Here are the rules(grrrrrr rules)
1. Acknowledge the person who gave you an award.
2. Copy the logo and Place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Note 7 things about your self that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Blogger.
6. Post link to the 7 bloggers you nominated.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blog you nominated, letting 'em know they have been nominated.
Here are 7 things that you might think are interesting
1. I don't like going in my crate, when my family goes away.
2. I love pupperoni snacks, they are my favorite
3. My Mom is my favorite( she made me say that, but it is true)
4. I love to go for walks and be outside
5. I hate water, except to drink. There is no other good purpose to water, it is evil.
6. I am very difficult to groom, I tend to bite my groomers(well don't you?)
7. I love my family, this is the best home ever
My 7 bloggers
It is too hard to choose from all of my friends, I love you all. Mom had big sis just go and pick 7 randomly. I don't want to make any of my friends think I don't love them, because I love you all!
I love that you write this from the dog's voice. Hilarious! Thanks for coming by to see me.
Sashy. . . you arrrr really bagging awards lately, huh. I wish we could get awards without any conditions... wouldn't that be cool?
Congratulations Sasha!!!! You're such a good doggie, you deserve this award!!
Hi Sasha
Congratulations on your very pretty Award. We were a bit alarmed that you might bite your groomer - you know Bailey ended up in rescue for the same reason!
Try to be nice - even though you dont like it - you look so adorable afterwards.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
I gave you one back on the 7th...Stop by to pick it up.
Congrats on the Award.
You deserve it, I truly enjoy reading your blog. Muahhhh!
Congrats on your award,
you deserved it :)
We enjoy reading your blog,
big hug to Sasha
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)
Hehe! I like peperoni too!
Tank Woo My Furiend!
Khongrats on your pawesome award and fur sharing those items about woo!
We share a few things in khommon...my 'groomer' knows I have a limited amount of time I'll tolerate her stealing my floof! I broke her of the khrate thing eventually!
I do love water! Rain is great to sit in!
Keep up the good work!
Are you crazy? Water is the greatest thing EVER! When Mom gets out the garden hose, I flip out! (She usually ends up yelling at me.) Once Dad took me with him fishing and then acted surprised when I jumped in! Go figure...
Congrats on your award pretty girl. I'd better get off here before Mom catches me on her computer!
Congrats on the award! You deserve it Sasha :)
You go girl!!!! Congrats!
Hi Sasha! Thank you, Thank you for the award. My Mommy says she will help me put it up later tonight.
You are such a great friend!!
Thankful Smileys!
Dory and her Mom Beth
what a wonderful award - congrats
Woodrow Sweetie & MJ
Sasha, congratulations on your award. Cute little girls like you deserve lots of awards.
Miss Cindi Lou Who says that you are so right about water, it is good to drink but otherwise it is EVIL.
Hugs & Purrs,
Judy & Miss Cindi
Congratulations on your award!
Sasha, I think my pup would just fall in love with you! I also rescued Rupert the he-thinks-he's-royalty-now maltese and since then he has made my life more meaningful and fun. Congrats on all these awards, Sasha!!!
What lovely awards you got. Congrads..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
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