Standing at attention

More relaxed, chew bone at my side.

Mom has a question for all of you: I want to buy a new camera. We have been relying on my daughters camera phone for a while, but as you know the photos are not as good a quality as they could be. Our other camera died. Do you have any suggestions for a camera brand? I look at your blogs and the photos are so good and clear. I can't afford a huge lot, but I have seen some around $100.00 or just a little more or less is even better. Please let me know what kind of camera you use and what you suggest. Thank you. Anne
Have a paws up kind of weekend my friends and sweet dreams.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Furry furry khute!
Nice paw-work!
I have a Kodak EasyShare C763 - it was about $80 or so - I've been happy with it but want my next one to have better video setting khapabilities (lighting/etc)
I can't decide if the foot-paw-foot-paw is cuter, or the paw-foot-paw-foot. I'll have to try that for company!
Hi, Sasha!
You have an adorable paw position in those pictures!
My mom has an HP Photosmart camera. Not the best but it works for her.
Kisses and hugs
Interesting paw placements... Boy, You sure were furry in that one picture!
Mom wants to get another camera too. Right now, she is using Robert's (Dott's master) camera and it was only $39, and isn't real good. He has been looking online (like Ebay) for one with at least 10X Mega Pixels and more Zoom than the 4x digital zoom this one has. He says there are a few that have run around $80 or so that look good, but she hasn't had that much extra (working on getting running water, remember) so is having to wait awhile. OC
Hi Sasha
Your paw placement is magnificent! You look totally pawesome. Now the question of cameras!
Our mum recently got a new one which was a special present but is a little expensive.
Her little camera which she takes when we go on walks is very good - especially on a nice clear day. This seems to be the difference between cameras!
That is a canon ixus 80 is - this was on a half price offer at the time with Amazon and was around £100 of our money. Mum has had some very good shots with it.
Look for the sales!!
Martha & Bailey xxx
ps the canon also takes all our videos as the fancy SLR does not have video capability!
Lovely pics Sasha. I have a canon ixus 30 which cost me $200ish dollars. They'll probably have come down on price now so you should pick something decent up for around $100. Tell mom try ebay, there's some good stuff on there. licks and sniffs x
Sasha, of course we would love you to have the Award - you certainly add to the good things in our life.
The Awards are difficult - some people love them and some don't. We try to leave it so that we haven't offended anyone or put anyone under pressure to do a tag if they dont want to. Some of our friends have now declared themselves as Award free zones - we think there is a happy middle ground to be found.
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx
I think your haircut shows off your stylish sitting much better.
We have a Canon PowerShot A570, but it was a gift so we don't know how much it cost.
Hi Sasha
You looked like a big cottonball with your fluffy hairdoo. Nice poses. Mom doesn't know too about much cameras to make a good recommendation. Goo luck.
Mine is pretty simple, it's a Sony Cybershot 7.2 megapixels, it's good for the purpose of photographing my dogs, you can see it also has good macro and I like it, but I am planning to get a new one too.
Sasha, you're so cute! Is it something with shih tzu or all the dogs sit for the most amazing pictures?! Kisses from Brazil dear!
happy sunday!
oh how cute! i love all of the photos!
what a great way to start my day!
:) melissa & emmitt
You are so talented.
I have bad luck w/ cameras, so I buy inexpensive ones...I like the Canon Powershot AS 1000.
CUTE as usual!!!! I have a new SOny 10mp......$200.00. Check out WalMart...good prices for cheap cameras!
Hey there purty girl,
Well I'll be dogburned! I think I'm in love!!!
Look'n at your paws, I just can't help think'n: Hot Dog! That girl can dance!
You've probably noticed that I am a very handsome and eliGABLE(as in CLARK)Texan. I have been on the prowel for sometime now look'n for a gal who can dance and has big hair! Who knew that all this time, it was you!
I would just luv to take you boot scoot'n at Billy Bob's. I bet you could do a mean Line dance!
I sure hope you're not already taken, you hot little tamale, you!
Just fyi, I own hundreds of oil wells, cattle ranches and the Dallas Cowdogs! So think about it.
Oh, Sasha! I have always admired your sitting position in your header and seeing it in several other photos is great! I think it makes you unique!
Camera: Mom has a Kodak Easy Share CX7330. She has had it for a few years so I don't know if they still make it. She really likes it and bought it from ebay. I think it was refurbished for a little under $100. Momma always says her "cheap" camera does a great job...it is what she takes her pretty flower pics with too. Hope that helps.
well you've made my day I am so ion love with her sandy
Hi Sasha!!!
I love your paw placement!! Very ladylike!
Tell your Mama to go to Walmart or Target and play with the cameras on the display to see what is comfy for her. My mama just bought an $70 Cool Pix thingy from Walmart for our cousin K.
Hello Sasha, you are always so elegant and charming!
happy camera critters my friend
purrs and love
Such great pictures! Mom just wants to pick you up and give you kisseys! Mom's camera is a Canon Elph SD850, which, I gather was a couple hundred green papers a year or so ago. Her comment is that optical zoom is more important than digital zoom, as the digital zoom makes things look all 'pixilated' - whatever that means.
*kissey face*
hehe, the paw-foot paw-foot set up is lovable!
And by the way I'm back chicamom! It's nice to see your blog is doing so well! - keep up the good work!
Awwww! Love the pics but no suggestions on the camera :) sometimes the best thing to do is go for last years models after they come out with this years model...
Thanks we will be checking out more cool pictures
Benny & Lily
Hi Sasha,
Terrific paw-foot placement! Your hooman is very smart for noticing this habit of yours.
As for our camera... mom has a PENTAX Optio M50 (and it's PINK!). She bought it at Wallyworld for less than $125 as she needed a new camera asap when the old one died.
Wags & wiggles,
You are very very fluffy in that one picture all right! My camera is a Kodak with the big zoom but it was more than you're looking to spend even though I got it on sale at Costco. Buying the discontinued model when the new one comes out is a good way to save money. So is a refurb as long as you make sure to get a warranty with it!
Very lovely post
Sasha you are a sweetie :))
Ooooo, we think that alla' your photos are just so cute! As fur a camera, our momma has a PINK Sony Cyer-shot but before that she had a Kodak E-Z Share and liked that a lot, too!
Come on over today and help us get the word out to the Eagles about Mr. Vick! We has a furry im-paw-tant bloggy post taday!
Paw formation is pawsome. We have a Canon SD880 IS, but Mom is on the hunt for something else too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Your photos are always always adorable, but I'm so glad that you asked the camera question.
I don't need one for my blog for writers, but I sure need something for my animal blog. I feel so inadequate when it comes to photos.
The photos I use are ones that my husband or someone else takes. I need something easy easy easy.
I have found that people who love animals are also really talented when it comes to photography. Any info would be welcome!
The alternating foot-paw pose is a very dignified one, i use it myself quite frequently. You seem to have mastered the position nicely, Sasha!
My mom takes lots of pictures, and say that you can't go wrong with a Sony or Canon point-and-shoot. As long as it has a decent-sized viewing screen, you should be able to get a good basic one for between $100-200. Doesn't need lots of bells and whistles to take photos of your cuteness, just a basic shooting mode and good sized viewing sceen. Hope that helps some :)
Brutus the Frenchie (& his mom)
Sasha - you're a dancer!
(Anne, my camera is a Canon Digital Ixus 980IS but I couldn't tell you how much it was)
greta pics - us bullies sit very funny too - our back legs straight out with our front feet in between them
mommy calls it the dufus sit
goo luck with the camera search
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Fantastic paw placement! Our Mom uses a Canon Powershot SD550. She is partial to Canons and is saving up for a bigger and better one. She loves photography and wants a camera that can show off her skills. But for now, the Powershot is working fine.
Good luck to your Mom on the camera search!
Chihuahua kisses,
Bentley & Lexus
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