Hi everyone, I missed you. Mommy wants me to tell you that she went to the doctor and she has a herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. The vet oops I mean doctor is going to put some special medicine in Mommies back on Monday with a shot(EEWWWWWWWW). She is nervous, but they are trying to not make her have to have an operation. She still has a lot of trouble sitting but we both miss blogging so much. The pictures of me are old ones that are Mommies favorites. We hope to have some new ones tomorrow. A very special thank you to everyone who has been so nice to Mom with your comments and notes. Blogging friends are the best friends ever. We love you and miss you. Now we are off to try to catch up with your blogs.
Thank you all for the love
Sasha and Anne
Hope you are feeling much better soon!
I hope your mommy feels better real soon! Tell her to stay strong.
Sasha, you don't look too happy in those first two pics. I'm just a lab so I can't make those mean faces. Nobody takes me seriously!
PS My mom is glad your mom is getting good medicine.
Merdie's dad has some of those same things so I understand...
Please take good khare of her!
Welcome back and Hope your momma feels better!
Love your tag in the first pic....very pretty. Where did you get it?
-Mollie and Bobo
Feel better ASAP!!
Anne, hope you do well with the shots, I've seen some people that it really helped for a long time. Sorry it hurts to sit, I haven't had that problem since after my first daughter!
Sasha you are taking good care of mommy, keep up the good work.
Dispatch knows what it's like to be responsible for nursing them back to health, the pressure almost got to him.
Hi Sasha
I have been missing you soooo much.
I know you have been very busy taking care of your mom. What a sweet girl you are.
Hey Sasha- a surprise is coming!
It's coming!
Hi, Sasha!
I hope that shot will help your mom to feel better soon!
I still have my paws crossed for her!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Sasha,
Good to see you, we have missed you so much. I know you are taking care of your mom. Help her to relax and not be nervous about the shot, it is so much better than surgery.
Like TC I know some folks who have had the shots and it seems to help them for the long term. Hopefully it will work for you as well. Just take care of yourself and be strong.
Love and hugs,
Judy and Miss Who
Hi Sashy, I have missed you and your Mom so much, tell Mom she's gonna be okay and we're still here to give moral support.
Anne, it's going to be okay, we miss you and we love you.
AL, Coffee and Oreo
Hi Sasha
We are so pleased to hear from you - we have been worried about your mom.
Lets hope the injection helps the pain - sometimes it does the trick!
We dont want to be having any nasty operations!
We loved your pics and can see why your mom likes them - your expressions are priceless!!!
You have such a personality she is beginning to think of you as a little madam - very much like Bailey!!!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Sasha - you look so disgusted in that first picture! Anne - hope the shots help your back! Maybe scary, but hopefully it'll be worth it when you are more comfortable!! We'll keep you in our thoughts :)
Brutus & Michelle
Wooos! Lots of puppy kisses for you and your Mom. I am sure you are taking good care of her. we will keep our paws crossed for a quick recovery!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hi Sasha, please take good care of mommy and I hope mommy will feel better after the shot. I'm crossing my paws for her to get well soon.
Licks, hero.
Hi Sasha don't worry to much we are praying for you mom to get better and that the shots will work.
Anne hope you will be feeling better soon, remember we are all praying and hopping for the best for you.
Oucheee...our Rama has degenerative disc disease too...Hope the shot helps!
Take care
Sending my well-wishes and good thoughts to your mommy.
Anne - you poor soul! I do hope your treatment makes you feel a whole lot better - chin up and all that!
awwwh we two send our wet licks to your mommy to heal and feel better very soon :)
Maltese Paws
Hi Sasha!! Nice to see you. I am very sorry about your Mama...Mama's are VERY important and we need to take special care of them!!
I missed you!
Growly Smiley Kisses,
Bilbo (and Dory too!)
PeeEss from Mom...Hang in there Anne many prayers being sent your way! xoxo Beth
Ooh, I hope the shot fixes her all better!
Awwwwwwwwwww, you're such a cutie!!! Whether they're old photos or not....your mommie chose the right photos of you. Hope she will be alright tho...those "VETS" know what they're doing, I'm sure.
PS....Happy Friday Anne, I do hope you'll feel fine in no time.
our granddad has that too - it is very bad and painful make sure you take extra special care of your momma
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
Dear Sasha, please give your mom our very best wishes for some relief from that shot. And tell her to do everything the doctor says. She really doesn't want to have to have surgery.
Hugs, the OP Pack
hi Sasha, is your mum better today???
TQ for visiting and i hope we can be good friends.........you are sooo beautiful ( i'm just called 'cute, sassy' most times...)
My goodness... You look totally TICKED! Maybe at the Doctor who is going to stick your Mom? Still, if it makes her feel better, it is better than surgery. Tell her MY Mom feels for her as she has had some major problems in times past with her back and it was no fun.
That is why BG, Sadie and I have to help her pick things up. Gosh, I'll bet she wasn't happy to be in pain and then have that nasty water leak you talked about in your next blog. (We are a bit backwards in reading tonight!) Mom is saying a prayer for her! OC
Awww, poor thing :( Hope your all better soon but I know better.... Hope your at least comfy soon
Poor mom! Hope the non-surgical options do the trick!
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