Mommy is having a bad day, she found out she might have a bad "dish "in her back. She has to go for more tests, but her back hurts bad and she can't sit by the puter much. If we don't keep up with all of you please understand. I don't know how she even got a "dish" in her back, did she eat one and it went to her back. I don't get it, but I will take care of her. She is going for an MPU or MRU or something like that this week, she already had a X-raymond. Love all of my friends, Sasha
P.S. She got some kind of pills she takes and when she takes them, she just gets a silly look on her face and sometimes falls asleep. I can get away with anything, giggle, giggle. So far I have been very good, but yesterday I got up on a table and found a new toy, she had been saving for me. Woohoo I scored, I rock!! I promise I will be good now(paws crossed).
Awww...that is a silly face. Poor thing.
Awww Sashy...you're still beautiful. Did you have that lovely coat brushed?
Tell your Mom, AL and I will always keep in touch, hope she'll feel better soon. We gonna miss her.
Eesh. A dish in her back? It sounds awful! Give your Mom lots of lovings so she'll feel better faster!
*kissey face*
-Fiona, the Shamelessly Self-Promoting Birthday Girl
Hope your mom feels better soon!
-Mollie Jo
That can be very, very painful... why don't you offer her an extra treat tonight - that will make it better!
Khute pikhs little pal!
Please take good khare of your mom and her dishie thing!
Sasha, you are the best camera critter! I hope your Mom finds out what is going on and gets it fixed soon. Next time, get on the table when there is food up there...its way better than toys!
Love and hugs,
Aw Sassy, give Mommy some licks on her face or her back and just maybe she will feel better soon. Now you be good and play nicely with your new toy like the dear pup I know you are. Love to both of you!
Having a bad dish in your back sounds painful!
Paws crossed for your Mom!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi Sasha,
You make the cutest Camera Critter ever (well, I'm cute too) you are very pretty.
I hope you mom gets better very soon. You help take care of her and try not to get into trouble. That would be purrfect.
Purrs and hugs,
Miss Cindi and Judy
I wish my mom had some of those pills. I wait until she isn't looking and try to sneak off, but she always catches me before I can get something to eat. If she had some of those, I could fill my tummy!
I hope your mommy gets better real soon!
Love Sadie
sasha is so cute, i wish i also have a shih tzu. pls visit my blog too, charmedwishes18.blogspot.com
Hi Sasha
We loved your pictures - you are just too darned cute!
We are sorry to hear about your mom - having a bad dish can be really painful!
Sounds like she has strong tablets if she has a funny face and falls asleep.
Tell her not to worry about getting round the blogs - just rest and get better.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Poor Mom. My mom took some happy pills when she had the back problem. Made her very dopey.
I hope you not getting into too much mischief since your mama has a bad dish.
We hope she gets better.
My one mama has one of those too.
OOOO NO!!! Not more back problems! If you read back a few weeks on my blog you can see all the trouble my Mom has had with HER BACK! She only be a 26 years old so its not supposed to have bad back frisbee's... We hope your Mommy gets better SUPER fast, It is NO FUN!!
wow - how did she get that dish in there - that sounds like something Woodrow would do
hope your mommy feels better
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Oh my!!!! I certainly hope there was something good on that plate....like tuna.
Tell your Mom to get well soon...
Love, Opie
Sasha...please relay this message to your Mommy. Read it to her over, and over again if she has the "goofy" smile on her sweet face... I hope you can get better SOON!!! I'll check back to see how you are. I hope they keep giving you the good pills. I have you tucked in my prayers.
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