"Dear Animal Advocates, Introduced by Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, H.R. 3501—known as the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (“HAPPY”) Act—is a federal bill that would reward responsible pet parents by allowing them to keep more money in their pockets come tax time. We all want to give our animal companions the best care we possibly can, but it seems that pet care costs are always on the rise—and these days, it’s harder than ever to stretch the family budget. That’s why the ASPCA supports H.R. 3501, which would amend U.S. tax code to allow qualifying pet care expenses, including veterinary care, to be tax-deductible. This means that when you prepare your income taxes, money you spent on pet care that year would count as non-taxable income—and you can deduct up to $3,500 per year! Please help us support the HAPPY Act, H.R. 3501.
What You Can Do Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online to send an email to your U.S. representative and urge him or her to support and cosponsor the HAPPY Act, H.R. 3501. Thank you for supporting this bill and being part of our team!
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Sasha, you have some really good information here. I hope this passes, it will help insure that pets get proper medical care. It definitely help families with the expenses.
You are such a smart girl.
Hugs and purrs,
Judy and Miss Cindi
WOW! That would make a Relentlessly Huge difference around here since I think if I even walk past the V-E-T office it costs a gazillion dollars.
Hey there Cutie-Pie!
Wish we had something like that here?...oh dear!
Lots of licks
Wooos! It would be nice as Mom whines about my medicine costing more than $100 per month!and that does not include extras, like vet visits or blood work ups. I think I would like to skip those, but Mom makes me. Let us hope they listen to us!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
We will certainly support this bill, we will probably pass over that cap this year, but Dad would be very happy if he could add this deduction to our forms.
Woos, the OP Pack
Thanks Sasha, for letting us know about this. You are very informed, I'd say! And always, a sweetie!
Thanks Sasha, you smart little dog!
I think vet bills should be tax-deductible. This would be wonderful! Will share about this on my Friday post "Things I Learned This Week" at www.zemeks.blogspot.com with a link back here.
I'm telling Mom to do that Right Now! 'Cause, well, like Mango, when TaiChi drives by the vet's office, it costs about $200. (And don't even ASK how much it costs every time she always goes in the place!)
*kissey face*
Thank you for that little bit of information. We are headed there now to sign the letter.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo and Bobo
Hi Sasha,
That sounds such good news for your pawrents. Hope there would be something like that where we are. We are quite a big family and that would help mommy a lot.
Good luck and hope that pushes through for you there. =)
- Princess and Fudgie
Thanks for the great info!
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Very interesting my sweetie
Kareltje =^.^=
Thank you for letting us know about the legislation. Every penny helps!
Wow! Mom could get the maximum deduction every year! I know the stupid cats count, but do the horses and goats count too? They are Mom's pets... not part of the family, like me! Mom has to pay extra for the farm calls. (That's like the human doctors' house calls.) I guess the horses and goats don't like to ride in the car.
Mom would have commented too, but her eyes are old and she can't hardly read the letters on the dark background. She said it's pretty, though.
Mom said to let your mom know she already sent her letter.
It's about time we get rekhognised fur what we are!
What fantastic information! Thanks so much, little lady *wink*
wow Sasha
That is wondewful advice! Thank you and youw pawents..I'll tell mine to suppowt it. It would help lots of us.
Thank you also fow youw good wishes fow my biwfday
smoochie kisses
What a news flash you had for us. We will certainly support this bill...thank you so much!
Thanks so much Sasha (and Mom) for bringing this to our attention!!!
Dory and the Mama
Hi, Sasha!
That is great. Too bad those things don't happen here!
Kisses and hugs
Tell your mom thank you for sharing this info!!!
xo martine
This is some legislation that would come in handy for us!
Thanks for all information!
Have a great weekend dear friends
purrs and love
Woowowooowoooo Sasha!!!!
What a great info you had for your Us friends!!!!
Hope all will go well!!!!
Good luck!!!!
Have a great day!!!
Tons of love and kisses
I don't know WHAT state you are in, but here in California, they are thinking about doing the exact OPPOSITE! Our governor wants to put an EXTRA tax on all vet care!
I like YOUR guy's bill a LOT better! OC
Thank you for sharring this important news break with us Sasha.
We think it is a wonderful idea!
Great info Sasha! You always give us the bestest info on the net. I am off to send an email. Mom says too bad she wasn't able to do that over the past couple years cause I've been costing her "an arm and a leg". Whatever!
PS: stop by when you have time....its ladies night!
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