Saturday, June 9, 2012

I need a new hobby

Hi my pals, I have been giving some serious thought to finding a new hobby. I need something to keep me busy in between play, sleep and eat times

My sweet Remington is a very good example, he has many hobbies and careers.

 My Pal Frankie is a Mayor and Sarge is a cop.

 My sweet pal Tweedles is always teaching me about the flowers and the ocean, so what can I do?

 I really admire Puddles who likes to dead things in her spare time. She not only protects her family, but also provides dinner for them.

 I finally decided to take a try at writing songs. I am working on lyrics first and then I will try music. For my first song I would like to honor my pal Puddles, the protector. This is my first try so please be patient with me. The lyrics go with the tune from The Beverly Hillbillies, sing along if you feel like it
Let me tell all a story about a girl named Puddles, a poor country pup barely kept her belly fed, and then one day  she was hunting for some food when out through the woods came a wondering through, squirrel that is, good meat, tender chew. Well the  first thing you know her  mouth is opened wide, the Mommy said Puddles get away from there, it seems in the house is the place you ought to be, so she harnessed  up the dachs and she took her inside. Sad she was, no meat,no stew, back to kibble.

Enjoy your weekends

Loveys Sasha

p.s. DISCLAIMER , I in no way intended to suggest that Puddles is a hillbilly of any sort. I was just trying to make a deaded song and that tune came to mind. Puddles is not a hillbilly. 


Dachshund Nola said...

Good job, Sasha!
Thank you for adding Charlotte's memorial badge to your blog. You're an amazing friend

Declan said...

That is a very good song about Puddles (with 2 d's) who is not in the slightest way a hillbilly. (that's what my lawyer told me to say...) Deccy x

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You have song writing ability! Yes you do! I think you need to go to Nashville and get that song recorded and cut and all that other stuff.
I had no idea you had this talent.
I think Puddles will be honored.

Scooter said...

Oh sasha, that was so cute. Thanks, Now my mom cant get the song outta her head, BOL


SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Sashy, we didn't know you were such a talented songwriter! That is a great song and we know Puddles is going to love it. When Nashville calls and you need backup singers the Kitty Krew will volunteer.
Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I love your song! I wish I was just as talented!

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sasha The Song Write ~ Well maybe now you could get a contract to write little ditties for shows and commercials and become rich! I could then say I knew you when.
Sweet William The Scot

Unknown said...

BOL! That was great Sasha! But then I always thought Puddles was a little "Rednecky" hehe.
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

BRAVO Sasha BARVO.... ALL of Blogville will be SINGING that SONG constantly!!! Your words are so PERFECT. THE Tune so fangtastic. I see PLATINUM in your future.
Girrrrrl you are gonna make 87 bazillion Green Papers from the ROYALTIES to this.

BRAVO BRAVO... I gotta go lissen AGAIN.

THIS just made my day.
PeeS... Puddles will FAINT... that girrrrl is PROUD TO BE A HILLY BILLIE and a RAMPAGING RED NECK!!
I just wonder if she will give up her Bud Light in favor of TEXAS TEA now.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

PeeS.... I think you have gone WAY beyond the HOBBY stage here girrrl... YOU have a CAREER in Songwriting.. in your future.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Hey SASHA... girrrrrrrl you didn't give your SONG a TITLE/// how about

Ode to ORNERY???

Wow it is ALREADY being Played on ALL the Radio STATIONS.. and I am hearing that that "SERIOUS" Radio thingy has picked it up and is playing it CONSTANTLY...

YOU have a FUTURE in the RECORDING Bidness.

The Websters said...

WOAH! You are a great song writer. We'll see if Ern Dalehart will sing any of your songs!


Oskar said...

Great song, Sasha!

Nubbin wiggles,

Ruby said...

Heehee - good one Sasha! Now Ma says she can't get it out of her head! BOL



Duke said...

You are a brilliant songwriter, Sasha! Puddles is going to love this song!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

My Mind's Eye said...

I think Puddles would be the first to admit she is a true Doxie (redneck) and proud of it. This song is purrfect.
Hugs Madi and Mom
PS if you need a back up singer I'm a Soprano!

3 doxies said...

Bwhahahahahahaha...OMD....hang on just a second.

"Muuuuuuuum, put dat wine back in yours mouff!!!!!"

I'm bake...sotty, my mum just spitted her wine out all overs da place but I kepted my beer in mine cuz I very talented. anyways, girlfuriend dis song was just so darn tender dat it almost maded me cries...it was just beautiful. I am so friggin' honored dat your very furst song would be bouts me and my redneck self. I am overs da moon I tell you! Dang Sasha, I am so glad dat we is furiends you just has no idea how happy I am dat you started dating Rem I metted you!

I am such a Hill Billie Redneck it ain't even funny...hehehehe...okays it is funny!
Can I copy dis?

Puddles...Hill Billie Huntin' Doxie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Since this is SATURDAY and that is the day Puddles Primps her HAIRS.. and AVOIDS takin a baff... I had to EMAIL her and FORCE her to her puter to see and hear this!! I just knew that our most Red Necked of Red Necks Hill Billie PUDDLES would be on this like flies on Road Kill!!!
She is gonna be inSTUFFable after this... I hope you realize that.
AND just you two wait until TOMORROW... YOU will both be in fur a surprise! I'm just sayin.

3 doxies said...

Obviously I has had to many beers cuz I meant...sorry and NOT sotty and all them udder typos I made.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Dat is purrrrrfect {hicup...sorry, it be da weekend}...fur your furst song. Puddles is beaming! Can't waits fur your next release!

GOOSE said...

You call that a hobby? I think you have a very successful career my friend. That was wonderful. I would buy a whole album of your songs, no doubt about it.

Donna said...

Dat is a good song! :)

Agnes B. Bullock said...

When can we get your paw print! We know a fur real celebrity!

As Aventuras de Billy said...

Hey, que carinha de arteira!
e de quem está aprontando muito com esse chinelo!!!
Seu bloguinho é muito lindo!
Todo colorido, e cheio de informações legais!!!
Eu tambem tenho um...http://asaventurasdebilly.blogspot.com.br/
quando puder passa lá!!!
Vou adorar sua visita!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Wild applause. Frankie sent us over. What a great song. We think Puddles will be honoured....but would have preferred to GIT the squirrel.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Berts Blog said...

Love it....love it. You have a great future in lyrics. In my mind I even imagined you singing it and that made it even better.


2browndawgs said...

LOL Silly!

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, this is the bestest, funniest song EVER! Oh, BWAR HAR HAR the tune is perfect and the words are most appropriate. You've definitely tapped a serious talent here! Thanks so much for sharing the joy!
Grr and a Laughing Woof,
Sarge, COP

Pippen said...

That's an awesome song you wrote... but we're gonna have to disagree with you.
Puddles is a hillbilly, through and through!

Sam and Pippen