Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My New Pal Smoky Joe

Hi my Pals! Today I am dedicating my blog to a new friend, his name is Smokey Joe and is a labradoodle. My Sisters, Boyfriends Family rescued him on Daddy's Day. Isn't that cool? They had a  sweet doggy that passed away a few months ago and they were ready for a new one. 

 Smokey Joe was on Petfinder, which is where my family found me. Smokey had been up for adoption for so long that he was soon going back to a shelter. The shelter he was going to was the kind that does that thing we don't like to think about to pets that don't get adopted. Smokey Joe is fine now and he has signs of abuse, some scars and he is bone skinny, but he is a lovey guy and is settling in very well with his new family

I can tell you from personal experience that Boyfriend and his Family are really good and kind pet owners. Smokey is a lucky boy.  He doesn't like other pets so far and is afraid of himself in the mirror and he doesn't like squeaky toys, cause they scare him. He is hungry all the time and will even resort to stealing foodables, but he needs to gain weight so they make sure he is well fed.
Boyfriend was told that poor Smokey was left chained up in a yard all day with very little contact of any kind. I bet he never even had a toy before. He loves to go for walks and he even likes baths(yuck) and he like rawhide chews.

I haven't met him yet cause he needs to get used to his family and so far he barks and growls at other doggies. I know he will be fine and I am proud to introduce him to all of you. Welcome to a furever home full of loveys Smokey Joe. 

On that note Mommy and I are asking you to take time to read this and sign it . I know it is a very sad issue, but if a pet has to go the Rainbow Bridge, they shouldn't have to suffer so much first. If you click on "Take Action Now" it should take you to another page.  Thank you from me and Mommy.

Loveys Sasha

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Dear Michigan Advocates,

Please join the ASPCA in supporting Michigan Senate Bills 423 and 424 to outlaw the use of gas chambers to kill companion animals. The bills are nicknamed “Grant’s Bills” after a friendly dog who died in a Michigan animal control shelter’s gas chamber.

Euthanizing animals by gas chamber is an inhumane, prolonged process that can take up to 45 minutes. Many animals panic during the procedure, and first attempts occasionally are unsuccessful.

If no homes can be found for certain pets housed in Michigan’s animal shelters, they at the very least deserve their final hours to be free from pain and stress. A direct injection of the drug sodium pentobarbital by a trained professional is painless, takes effect within seconds, and is accepted by all national veterinary and humane organizations as the most humane method currently available for ending an animal’s life.

Michigan’s shelter animals should be entitled to the same level of humane, end-of-life care your pet would receive. Please tell your state senator to help pass Grant’s Bills to ban gas chambers statewide and make lethal injection the only legal method of euthanizing animals in shelters.

What You Can Do
Please visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online to email your state senator in Lansing and urge him/her to support and pass Grant’s Bills!

Thank you for your help, Michigan.

Take Action Now »


Declan said...

He looks a lovely boy..and a lucky one too. Deccy x

Unknown said...

Welcome Smokey Joe!
Best wishes Molly

tubby3pug said...

What a cool dog!

urban hounds

HH and The Boys said...

What a wonderful pup.. So glad he's now in a great home.

pawhugs, Max

Unknown said...

What a happy story about Smokey! You sure made us smile this morning!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha what a lucky pup and lucky humans to have found each other.
TLC and time cures everything. I predict he will be a star one day.
We love happy endings.
Hugs Madi and Mom

3 doxies said...

He is a beautiful boy indeed and it totally sucks what he went through to find his furever home. I ain't got no use fur hoomans treatin' animals like dat. Nuttin' should evers has to go through such stuffs. Okays I gets off my soapbox nows.
I am thrilled dat Smokey is now in a good, lovin' home and will has da best of everything.
My sissy hads issues when hers came heres too. Alot of patience and time.


GOOSE said...

Smokey Joe, what a great name and sweet looking boy. Looks like he is well on his way to a wonderful life. Thanks for introducing him to us. I hope I see more of him.

Scooter said...

Hey Smokey Joe!
Wow, I am so glad you found a wonderful pack now! I know you will have a life filled with love, treats, toys, and fun...just what all of us deserve.
Hey Sasha!
Please keep us updated about his life. He'll be a great new Blogville furiend.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

ShellePenn said...

What a great looking guy! :) I am very happy that he has found his furever home now!! :) I agree with Puddles, hoomans who act like that should get all their greenpapers taken away and learn what it means to be put in a very small kennel for life.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Remington said...

I am so happy for Smokey Joe....I am glad he found a loving forever home!

Matilda the Boxer said...

It always makes me so happy when a grreat dog finds a furever home! Hooray for Smoky Joe!

Millie and Walter said...

Smokey Joe looks very happy in his new home. I hope you two can meet some day and become good friends.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

You can furget all the bad and sad stuffs now. You are HERE where you will be LOVED and CARED fur.
What a super duper DAD's Day thingy.
It makes me SHIVER to think how wonderful thingys have turned out fur YOU!!!

The Websters said...

Yahoo for Smokey Joe. He's real nice looking and he has a cool name too.


Corbin said...

What a lucky guy to land such a great forever home! Best wishes to him as he learns the world isn't a scary place!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Smokey Joe is very lucky to have found such a wonderful family to give him what he deserves....a loving home. His story is much the same as my packmate, Benji's, story.

Duke said...

We are so happy for Smokey Joe! He couldn't have found a more wonderful home!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Oakley and Swisher said...

Glad that Smokey found a new home. It's always sad to hear those kinds of stories, but it sounds like he'll make a good pet for Boyfriends family.

Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Sasha, Smokey Joe is such a handsome sweet boy. We just don't understand how humans could ever be cruel to a furry. We can't wait to see you and Smokey Joe together.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruby said...

What a great pup!! So lucky to find a furever home with such great peeps!



The Daily Pip said...

What a lovely story! Happy new home, Smokey Joe!

I will sign your petition now!

Your pal, Pip

Dachshund Nola said...

Beautiful and lucky boy

Lorenza said...

I am sure Smokey Joe will enjoy the life he deserves!
Full of love and attention!
Kisses and hugs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
Thank you for telling us about Smokey Joe! We are so happy that he has a forever home and will be loved.
It will take time for him to realize that he will be taken care of and not hurt. I can't wait to hear all about how he learns to play with toys and meet you!

We also read that news clipping you posted and we agree with you!

2browndawgs said...

Glad he found a good home.

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Mary Lou said...

Awwww, Smokey is so cute!! Plus a Beautifully Unique mutt!! Score!! His story just breaks my heart, especially from a personal standpoint. Breaks. My Heart. Because I have a feeling that my Rose was once owned by negligent people. Now, I give her attention whenever possible!! Which is always!! ;)
Welcome to your "forever loving home", Smokey!! ;op
Raelyn and Rose

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, thank you for introducing us to Smokey Joe. He is a very handsome boy. It sounds like he has had a very bad life but that will all change now. He is so lucky to have been rescued.

Sasha, we will be following the Take Action link before we leave your page. That is just wrong!