubby, too! OC
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