Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tomorrow is my big Sissy's birthday!!

I love my big Sis soooooooooo much. I want to give her a special post for her birthday, so she knows how much I love her. We do so many things together. She takes me to the park. When we are tired we snuggle together( well ok in this one I wasn't so tired but you get the idea)
She lets me drive to Dairy Queen and buys me special puppy cones just for me. Just so you know, I am not actually driving and this was posed. Katy would never let me ride like this while she is driving. She loves me too much.

She takes me for a walk every single day, no matter how tired she is. We get to visit my neighborhood friends. I am looking out for squirrels here.

Here I am watching out the window for her to come home from worky job. Every morning I watch her leave and I try to give her sad face so she comes right back, it never works, she says she needs to earn green papers to get me toys and treats. I can live with that I guess.
Here I am with my big Sis. Happy Birthday Sissy, I hope you like my pressie, I left it in your shoe for a surprise(giggle).
Since it is her birthday I am letting her do Norwoods Eyewatch Friday. Please visit Norwood for more Friday eyes Norwood Unleashed.
licks and sniffs, Sasha


Scout and Freyja said...

Sweetheart, as special as you are it would be impossible for you not to have a lovely day for your sis. Just being loved by you, sometimes is enough. Cuddles and kisses go a long, long way.

Lillian Robinson said...

My mom and I both with your big sis a very happy birthday! Did you get her a chew toy?


SquirrelQueen said...

Hi Sasha,

Wish your Sissy a big Happy Birthday from us. Just looking at the photos of the two of you together we can see the love you share. It also looks like you have a lot of fun together.

Purrs & Hugs,
Miss Cindi

Al said...

Aww you looked so sweet in that photo Sashy. Well I wishing all the best for your Sis, I know she loves you so much Sashy.

Coffee and Oreo

Duke said...

Happy birthday to your sissy, Sasha! The two of you look so sweet together in your pictures!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

eileeninmd said...

Happy Birthday to your Sis! Cute story Sasha.

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

What a sweet post for your sis Sasha!!!!!
We Wish her HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and all the best things in her life!!!!
You and her look soooooooooooo cute together....
What a great story....
You're a wonderful family and your sis is a very very very good sis taking care of you such in a wonderful way!!!!
Sure she loves you a lot!!!!!!
But Sasha....we're sooooooooooooo curious....you haven't tolsd us how is your gift for her!!!!!
Pleaseeeeeeee...let us know!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day with your sis!!!!
We love you too a lot!!!!!!
Tons of love and kisses

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Happy Birthday to your sissie.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Aww, so sweet how much you love your big sis! I'm surprised you like ice cream cones!

Historical sites with charmine said...

Sasha,you are so lucky!What a fine big sis you have.A happy birthday wish for her from India....and you be good to her Sasha.

Unknown said...

Oh Sasha, what a beautiful post, just for your big sis! You are one of the bestist dogs I know! Tell he Happy Birthday from me too, and you all have a wonderful weekend! Some finger scratching on your head sweetie!

Anya said...

Happy Birthday for your Sis sasha
I didn't now you could drive a car
Kareltje =^.^=

Dexter said...

SHe sure takes good care of you what with those walkies and snuggles and car rides.

You are a lucky pup.


Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Happy birthday to your big Sissy! I love the driving photo, even if it was staged! You are a lucky girl to have such a loving big Sissy!

*kissey face*

Clive said...

Sasha, wishing your Sis a very happy birthday. We're sure you had a great day together.

lots of woofs

Piappies World said...

Hi Sasha,

We all put our paws up in air to greet your sister Happy Birthday!!! Weeeee

You look so sweet with each other. Celebrate & enjoy your special day tomorrow.

-Fudgie, Princess, Scrappy, Bullet, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar

Martha said...

Hi Sasha
We hope your sister has the very best birthday ever!
That was a great eyewatch pic of the two of you - two pretty girls together.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Birthday to your big sissy!

I'm glad she takes such good khare of woo AND that woo reward her with lots of Sasha Sassyness!

Her eye is furry bewWOOtiful too!

PeeEssWoo: Mom says my Unkhle Steve in China's birthday is Saturday - he'll be 47 which is still younger than my mom!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sasha, you are such a sweetie. Happy Birthday to your big Sis.

Woos, the OP Pack

Sierra Rose said...

Happy Birthday to Sis!!!!!
Ps. Sasha...sometimes my mom ends up with me trying to drive the car too! Her window is so much better than mine....and I like to try to sit on her lap!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


I hope she has a wonderful birthday. I am sure you will be right there with her the whole day!!


TC said...

Hey this is Dispatch, have you tried the actual tears in your eye or the paw raised in the air when your sis leaves? Sometime it helps me.
Anyway I hope she has a very happy day, you got her a bone and put it in her shoe didn't you? And then when she finds it she should share with you, right?

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Happy Birthday to a Wonderful Sis that gives you everything you could ever want...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Oskar said...

Sasha, I made your blog October's Schnauzer Spotlight!

Come & see.

And happy, happy, birthday to your sissie!

Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday to your Sis, she sounds super wonderful!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Now that is a good sister. Lots of licks for her
Your friends,
Benny & Lily

BRUTUS said...

You are so lucky to have such a nice big sister! All the more people to love on you!! We see she has on her Wisconsin shirt in that picture where you are helping here drive!! Hope that you and she have an extra special walk at the park tomorrow for her birthday!! Did you make her a cake, or did your momma make something yummy for her?? Hope she'll share some with you!!

Brutus the Frenchie
Pee ess- Hope your badgers don't have to work too hard this weekend - they better save their energy for when they come to the Shoe!!!

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday big Sissy!
I hope you have a pawesome day!
I want to know what you gave to her, Sasha!
Kisses and hugs

Jan Mader said...

Happy Birthday to your Sissy! I think you made her day extra special just by being cute little you!

By the way, I LOVE the sentences you left on Ignite to Write. I want to read more and more. I do believe you have a novel or two in the workds.....

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sis!

Diana Chiew said...

We came over from Oskar's to say "hello". Looks like you are having a birthday here...happy birthday to your sis!!

Bruce said...

Happy Birthday Sis & Happy Eyewatch Friday too! Oskar sent me over today so it's nice to meet you Sasha! I've got an eyewatch friday posted today too!
your new cat pal,

We love Luna said...

Happy Birthday sweet Sasha, it's a very special date and you need to enjoy it! I loved your post today, it's full of nice beautiful pictures and you are always very charming!
purrs and love

Heidi said...

Happy Birthday! I love your spooky page design.

HOPE said...

Oh you are sooo cute! and Happy Birthday to your Sissy!!!

Did you say Dairy Queen has doggie cones!!! oooh...I love ice cream and we have a DQ right down the road~

Gotta tell my mom/person!

Paws UP!
GUS the Schnauzer!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday Sissy. I love her t-shirt. Sasha and that upclose sissy.. is that how she looks at you all the time? I hope you had a great celebration

Eric said...

Hey that was cool Sasha. What did you get for your Sissy and put in her shoe? A Spider? A froggie? Or foot spray? HHHHaaa... remeber you said it first! happy Birthday to your sissy- she is one lucky legged to have a sissy as cute as you!

Wiry wags n kisses Eric xxxxx

Frodo said...

Sashaaaaa! My lovely friend! I'm back and had to come and see you because I missed you so much!!! I really wish I could take you to the lake! It was awesome and you would love it!!!

I love your new banner picture, you are so beautiful! In all your pictures actually. It's great to see you again.

Your sister is equally beautiful. I'd like to lick her happy birthday, please, do it for me.

Much love for you and your family!

Brad said...

Happy birthday Sissy !

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sasha's Sis!!!!