Hi my pals, its me Sashy guarding my toys from the thieves that are coming to take our candy. This is an older photo of me, so I haven't yet given in on the flashy beast protest. Mommy and I agreed to using an older photo for now. I think I almost have her broken down to my demands.
We are all lucky pets that have found forever homes. There are lots and lots of other pets out there(I can't stand to think about it) that don't have homes and may be in danger. Mommy came across this article and thought it was important, so we are posting it. It is hard to think that these horrible things are being done, but we need to know, so we can try to put an end to it.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

"Dear Animal Advocates,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Dear Animal Advocates,
The federal Pet Safety and Protection Act would prohibit Class B Dealers and unlicensed individuals from selling dogs and cats to research laboratories. Class B Dealers are people who collect dogs and cats to sell to the research industry. They sometimes obtain their animals through illegal or unethical means, such as by responding to “free to good home” ads in newspapers, falsifying records to keep the true origins of the animals unknown and stealing pets kept outside in yards. They also buy animals in bulk from “bunchers,” whose methods are even more questionable. Eliminating Class B Dealers will also take away the profit motive of bunchers, providing a much-needed safety net to ensure beloved pets are not stolen or acquired under false pretenses and sold to facilities that test on animals.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What You Can DoVisit the ASPCA Advocacy Center Online to email your U.S. senators and representative urging them to support and cosponsor the Pet Safety and Protection Act. You may use the same link to read about this legislation in greater depth. Thank you for supporting the ASPCA and America’s animals. "
Thanks for reading it my pals, please have your humans do the right thing.
Next I saw on Ernie and Sasha's blogThe Clampets , that there is a tongue contest and I thought it would be fun to enter. Anna the GSD is having a fun contest. It's the last week to enter her Spectacular Tongue-tactular contest! Just post about this contest on your blog, with a tongue photo of your pleasing, and message http://annathegsd.blogspot.com/2009/10/remember-my-contest.html?showComment=1256606598890#c7156933461633143729 back so they know you're entered! Hurry, deadline is Oct. 30!!!! Hope we did this right. I copied this right off their blog and it takes you right to Anna and the contest. I call this picture "Crazy tongue".

Sasha & Sasha's Mom, thanks for the info. It is good to point out things like that and we learn more too. Good luck in the contest. Sasha you do have a sweet tongue.
Ernie & Sasha
Hi, Sasha!
Your post is very interesting!
I hope we can do something!
The Tongue Contest sounds pawesome!
Kisses and hugs
Sasha,Thanks for sharing this with us,sad that humans treat animals this way.Well,we shall protect our pet friends!Tongue contest???Your looking good.
I do hope they shut those creeps down. And that's a crazy tongue all right!
That is a VERY cute tongue - but then it's attached to a very cute puppy!
Sasha, you will be happy to know that both Mesa and Baily are rescues so that is two less dogs looking for homes :)
Ha! Sashy it really is a crazy tongue!
Coffee and Oreo
That is really good information, thank you for the link. Miss Cindi Lou was a rescue too.
Yep, that is one crazy tongue and you have a very cute tongue. Good luck in the contest.
Hugs & Purrs,
judy and miss cindi
Hi Sasha,
Love your new blog layout for halloween. I wonder if mine would look as cool as that. Good luck in your boycott against the flashy beast.
Licks and Sniffs x
Thank you for that most important news alert.
I think your tongue photo is kind of scary.
Wooos Sasha! Great informational post. Mom has done some work before to stop that abuse of us critters, good time for a reminder for her to get back to work.
Great tongue by the way.....
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Great tongue pic, Sasha!!! Can I come play in the tunnel with you?!?!
lotsa licks,
One, that is an awesome toy hiding place!! I need a tube!
Two, awesome tongue pic!!! Good luck! :p
Hi Sasha, that was a very informative post which we are going to make our mum read again.
Hopefully everyone together can make a difference.
Good luck in the competition - we loved your tongue pic and we know how hard it is to remember about the strike action.
In fact Martha forgets within minutes!!!!
Bailey xxxx
Sasha, Thank-you for the link!!!! That is very inportantfor for us animals lovers to shout to the world, Stop That Awful Animals Form of Abuse. You are right Sasha,
we do not want to think about it, it is so awful!!! But we must work to stop it!!!!
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Sasha
LOve Bambi Happy and their Mom
Hi Sasha,
Cute tongue photo - you look happy there. We finally got our tongue post up too.
Great article, thanks for sharing.
Woos, the OP Pack
Tank woo fur the PSA!
How khool woo have entered Anna's khontest!
She's khwite the fun GSD!
Good lukhk!
So horrible. I wish I could rescue more animals! At least we can help stop these evil doers.
I usually keep my tongue private, but Mom caught it with her camera this past weekend and posted it on her blog!
I'm glad those toy thieves don't stop here! I keep busy enough protecting my bone from the kitty! I know she wants it...
Thanks for pointing out that pet bill Sasha.
The tongue picture is darling, but what were you thinking @ that particular moment?
That is a solid entry for the tongue contest Sasha, you have a shot! :)
That is a VERY fun photo Sasha, GOOD LUCK!!
We love your tongue picture..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Thanks for the info about the tongue-tacular contest.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Thanks for sharing those words. And we will also hide the candy and watch our stuffies so those thieves don't get them
Benny & Lily
Hi Sasha! We've just come in from playing in the deep deep snow, and we wanted to stop by and say "Thanks for visiting our blog" and "It's VERY nice to meet you!" We love our friends, and it makes us happy that we've met you!
Have a happy week and weekend!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Hi Sasha, I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. Mom has been "busy" or so she says. I always try to comment on all your posts cause I luv ya so much but I'm so behind right now I can't comment on them all. Rest assured, I have read them all. Have you gotten all your toys hidden? I sure hope so. Did your Mom make that jack-o=lantern? I like it. Thanks for that info today. I will be checking it out. I hope you win the tongue contest!
I have been wondering how your daddy is? Give him some extra kisses from me....and you can give some to your mom too! I've missed you so much. I have got to have a talk with Mom about her extracurricular activities.
Thank you for letting us read that terrible story!
I'm off to vote for you for the best tongue contest!!
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