Tuesday, August 25, 2009

WoRdLeSs WeDnEsDaY

More Wordless Wednesday athttp://www.wordlesswednesday.com/These are some of Mom's favorite sleepy pictures of me. SHHHHHH.


Dora said...

It can camouflage well!

Bernie said...

Very cute... We have a Rescue Dog as well... A Greyhound, but he never got to race...

Have a great WW


Cocorue said...

looooove your sleepy pics....sassy girl......

and i thought i was sassy until i met yooooo......


Unknown said...

You are a cutie girl awake and asleep!!!

Ms. ~K said...

Don't you hate it when Mom starts with the flashy beast when you're trying to snooze!!!
Sweet Dreams Sweet Sasha!

koko said...

Hi Sasha,

Those are some sassy pics you got there.

Licks, hero

kat said...

did i wake you up..oops sorry..lol happy WW

Joanne said...

So cute and adorable. He looks like a stuff toy :)

Happy WW!

Al said...

Shhhhhhh....Sashy needs some beauty rest.

coffee and oreo

Duke said...

You are such a cutie, Sasha!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joei said...

Even you are sleeping shasha you are still beautiful!!!

thanks for you and to your mom for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment.
i really appreciate it.

have a nice Wednesday


Anonymous said...

oh she looks so sleepy! sleep well, dear sasha!



Dexter said...

So many comfy spots for you to curl up in.


Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

You are just so darn cute!

Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus

Martha said...

Oh - who woke you up in the bottom picture? No wonder you were annoyed - it is so hard for a girl to get a good sleep with these flashy boxes!!!!
Martha & Bailey xxx

BRUTUS said...

That is one swanky leopard print bed you've got! Looks like a great place to curl up for a nap. Then again, anywhere is a great place to curl up for a nap, no excuses needed :)

Brutus the Frenchie

Unknown said...

no talking.. Oh I'm so sorry to disturb you. I'll quietly leave now.

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

great sleepy pics

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos! So cute! so sleepy! I think I need a nap.......
-Kira The BeaWootiful

JacksDad said...

Sleeping is the most fun next to playing with puppies and the tall guy!

JacksDad said...

Sleeping is the most fun next to playing with puppies and the tall guy!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We would so love to snuggle with you Sasha!!

Dory and Bilbo

Lille Diane said...

Can I have Sasha?

Love, Opie Taylor

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh how sweet.. You are so cute when you are sleeping...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Getting sleepy, very sleepy, very very sleepy - now away with you, flashy beast, and let Sasha sleep.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Joe Stains said...

In that second picture I could barely tell you from the blanket!

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

She is a darling Shih Tzu, they are such sweet little dogs. Yours is quite photogenic. I love the header on your blog.


Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great hiding place. We barely saw you in there.
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Happy Wednesday, Sasha!
Kisses and hugs

SquirrelQueen said...


Asleep or awake you are just the cutest pup ever. Miss Cindi and I missed you but we are back now and will get caught up soon.

Miss Cindi is pouting because she had to stay at the vet's while we were gone. They pamper her like a princess but she still pouts.

Hugs and purrs,
Judy and Miss Who

Checkers & Chess said...

sasha - it's hard to sleep with your mom clicking the camera - tell her to STOP

Cezar and Léia said...

wow a lot of cosy places to take a good nap!
Beautiful pictures
purrs and love

Heidi said...

Those pics make me want to take a nap with you! You look so cute and cozy.

Bijou said...

Great WW pictures Sasha. I hope you had a nice nap!

Wags & wiggles,

Cntryldy said...

Hi Sasha
Skeeter and King are still here our life just got real crazy. We had 6 cats move in. Do you know a Good hiding place. They play all night and won't let us sleep. any tips

Kenia Santos said...

I just loved your pictures. Guess I'll play Wordless Wednesday next week. Great to see you again Sasha!
Take care and kiss mom for me.

ocmist said...

Nothin' better than a good nap! Yaaawwwwnnn... OC (It's almost 2 a.m. and I wish Mom would get off the computer and let us get to bed!)