The first opening ceremonies were held during the 1908 Olympic Games in London.
During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the procession of
athletes is always led by the Greek team, followed by all the other
teams in alphabetical order (in the language of the hosting country),
except for the last team which is always the team of the hosting
James B. Connolly (United States), winner of the hop, step, and jump
(the first final event in the 1896 Olympics), was the first Olympic
champion of the modern Olympic Games.
Created by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914, the Olympic flag contains five
interconnected rings on a white background. The five rings symbolize the
five significant continents and are interconnected to symbolize the
friendship to be gained from these international competitions. The
rings, from left to right, are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The
colors were chosen because at least one of them appeared on the flag of
every country in the world. The Olympic flag was first flown during the
1920 Olympic Games.
Women were first allowed to participate in 1900 at the second modern Olympic Games.
Tennis was played at the Olympics until 1924, then reinstituted in 1988.
Motor boating was an official sport at the 1908 Olympics.

Because of World War I and World War II, there were no Olympic Games in 1916, 1940, or 1944.
Have a safe weekend!!
Loveys Sasha
Those are some interesting facts Sasha!! Thanks for the info.
Very interesting facts Sasha, thanks for sharing. I am trying to imagine motor boating as an Olympic sport.
We will be sure to check our Sarge and Frankie's Olympics!
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
Ah! But did they have a Tuneful Farting event? I think not! hehe! Deccy x didn't nose any of dis stuffs before. Now me feels all edu-cat-ed.
Haves a wonder-fur weekend!
Hey that sure is some info I didn't know! Thanks!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
Awesome post Sweet Sasha! Thanks again for the cheese....are you SURE I am suppose to wear that?
What interesting facts. I didn't know about many of them.
Well look at that. I learned something today. Who says you can't teat and old dog something new.
Hot Dawg...I can't believes I knoews some of dat trivia...bouts da flag. Dang, it feels to be smart.
Who wants to play trivial pursuit?
PS: Girl, you needs to become a songer cuz I spitted my beer out all overs da 'puter when I readed your comment.
Great Post Miss Sasha, I didn't know any of those facts. I especially like the rings and their meaning.
So are you entering the olympics? What catagories are you competing in?
Sasha well done on the great info on the Olympics. You are such a smart little cookie
Hugs madi your bfff
I wish my dad was still alive and could read all your facts... he was a serious lover of the Olympics! :)
Great post (and thank you for making me remember those cool Dad memories!)
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby
Oh we can't wait
Benny & Lily
I do kinda feel bad fur the Peeps with THEIR Olympics... beclaws OUR BLOGVILLE OLYMPICS is gonna Blow THEIRS outta the Water!!!
PeeS... Ernie and I just came home from the STORE... and we have OUR Boxing thingy... so we can start trainin fur YOUR Boxing EVENT!!! We are workin on NAMES.. like the CHILLA on the HILLA... and Float like a Stick on the Fly.. and Swing like a Dachshund!!!
Love the guinnea pigs!! I didn't know they could swim so fast!!
Great info Sasha!
Fun Friday facts, Sasha. We liked the part about the rings best.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
What neat facts, Sasha! Thank you for sharing them with us.
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Thanks for all those fun facts. So I suppose you are competing in Frankie's Olympics, right? Maybe in the "I'm too cute how can you stand it?" category.
fabulous bog post sasha! love it, and you too! jesse-
It's a good thing women are allowed to participate. Can you EVEN IMAGINE BEING LEFT OUT???
You must have had an Encyclopedia to learn all those interesting facts!
I did not know all this stuff!
Thank you for letting us all know!
And ginny pigs were swimming?
Cool facts. They need to bring back motor boating. :)
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