Camera Critters
Please visit Camera Critters Meme to see oodles of fun pictures of all kinds of animals doing all kinds of stuff.
Hi my pals. I am feeling better today. I was pretty sick for a couple of days. The Vet Lady said it was a reaction to the shots and also the infection in my system. Well if the shots were gonna make me sick, why did she give em to me?? I don't know about that shot thing anymore. I am better and back to my old sassy self. Here I am feeling down still. Pay no attention to the back round. I am in a room that is being fixed up and changed and all that.
I am trying to gather enough strength to play with my favorite squeaky hot dog.
After that I went back to sleep. For the rest of this post I am going to show you a nice walky I took with my Big Sis before the dreaded haircut and "shots". The first one is a picture of the house where the meanest dog alive lives. Her name is Bridget. I would have Big Sis take a picture of her, but I am afraid the camera would explode with her ugliness and melt and dissolve.
I hope you will soon become perfectly healthy as before dear Sasha! You are a lovely dog! Take care!
Hi, Sasha!
I am so happy to know you are feeling much better!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
So happy to hear Sasha is feeling better. Great photos.
One furiend getting better -
Now fur the rest of them out there -
Hooray! I'm so glad you're feeling better. I couldn't stand the thought of you being sick.
Schnauzer love,
So happy you are feeling Sasha! And you look so pretty!
Hi Sweet Sasha,
We are so glad you are feeling better and able to take nice long walkies.
You had us a little worried there.
Riley and Star.
Sasha what a good girl going for a walk and coming home to take care of mom
Benny & Lily
You do look a bit perkier there, Sasha. So glad to hear you are feeling better and we hope you are just fine tomorrow.
Woos, the OP Pack
Glad you are on the mend!! I hope by tomorrow are back to 100%
Awww Sashy, we too feel different when given shots. And I wonder why we feel sick whenever we're given immunizations...shouldn't we feel good after that?
Coffee and Oreo
Are you sure it wasn't the haircut itself that made you sick, Sasha BOL?? Poor girl, I know how worked up you get over these things. You do look so neat and tidy now, even your ears are defluffed! I see at least they left you some furs on your tail for some dignity :)
Glad to hear you are on the mend. Cheer up ol' pal - we love ya no matter what your furs look like!
Brutus the Frenchie
We're so glad you're feeling better SAsha. Those shots can be rough sometimes. Make sure you rest and get plenty of fluids ant TLC! You'll be as good as new soon....from the looks of your adorable photos, you're getting close!
Hi Sasha
I am so relieved you are better.
But you must continue to rest so you get stronger. What a nice sunny day for a walk.
I am glad you are still interested in Good girl treats
hello sassy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am glad to heer that yoo ar feeling sassy agin!!! owr vet heer sumtimes sez we shud skip this or that vaksine for tucker and trouble if she thinks they dont need them i wish more vets wood do that like all of them with all vaksines ha ha ok bye
I am the same way with my Mommy, and I don't like being away from her any time at all. I'm glad you are feeling better.
Sally Ann
Please get more better every day!!!
Sasha, we are so glad you are feeling better cause we get worried when our friends are sick. Take good care of yourself and your mom. Enjoy your good girl treats.
Hugs & Kitty Kisses,
Judy and Miss Cindi Lou
Oh Sweet Sasha,
We have missed being able to check on you...
We do hope you will feel all better very soon...
Licks and sniffs!
Glad you are feeling better, Sasha. To bad the shot did that to you. Sometimes that happens to humans as well.
Not to worry Sweet Sasha,
Mommy has been staying with my human sister Ashley after she had her surgery, to take care of Ashley and her family.
Mommy comes home on the weekends and does a quick post if we're lucky and not too many comments. So we're sure that's kind of confusing,
We hope to post D.W.T.S. again next weekend if mommy's not too tired.
We luv you and miss you lots!
Riley and Star.
Pee.S. We'll try our best to get rid of Donnie real soon if we can but he's pretty darn good!
Luv ya,
Riley and Star.
You are just a sensitive gal, huh. Glad you are feeling all better and getting your good girl cookies on schedule.
Awwww, poor baby. Ginger gets sick from one of the shots and we dont give it to her. Bordetella I think. Since shes not boarded its not an issue...
Glad you feel better! You need to snuggle under a blanket, keep warm and take it easy! (oh, and milk it for all it's worth for lots of treats and toys!)
Hi Sasha, we are soooo very happy to see you looking better.
It is no fun being poorly.
Take care
Martha & Bailey xxx
We are so glad you are feeling better.. Did Mom miss you while you were out on your walk?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sasha so glad to hear that you are feeling better!
We are so happy to hear you are feeling better - and despite everything you are still thinking of your Mom - what a sweet girl you are! I miss Mom all the time and hate being away from her too!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
We are glad to hear that you are feeling better, and sorry to hear that you really did have reason to feel down. We were confused that you had grown your hair back so quickly, but then figured out that you probably were either dreaming about a nice walkie, or posting pics from an earlier time.
We are doing catch up reading here... OC
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