Friday, January 9, 2015

Mayoress Madi's Box Bash

Hi my Pals and what an exciting event this will be!
 Thank you to Sarge for hosting!

  Mayoress Madi's box bash

Madi has worked very hard and has been a wonderful Mayoress and now we need to thank her.

 Grab a cup of red sparkling spring water to start off.

 Take a bottle of bubbles and do your best for her and have fun.

Do you like my bubble??

We can't have a box bash without boxes of my famous possum pizza.

Madi, this is for you, full of fresh tuna, strawberries and salmon muffins.

The Honorable Madi's Meowful Mix

Mayors Murphy and Stanleys Subs and Munchies

Former Mayor Frankie's Fresh Tube Steaks

Madi's Macaroons

Boxed Beautiful Petite Fours

Sarges Surprise Sacks(It could be a bone or a cupcake or ????)

Madi's Madeleines and Milk

Juice Boxes

It is time for me to enjoy the festivities with my handsome date Bilbo. 

He did a very nice job of fixing our box, so I will see you all later and keep eating.

Please be sure to stop by and see Ruby  & Frankie Furter and Ernie.

They have great stuff going on.

Paw Out My Pals.

Loveys Sasha


Two French Bulldogs said...

This place was worth stopping by. We're stuffed
Lily & Edward

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are salivating!

Kinley Westie said...

Tasty foodables!

easyweimaraner said...

I had no clue how much tasty food is boxed, my favorite is pizza, that's the best boxed food and made by a chef with golden paws it will jump directly in my 7 stomachs from the screen :o)
Easy Rider

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey ... what a feast .... I don't know what to try first.

Julie said...

Wow, look at all those luffly foodables. You's one amazing chef Sasha, cheers!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Duke said...

You and Bilbo look absolutely adorable in your box together, Sasha!
Going back for seconds ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Cowspotdog said...

that was a wonderful buffet you put on

My Mind's Eye said...

πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘‼️chef SASHA! Oh my girlfriend you nailed the beautiful boxed delights. I am thrilled w the red sparkling water fountain! So festive. Bravo on the speciality boxed yummies. I love me some tuna!
Oh SASHA the minute maid BIXED. Drinks made mom cackle. Every so often she types to fast which causes her to type, Maid in stead of Madi.
I love the bubbles and I am hearing great reviews in your pizza! Thank you sweet girl you selected the purrfect fun foodables!
Madi yor bfffff

My Mind's Eye said...

As you can see from above mom makes lots of typos on her iPad...she meant BOXED not BIXED
Mol mol MADI your bffffff

Scooter said...

Wow, Chef Sasha, you have totally outdone yourself this time, my furiend! Holy cow the foodables are amazing and you really nailed down the box theme perfectly and Madi will love all of the red too. I'm sampling a little of everything! Thanks so much for helping with the Bash today and you are an amazing Chef Host!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Box Bash Host

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

All the foods are yummy but we just love the possum pizza. You did a great job Chef Sasha. Thanks for feeding us.

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMC OMC OMC OMC the Foodables are

Love the RED Fountain... and your HEART BUBBLE is astonishing...

HOLY JUMPIN TooonaFish... Everythingy is super... the BOX LUNCHES are grrrand

And your SIGNATURE Awesome POSSUM PIZZA is to BEG fur iiiiiiiiiiii

We Do NOT know how you do it... butt you DO and with such Flair and ...GOOD TASTE THANKS SASHA

Marty the Manx said...

Oh Sasha we so excited with these wonderful foodables!!! Oh we don't know where to start!!! You have outdone yourself as always! Thank you!
Marty and the Gang

Braeden and Seth said...

Shasha these foodables are relish! You always do such a great job keeping us fed, and the food presentation is superb! That possum pizza was yummy, now we're off to try the tube steaks and macaroons.

Braeden, Seth and Riley

Little Miss Titch said...

Oh I am glad there was a bit salad for me too,pawsome spread,xx Speedy

My Mind's Eye said...

SASHA OMDS who knew tuna is delish spread on top of possum pizza!
MOL MOL I got the hiccups from the sparkling water.
hugs madi your bfff

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh man...what terrific noms Miss Sasha!! You have outdone yourself!!!
Dory, Jakey and Arty

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What I want to know is how can one be so very talented AND so very beautiful at the same time!!

Soft growlies!

pilch92 said...

Thank you for the feast!

The Army of Four said...

Oh, everything looks so GOOD!!!

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, I'm back for seconds...well, okay...thirds! BOL Um, the crabby girls are thrilled with your tuna and salmon muffins. They're pinching off tons of that. I'd like a tube steak and some cookies next. Thanks again!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Box Bash Host

Millie and Walter said...

We love the way so many of the foodables are in Madi's favorite color of red. As always a great spread Sasha!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Some of the best noms and drinks we have had EVER Sasha! Thanks fur adding to all the fun with Princess Madi
Timmy Tomcat and Furmaly

Poodle At Play said...

Everything looks so delicious, Sasha! How do you do it, always?!

Anonymous said...

Well. I just about had to pull my handcuiffs and use them on Ruby to keep her away from the Possum Pizza till others got some......anywho, another super duper Eats and drinks....we had way to much, but couldn't stop.....to good.

Thanks Much
Da Sus and Top Cop Bites

The Daily Pip said...

We will have one of everything! Bawhahahahahahaha!!

Ruby and Angel Pip

Murphy said...

Excellent job Sasha. Now, what was going on with you and Bilbo in that box??

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh my gosh, we hope we are not too late for some possum pizza. We had to take little Mabel home and put her to bed. Everything looks yummy!!
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

Ruby said...

OMD!!!!!! I stopped by earlier, butts I didn't comment!!! Bad, bad Ruby!!!!
I got all mesmerized by all your BEAUTIFUL foodables, that I just lost my mind!!!! (okay, okay, it doesn't take much...) Butts, since I've been on this Prednisone, my appetite has been off the charts!!!! Ma thinks I'm gonna start eating the couch next!
pfffft! The recliner looks MUCH more tasty....
Thanks so much gurl for makin' all this most FABulous food!!! I'm sorry I ate all the possom pizza...it was just too DELISH!!!!
Come on by again for another round of drinkies!!!! I just made a fresh batch of margaritas!!!!
Ruby ♥

The Florida Furkids said...

Fantastic foodables! You did a great job. We're enjoying the possum pizza and are going to have some of Madi's Madeleines and a glass of milk for dessert.

The Florida Furkids

WFT Nobby said...

Sasha the foodables were fantastic. Super duper job. Yum, those macaroons….
Toodle pip!