Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Boxing Day

Hi my Palarifics! I hope you all had a fun weekend. We had a blast celebrating my Daddy and today I needed to rest. I have my strength back and its time to do some more training for the Olympics. Please don't forget about all the wonderful events and especially the deadlines.

 Today is International Boxing Day. How cool is that?? A special day set aside just for my Olympic event. How many of you can say that??? What Mommy??"Sasha, this day is not  for your boxing event." What? I apologize this is an International event that has nothing to do with my Olympic event, but I can use it to give you some suggestions so that you all can practice your boxing. For more information on International Boxing Day please visit  Zoolatry
The Chronicle of Woos

Here is an example of a small box. I use this one to hide treats around the house, just in case I have been sassy and Mommy says" no treats for you Missy". There is a pupperoni in there for later(giggles). Shhhh.
This box came with some chinese food that my family ordered and boy does it smell good.
Now you can dress it up a bit and make it more comfy with a favorite blanket or knick knack.
Its important to get it all the way in there...pushing pushing...ouch...nose burn.
There, something like this might be good. It makes a statement and yet its very inviting.
For a finishing touch I like to put another favorite blanket over the top and give it a little mystery and also providing privacy, when you have one of those itches, you know where.
Well this is just a small example of boxing for the 2012 Blogland Olympics. Please feel free to interpret this event in your own way. If you happen to be a Boxer Dog, please show me your craft, if you like. Boxing is a very free form event and I want all species to be able to participate from the smallest crab to the biggest horse. Please join in the Olympic Spirit with all the events and don't forget about Boxing.

Loveys Sasha


Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I love your Box Day photos and I AM SOOO excited about your Boxing event in the Olympics!!

I know for SURE I will be a pawticipant in that event!

I have a lot of experience with boxes (as you can see in my Box Day post)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great ideas for the boxing event!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

You hide treats? We just eat them.

Unknown said...

Hi Sasha , your box is looking good and we think you be an excellent host for the boxing in the Blogville Olympics.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

The blankie is a great idea, Sasha. It makes the box even more cushy and cozy!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

3 doxies said...

Wells npws dat I ain't all swollen and sleepy I has to gets to work on my event...if my brain is still workin' properly. Don't worry it is.
Hmmmm....what to do...what to do!
By jingo I believes I has had a breakthrough...nope, it was just a fart that's all.


Keith Andrea said...

Hi Sasha., we're thinking here that maybe you're gonna be a good host for the boxing...lol

Dog Fence
Pet Solutions.com

Anonymous said...

That's some fancy boxing there Sasha! Geez, all I ever to with em is open em, get the goods out, then rip em to shreds BOL! Guess I'll have to refine my techniques a bit eh? ;)

Waggin at ya,

tubby3pug said...

Oh nose work, fun!

My Mind's Eye said...

Morning Sasha...OMD you must have some feline DNAs in you. I had no idea pretty puppies liked boxes too.

I already have my boxing picture selected for your Olympic event.
Hugs from your BFFF

The Daily Pip said...

That does look very comfy! Enjoy!

Your pal, Pip

Unknown said...

A cool little hideaway! I'll have to look for a box around here.
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Dexter said...

You are a regular interior decorator there. That box looks more stylish than my dog cave for sure.


ShellePenn said...

Well gosh. We had no ideas that was how you boxed for boxing day... We have to get training for that event immediately.

Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

K9 Katastrophie said...

Dogness! You have awesome boxes!


Matilda the Boxer said...

What a grreat snuggly spot to hang out!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sasha you are the QUEEN of Boxing fur SURE!!!

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Puddles FARTED

Sniff sniff... YEP she SAID she was eatin Cabbage. Guess she wasn't kiddin.

GOOSE said...

Sasha that is a great way to celebrate Boxing Day. You are very talented. Do you hire out. Looking forward to your event, even more so now.

Declan said...

Blimey, I'll have to find a big box! Deccy x

The Websters said...

You sure know how to decorate. Can you come do some work in my kennel? It's all plain and boring.


Two French Bulldogs said...

You are like an interior designer with all those boxes
Benny & Lily

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

You's done a good job decorating your boxes. Ever tink of being a in-terrier decorator?

Lorenza said...

Sure you know what to do with a box!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sasha, you sure did get very creative with International Box/Boxing Day:) We love your little hideaway, sure looks comfy. Safe a pupperoni or twoor three or four for us, OK?

Thanks for participating in International Box Day.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Berts Blog said...

Oh my Sasha girl, I already have an idea of my Boxing event. Now I just have to get My Vickie to get her camera ready.

love your sweet face

Dachshund Nola said...

Happy box day!

Unknown said...

Happy Box Day Miss Sasha, I love to put my dress and stuff on my little box too.

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi SashY
I am so impressed with you and your boxing boxes.
You really do know how to make things very entertaining, and fun.

2browndawgs said...

Sounds like it is going to be great!

Oakley and Swisher said...

Boxes make good club houses! If you're not scared of them! We're not saying if one or both of us are. Bol.

Lots of licks,
Swisher and Oakley

SquirrelQueen said...

Wow Sasha, you really know how to decorate a box. That looks comfortable and cozy. We kitties like boxes too. Mama says every time she wants a box for something first she has to remove a cat. MOL!

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew