Sasha is upset with me today. I am trying to work with her on daily grooming once again. She does not like to be brushed. I have tried many different kinds of brushes and combs and she doesn't approve of any of them. I was working with holding a treat in one hand and the brush in the other to show her that good girl gets a treat if she lets me brush her. No luck, she kept attacking the brush and then coming over to the treat hand as if to say "ok hand it over I made the bad brush go away". I am going to keep trying. I have tried to brush her when she is laying by me and seems calm but nothing works. It is hard having a shih tzu with that beautiful hair and she won't let me brush it. If I don't it gets matted and makes a harder job for the groomer. I do love my sassy pup and I am going to keep trying.
I used to have a cockapoo like that no fun at all we tried for 15years.the brush all ways lost
From the look on her face in that photo she really hates that brush. But she's still cute.
That's a tough one, have you talked to the groomer for ideas?
HI SASHA!!! Thanks for visiting our blog! Our uncle Webster is a shiih tzu like youuuu! We can't wait to keep reading!
Have you tried associating the brushing routine with something pleasant that she really likes. For instance playing ball with her or whatever is her favorite activity. Do it right before the brushing and she may associate the two together and begin to look forward to the brush.
Good Luck. She is so sweet -she needs to be pretty too.
Now,that's a problem if you can't brush sasha.Maybe a salon for pets nearby can help.SASHA IS ADORABLE.
I dont like shih-tzus but now i do
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