Monday, June 4, 2012

Pitty Post Day for Corbin

Hi my pals today is a very special day in blogland. It is Corbin's Birthday @Oh, Corbin !!!! Happy Birthday my sweet pal and I hope you get lots of pressies, cake and mostly love. 

When I look at that sweet face, I see Corbin, a fun loving, sometimes goofy and silly doggy pal. I have no reason to think otherwise and I would never think to judge him cause he is a Pit Bull. I think Peeps sometimes look at doggies like Corbin and they don't even want to see that sweet face or try to imagine what a great pal he is, they only see that he is a Pit Bull and nothing else. That breed  has come to mean something very bad to Peeps and they automatically fear and even hate him(sorry Corbin) just cause of the kind of doggy he is. 

There are very bad Peeps that do very bad things to dogs and sometimes those dogs are Pit Bulls. Sometimes they are German Shepherds and sometimes Rotties, but no matter what breed, it is the bad Peeps that make them mean. I don't believe any of us doggies are born with meanness in us, it is forced on us with abuse and bad care and hate. Peeps shouldn't judge us by our outside but by our inside. I wish they would take time to see what is in our hearts, we only want to love and be loved, by we I mean all pets, Shih Tzus, Dachsies, Pit Bulls, Corgies, Pugs, Kitties, all of us. We don't deserve anything less, cause that is what we are willing to give back. 

I am asking all Peeps to take a minute and look at that sweet face and tell me if you see any evil in those eyes. Please give Corbin and all Pit Bulls a chance before you judge them, look at the owners first and see how the dog is treated and then look at the dog, really look and don't hate and don't fear.  Give Corbin and other dogs like him a chance and it will be your best day ever.

Happy Birthday Corbin, I am sending a sky full of magic bubbles to bring you love.

Loveys Sasha


SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, this is the sweetest most heartfelt post I have read in a long time. You are so right, we can't judge by look we have to look in the heart.

Kittes Kisses and Hugs,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
and Mama

3 doxies said...

Sob. whine, whimper...I needs me a snot rag nows. I loves da Corbin!It blows my mind da peeps judge based on breed...and they is missin' out on da best furiends evers. Pits be lovin', loyal, and tons of funsies.

Fabulous post Sasha!


Unknown said...

Awe.....this is so nice! Of course Pitties are wonderful as are all doggies! You are one super frind to do this Sasha!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

Well said Sasha!! Tell Mom to give you an extra bone today. I love your bubbles...per chance are any nip flavored...did you know they had nip bubbles!!
Thank you for the transported hug it arrived and it gave me a warm fuzzy
Hugs from your BFFF

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL PUddles I haven't heard the term 'snot rag' in years.
Hugs Madi

ShellePenn said...

Aww... such a sweet post!! I am agreeing with Puddles... I need a snot rag, too!

Hugs, Shelle, Milo and Dixie

PS our mom wants you to know how much she loves your furs... she thinks you look so soft and wonderful...

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sniff Snifff.. Hey Puddles.. could I use a corner of your snot rag?


Now that's better. Sasha your beautiful post about CORBIN and ALL Pittie BULLS had me all blubbery. It was just beautiful.

I wish we could POP all the Prejudice like one of your beautiful bubbles.

Puddles is Right... We ALL POOP the Same. What is Wrong with Crazy Mean Peeps. They should KNOW this, don't you think?

Millie and Walter said...

Well said Sasha! I love Pitties.


Anonymous said...

Wow Sasha... you said it perfectly.

jessej said...

happy birthday....!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Words said so very well, Sasha.

Happy Birthday to Corbin.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Duke said...

What a wonderful post, Sasha! Happy Birthday to Corbin!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

LP said...

Great post and Corbin truly does have a very sweet face! We did a post too if you have time drop by to see it :)

the critters in The Cottage xo

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, that was so beautifully pawed! We all need snot rags now (BOL). We should all be judged by our character and not our appearance. Some peeps are just rotten and it is their loss. They miss out on some amazing pooches. Great post!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pitty Wanna Be

2browndawgs said...

It is very important to give all doggies a chance.

Remington said...

Awesome post Sweet Sasha!

Oskar said...

Sasha, I'm with all of your other friends, who think this is an amazing post. Very well spoken.

Nubbin wiggles,

Remington said...

I heard you practicing your howl for the full moon -- you sounded AWESOME!

tubby3pug said...

Lovely post you are so right!

urban hounds

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

How very awesome Sasha!! You always know just what to say!!


The Daily Pip said...

A wonderful post! It's the peeps not the doggies that cause all the problems.

Your pal, Pip

Corbin said...

Oh Sasha, you are so wonderful. This is a beautiful post, just like your beautiful face. Thank you so much for the kind words ou said about me and for supporting Pitty Post Day! I can't believe all of the support today, the momma and I are so overwhelmed with joy!

Dachshund Nola said...

That was a great post, Sasha!

kissa-bull said...

most hearwarming
thank you for being our voice

pibble toots
the pittie pack

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I just got back from my ocean and came to read your beautiful words!
Words so true and from your heart!
I agree with all you have said,, its not doggies that are bad at all. It is how they have been treated.
This is a very beautiful post

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Sasha, thank youm so much f your wonderful post. I'm sure the Fearless 5 are looking down from the bridge smiling right now because of all the pitty love in Blogville. Too bad it isn't that way everywhere.

Snif ya later....Weenie

WFT Nobby said...

Lovely, heartfelt post Sasha. You put the case for pit bulls and other demonised breeds so eloquently.
Toodle pip!

Ruby said...

So right Sasha!! You said it so well! Corbin is very lucky to have a friend like you!



km said...

Dogs shouldn't be judged by their fur anymore than people should be judged by the color of their skin. Look at the inside...take time to know a heart. You got it so right. Thanks for posting for Corbin.

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