Saturday, September 18, 2010


Hi my pals and good day to you. I feel it is time for me to tell you something I have never shared before.

Ever since I can remember I have known that I am really a big dog trapped in a little dogs body. I have kept this secret and hidden, but since I met my pal Mango I feel it is time for me to RUN WITH THE BIG DOGS. This is my destiny and even though I spend my life in this little body, I know who I really am. The little body does have some advantages, its easier to snuggle with my Mommy and Daddy(when I let them), I can hide easier when its bath time or time to go to the vet lady. Mango, I join you in spirit and together we play bitey face and chase Dexter (even though your poop is probably bigger than me) we are the same you and I.

When I walk outside, the sidewalks break because I AM MANGO!

Even the tiniest ant is intimidated by me, take that you ant I AM MANGO!

Look at this face, this is my MANGO FACE, I will strike fear in all because I AM MANGO!

I give you the full monty with pride, because I AM MANGO

And finally now after all that I must rest, because(well you get it by now) I AM MANGO

My bed isn't purple but it some purple on it. I am also a Momma's girl and believe it or not I can toot with the big dogs. I have been known to clear rooms. Mostly SBD, but those can be the worst. I state my case and I leave the rest up to you . I ask you my pals AM I MANGO? I love Mango and even if I am not, I know inside there is an inner Mango trying to get out.

Have a good weekend my pals

licks and sniffs, Sasha


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh sasha,YOU are Mango...BOL
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

you sure are very Mango like!


Oskar said...

We would have never guessed that such a big Mango doggies, was in your pretty little person!

Nubbin wiggles,

Dexter said...

It's like looking in a mirror!


JacksDad said...

Well I thought I was on Mango's blog there for a minute!!

Duke said...

You and Mango could definitely be twinsies, Sasha!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOW....we think you just might be Mango...except in a girl form of course!!!

You look just like him in that one picture!!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So good of you to let that inner Mango shine through, Sasha - great entry. We think you will do very well. Mango will be honored by your likeness.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tweedles -- that's me said...

There is no doubt that you are a Mango.. Look how brave you are! Look at thise big cracks in the sidewalk....
I see it in your eyes,,,, I can see it when you walk,,,,, such confidence,,,, you are a Mango for sure!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I bet he changes his name to Sasha now!


rottrover said...

you go, big girl!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Dear sweet Sasha, you are a giant doggy in our eyes. Look how that sidewalk cracks up when you pass by! Only a Mango sized dog would have the courage to face down that viscous ant.

No matter what size you are Sasha, we love you.

Purrs & Hugs,
Cindi Lou

AFSS said...

We we thinks you did a superb job letting your inner Mango out.

ocmist said...

I am just SO GLAD that you won that Mango contest according to Mango! You truly won your case as far as we are concerned! The CCC