Notice how I am in mid bark in the last one. Cool action photo, don't you think? My Mom says please don't pay attention to the messy floor around me. We had a big leak in our kitchen and everything is a mess right now. We got it fixed and just in time cause we are getting a new kitchen floor this week. I am not happy cause there will be strangers in my house, but my Dad will be off so maybe I will get to go for ice cream or to the park or both. I wonder if I will be able to do zoomies on the new floor?Have a good weekend everyone.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
You are one cute Camera Critter and we really like your action shot, very cool.
Too bad about the leak but a new floor is always good. Zoomie are fun, maybe we can see photos if you do.
Hugs and purrs,
Judy and Miss Cindi Lou Who
More pictures of your cuteness! Mom was working on some of our "talking" pictures today so we can use them in our posts soon.
At least you've had running water to your kitchen! We are in our 6th month of no running water closer than 1 1/2 miles from our house, BUT... see our next blog! (We hope...) Suffice it to say, Mom's planning to do a happy dance soon!
We KNOW about water leaks... in AND out of the house, and are so glad that it didn't take to long to get yours fixed. Mom redid her kitchen floor several years ago, and she says to high five your Mom for her... She is very happy for you all! OC
O Sasha! This big dark eyes of yours would melt any heart! Icecream you ask? But of course!
We just see your cute face in the pictures!
Yes we liked the action shot - mid bark is something else!
Have a great Sunday.
Martha & Bailey xx
Awwwww...sweet Sasha..your photos are wonderful and you look soooooooo cute!!!!!
And we're wordless about you super special mid bark!!!Your action shot is great!!
HAve a wonderful weekend sweet Sasha!!!!
We love youuuuuuuuu!!!
Sweet kisses and licks
I don't approve of strangers in the house, either. It's up to us doggies to make sure that no harm comes to our estates.
Good luck with the leak.
Hey there cute stuff, what are zoomies? I'm wondering if that is what Billy does sometimes. Have a nice day.
oh that little face how I love it
I can almost hear your bark Sasha - be good when the strangers are in your house. I think they'll love you!
Sasha you are so CUTE :)
I am happy for you a new kitchen,
maybe more food ;)
Ice cream and the park, wow Im jealous. Great photos.
Sounds like it's gonna be an exciting week, alright! Your mom is lucky that you don't like to chew on shoes - I can see a few yummy ones nearby - wanna share?
Brutus the Frenchie
Good lukhk with snoopervising this week!
I'm sure your dad will khompensate woo fur your efFURts!
I love your sweet Sasha, and she is so loved, it is wonderful to see her every time I come over here to visit. I also want to say thank you so much for all the wonderful comments you leave on my blog! Thoughtful ones.
Every time our Rama sees your adorable face she says, "Awwwww!"
Great photo's. Don't give those worker men to hard a time. Mom wants a new floor....
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hana says..."We're having plumbing issues and my people locked me in the bathroom during the whole deal. My curiosity just about set my whiskers a twittering"
I always fall down when I try to do zoomies on our kitchen floor. I love it when strangers come. They all pet me and say nice things.
Tell your mom to post a video of you doing the zoomies!
Gotta go... I hear Mom coming.
Thank you for pawticipating in my 200th Post Photo Book! You can now see it over at my blog!! Hopefully now we will get back to our regularly scheduled blogging and commenting!
Sasha - you are absolutely adorable!
Oh Sashy, don't worry about the messy floor, it's the same here, we always scatter pieces of everything around. Hahaha. How is Momma?
Coffee and Oreo
As usual you are very adorable Sasha!! Make sure to snoopervise the floor humans very closely!!
Smiley growls!
Bilbo (and Dory too!)
Hi Sasha
I think you should try the zoonmies- I would if it was me!
And BTW I hate strangers too.
I hope you get some ice cream with your dad, and be sure to tell your mama to do what the doctor say.
hi sasha!
what wonderful photos of you! they made our day!
great pics - wonderful action shot - good luck with the leak repair and your new floor
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
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