I am participating in my first Aloha Friday!! I don't really get it yet but I like the sound of it. Many of my new dog friends like the beach so maybe I would too. I don't like water though so it might be a problem. Can I go on a beach without getting wet? Can anyone tell me?
Thanks and Aloha
p.s. Mom said to tell you that the batteries are getting low on her camera and she is going shopping now, but we hope the pictures aren't too dark and also I wasn't in a very cooperative mood for pictures. She made me tell you that last part.
Mom says he better be careful or he will be the main course. I don't know what that means, but it doesn't sound good.

You sure can but it'll be tempting!
haha!! Adorable pictures!!
Don't go in the water --LOL
Love the pictures.
Sasha, Miss Cindi Lou Who said to be careful and stay away from the water. Water is very bad, cats don't like water either!
You look so cute in the bandana, good colors for Sasha.
Hugs & Purrs,
Judy & Miss Cindi
Stay away from the water Sasha...Water=Bad!!!
But Aloha Fridays without water = good. Daddy says so 'cause he listens to "It's Aloha Friday"
on the radio by Mike somebody...
Love porker!! Love Squeaky Toys!!!!!
What an adorable doggie! And thanks so much for visiting my blog. :)
As a SoCal native I can say yes you can. You can do whatever you want whether that be just stick your toes in or just sit on the beach and relax. :)
Adorable post!
purrs and love
Luna(from Brazil)
Hope you got your hula skirt ready!!! Aloha, Sasha.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Sasha, Mistaya asked me to tell you that she loves the water and wishes you did too! Your pictures are very pretty! Mistaya and M.O.M.
Sashy you always look beautiful even the cameras running out of charge, even without cameras you will be the apple of my eyes. Winks at Sashy!
The pikhs were fine!
Mom says she has an earworm now!
Something about Hawaii 5-O!
Tank woo fur sharing the khute shots!
Hi Sasha
Just get your toes wet and that is all!
The pics are great, and I love your little toy that we do not want to be the main course!
You are adorable as always, have fun at the luau!
Hi Sasha,
Little doggies need to be careful in the water. Big doggies sometimes like to dive under there for oyster shells.
Come by and see Jackeddy and Mikeddy at http://turnleftatthepigs.blogspot.com
They love their baths and will have a pool next year in their yard.
Water is the greatest!
You'll be fine if you stay up on the sand!
hi sasha you can still enjoy the beach even if you don't go to water just stay on the shore and have fun..
Welcome to Aloha Friday! Great pics.. probably just stay out of the water.. lol..
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