Joei-Alvond at My Days and Night gave me this cool award. Please visit her beautiful blog soon. Thanks for the award and for being a pal.

My friend Twix at A Wiener Dog Blog and my friend Dory atDory's Backyard both had this award on their very cool blogs. They said anyone could take it so I did. Thanks my friends. If you are nut lucky enough to know Dory and Twix yet please go an visit them.
I would like to pass my diamond to Paddy at Sally as a get well present. Paddy was very sick but is better now. Next to Walter at http://walterthepug.blogspot.com/ he is a friend of Tweedles and now of mine who needs some extra attention right now. Now on to a new friend I met on Mango's blog Mango's Great Adventures who needs loving, Max at http://danesview.blogspot.com/.

P O W E R of the P A W to all of you, you are gems!
Happy Friday my friends
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Hi Sasha,
Thanx for signing our Guestbook.
Riley and Star.
Congratulations on your awards, Sasha!
We love your eye watch photos!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What beautiful eyes you have..
Congrads on your awards..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I think you are watching mom, huh?
Sasha you do have lovely eyes, you are very deserving of your awards. Are you looking @ your mom in that pictures?
Such a pretty girl...enjoy your awards!
You are such a sweetie Sasha!! Even with that "Vampire Incident". You could so be a very famous Vampire Hunter!!
Have a wonderful night!!!
Sasha, i don't believe we have not met before......so here i am ....
you have such lovely eyes ( now, that's not a pickup line ok...as i'm a teeney slip of a chigirl too)
and you do have lovely eyes girl
chikisses from a new friend
Congrats! Does that 2nd one come with a platinum mount?
I always love to see those beautiful Sasha eyes, you are just so cute.
Congrats on your awards, you are very deserving of all awards. I haven't met some of your friends but I will be sure to check them out.
Hope all is well,
Congratulations on your Awards, Sasha!
Have a good night
Kisses and hugs
Were woo lookin' at me?
Were WOO lookin' at ME?
Hi my sweet Sashy
Oh your eyes are just precious. You look like you could advertise make up- your so beautiful.
Congratualtions on your new awards you deserve them and more!
You have such a big caring heart.
I hope your mommys back is better and your daddy feels good too.
Nitety nite
i love you
hoP i also hAve thAt kinD of doG.
bCaz im a cErtifiEd doG Lover!.
lovE it.
hAha.so tAke care.
mOre recoGnitions to cOme!.
keviN (:
What an awesome blog! So glad I found it. Who do I contact about getting the anti-vick graphic for my blog? thanks
Dear Sashy,
Awww look at you...still lovely!
Congratulations on your awards...how nice!
You deserve it shasy..
Hi Sasha
Congratulations on your Awards and how nice to pass them on so thoughtfully - you are a sweet girl.
We loved your eyewatch pics - you are always so expressive!
Mum says we have seen nothing of Sir Paul or Gordon Ramsay - we will let you know if we ever meet them!
Have a lovely weekend.
Martha & Bailey xxx
Congrats on your awards, Sasha, and we love your beautiful eyes.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Sasha, you are such a beauty! Eyes, ears, nose....all beautiful. Congrats on your awards you definitely deserve them.
congrats on your award
Woodrow - Sweetie - Sherman
Yu deserve tons ov awards!
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