Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day

Hi my Palaroonis! I am taking a break from Olympic festivities to celebrate my Daddy. This is Daddy's Day Weekend and I have the best Daddy in the world. We got off to a rocky start, well cause, I kind of bit him pretty bad. For a while he was mad, but it didn't take long and now we are the greatest of pals. He loves me and I love him.

Here we are celebrating his birthday together. I gave him a chew bone and pupperoni, which he shared with me. Isn't that the sweetest thing to do?
Here we are playing a little game. I don't know exactly what he was doing, but I have to humor him and play along. Sometimes you gotta do that with the Peeps. Those kooks can be a handful but we love them anyway.


Here is what we like doing best. We just sit and snuggle and watch a movie or some sports. We nap together, we dream together and we take care of each other.

It was 3 years ago this October that my Daddy had to go to a hospital in Wisconsin where they gave him 2 new kidneys.We live in Michigan so Mommy told me it was a very nervous drive over there. He was sick for a long time before that and had to go to a place every other day so they could fix his blood. Now he doesn't have to do that and his new kidneys are working real good.

 He is my hero for going through all that and never giving up.

 My Daddy is the best!!!!

 Happy Daddy's Day to all the Daddies in blogland

 Loveys Sasha


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Wow Sasha! Your daddy sounds great! He's a lucky guy to have 2 new kidneys!!
I hope he has a great weekend!

Eliza Wynn said...

Sounds like you and your daddy have a great relationship. You're lucky to have each other.

Have fun this weekend!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

This is such a nice tribute to your Daddy! (But why did you bite him?)

Have a great weekend!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is wonderful that your Dad is doing so well. Two kidneys - wow!!! We hope you all have a wonderful Dad's weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is wonderful that your Dad is doing so well. Two kidneys - wow!!! We hope you all have a wonderful Dad's weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Dachshund Nola said...

You're dad sounds like a great man! Happy Father's Day to him

Lorenza said...

Happy Daddy's Day to your Daddy!
Sure he is very special!
I am very happy to know he is doing so well!
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Daddys Day to your dad Sashy!
We are so happy for him

SquirrelQueen said...

That's one special Daddy you have there Sasha. We hope you have a wonderful weekend together.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty krew

Duke said...

Happy Daddy's day to your daddy, Sasha! We are so happy that the two of you are best pals!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Hi Sasha , Happy Daddy Day to your dad and you all have a lovely weekend!
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Daddy Sasha! We can sure tell how much you love him!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Mary Lou said...

Sasha and Anne....
Thanks again for commenting on my Blog!! I truly appreciated it!! ;)
I am glad that your Daddy is healthy now, Sasha!! ;op
Love, Raelyn.... And Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Sweet cakes and give your Dad a great big Dad's Day hug from Madi your BFFF too!! He is for sure a hero!!
We loved seeing pictures of you with your Dad too.
Hugs Madi

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's great news about your daddy. Well, except for you biting him. But we're glad he got new kidneys and he's doing better.

We want to thank you for your kind comment when we lost our Cotton!

Jan & Funny Farmers

Unknown said...

Happy Fathers day to your dad Miss Sasha! Your so lucky and blessed to have Dad like Him.

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

2browndawgs said...

Hope you had a great Father's Day!

ShellePenn said...

Aww that a great way to 'treat' your dad... giving him great treats like that! You sure are generous!

Your dad sure is a lucky man to have you and your mom helping him out (and those new kidneys of his...).

Have a great week... and you are very welcome... your blog is definitely a ray of sunshine to me!

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Sweet William The Scot said...

Oh Sasha we can just tell by the twinkle in your eye how much you love your Daddy. Hope you Daddy had the bestest day ever.
Sweet William The Scot

tubby3pug said...

We are so glad that you had such a great day, your Dad sounds amazing. Our grand dad passed away from kidney cancer in January (he want a candidate for transpant because of his cancer) so we know how tough kidney issues are. We are so glad that your dad looks so healthy and happy!

urban hounds