Tuesday, December 16, 2014

An Update by Sasha

Hi my pals, I had a crazy kind of a day. Mommy got pretty scared. Thank you all for POTP, which is like a miracle and works!!

My Story

by Sasha

Today, I woke up very early and Sissy took me out like always, except today after p-mails, we got in the car. She tricked me and took me to the Vetlady. I was mad, I will tell you! They poked me and took almost all of my blood and then they started torturing me by stealing all my furs and beautiful nails that I have been growing.

I showed them, right in the middle of it all, I pretended to faint(giggles). Dog oh dog, that stopped them in their tracks. The stealing stopped and they were all like "Sasha, Sasha, wake up(I had to try not to giggle). Finally they put this mask on me that had special air in it and then I thought, I better cut this out before they do something worse. I opened my eyes and they were all so happy that they hugged me.

I had them wrapped around my paw, just like I planned. The rest of the time they were real gentle and all like"Sasha are you ok?? Does this feel good now? Should we stop??" Score a big one for Sasha. The Vetlady called Mommy and then Mommy got real scared and cried and then I felt real bad. 

After that I let them finish most of me, but not my head. I like my head the way it is. They agreed and then Mommy came and got me. I have bread in my ears again and have to have drops and a new medicine for my heart. I am fine now.

Thank you all for all of your love and POTP and for comforting Mommy. I didn't mean to scare her, she doesn't need anymore scary stuff right now. I love you all and Chef Sasha is just fine!!

That is my story and I am sticking to it!

The End

This is an older picture, but I am thinking of wearing this to Dory's pawty. 
Do you think Bilbo will like it??

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha

p.s. A big thank you from Mommy


Kinley Westie said...

I think Bilbo will luv it!

Hope you're feelin ok now.

KB said...

Well, Sasha, I am so very happy that you are feeling better. Please don't scare your mom like that right now (or ever). You're a sweetie.

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Sasha ..... we haven't met before. I'm Charlie from downunder in Australia. I saw you were crook on Murphy and Stanleys POTP page and I just popped over to see how you were going but I see you've got it all under control, aye?? You really gave your Momma a scare, aye?? You look amazing in that dress. I'm sure Bilbo will love it.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We are so happy. We would have been sad if you weren't well for Christmas. We are so glad you feel like going to the pawty. We're sure Bilbo will flip when he sees you.

WFT Nobby said...

Sasha, we only just heard about this scary incident. So pleased to hear this better news. Now you just try to stay calm and take care of that heart, right?
Love and hugs,
Bertie and Gail.

Brinley Westie said...

Hope ya feel all better soon... sending hugs and POTP...

Unknown said...

So glad you are back home and all is well. What a fright mum must have had. Well at least that is it for now. We use to have some one cone to the house in the end with Pip and it would take ages and a ton of treats to do her nails. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Unknown said...

I've come over with luvs and I'm sending over Frankie de tabby's power of the paw.
Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

Duke said...

We are so very happy that you're okay, Sasha - and boy oh boy, girlfren - you know how to work the system ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Marg said...

We just heard the word from Tweedles that you are a little sick Sasha and we wanted to send lots of barks, purrs and some hee haws from our donkeys. We sure hope your new medicine helps you a lot. We have all our paws crossed for you too.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Hellow Sasha - aunty here - I don't get round to efurbuddy coz there as just so many, but when it comes to POTP you can count me in!!! I am glad you are making light of it - but for dogness sake, this is supposed to be fun season and I just know that you don't really want to give scares like that... concentrate on good things now and YES to that little red dress &*>

bichonpawz said...

Oh dear Sasha! We are so glad you are feeling better now!! You look SO pretty! We are sure that Bilbo will think you are beautiful!! xo Chloe and LadyBug

easyweimaraner said...

I'm glad you feel better and the dark clouds and the sorrows disappeared. I'm sure Bilbo will love your outfit and I bet you will be the Queen of tha pawty.
Easy Rider

Lovable Lily said...

Geez girlfurend, you sure gave us a fright! We didn't like hearing you were at the Vet having so many problems. We like your side of the story better.

We're thankful that you're doing OK now. No more of that funny business, OK?

Lily Belle & Muffin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD Sasha... you SCAMP you... you really did Scare the VetLady and your mommy. That was a good Plan butt this is Christmas and you KNOW Santa Paws is watching us CONSTANTLY... You should have put NOT FUR SANTA PAWS'EYES on the top of this post..
OMD what if he Reads this and says... No stuffs fur Sasha this year...
Butt we are Proud of how you planned thingys out... and that you are feeling BETTER NOW...
NO MORE SCARING US this way though.
Bilbo is going to be the NEXT one Fainting... when he sees you in that GORGEOUS Holiday Frock.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We made Bilbo walk away from the screen so he wouldn't see your pretty dress before that pawty Sasha...we just know he is going to love it!!

He says to tell you to put your paws up and RELAX...he says naps make him feel better...and watching movies with Mama help too....but take it is so you will be ready to dance the night away net week!!

Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Bilbo is just going to LOVE that dress. And Red goes so nice on your furs...what's left of them!!!!! At least your pretty face is still there and your pretty eyes are open wide (under there somewhere). The impawtant thing is that you're feeling better. Please DO NOT scare Mommy anymore. Mommies don't do too well with this.

stellaroselong said...

Oh sashy you scared us also so next time let us know ahead of time when you are going to do that so we can be snickering also. Santa may not think that was so funny though..you know he can be rather rigid about that naughty or nice thing. We are glad all is well, and we loves that dress.
stella rose

Duncan said...

Lovely dress! Glad you're feeling better and are ready to dance the night away!!

Murphy said...

You sure had all of us scared!! We are glad you are ok now. We think Bilbo will love the dress. Now, you and your mom spend some cuddle time together!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

My Mind's Eye said...


Cowspotdog said...

we are so happy to hear you are feeling better Sasha

Sully said...

Sasha, I'm so glad you're okay.

Aroo to you,

Sketching with Dogs said...

So glad to hear you are feeling better now Sasha. We love your new 'do'!
Dip and Elliot x

Matilda the Boxer said...

That was a good trick, Sasha! But maybe you shouldn't skeer your momma quite so much right now. She's had a hard time and needs some very happy holidays. But I bet she'll think twice before taking you to the fur stealer again!

Idaho PugRanch said...

Sasha we are soooo glad to hear you are better! Love the dress and we are sure Bilbo will too!
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Punchbugpug said...

Thank dogness your okay!

tubby3pug said...

Oh Sasha we are so sorry that we haven't been by sooner. We are so sorry ot hear you are sic and we are seinding our best wishes to you and your momma

retro rover

Marty the Manx said...

Sweet Sasha, Bilbo will think that is gorgeous! We sure do! So sorry that the vet was so stressful! We are sending you the POTP to you and Mama is putting you in her prayers ever night. Hope the new medicine works and make you feel better.
Lots of luvs and healing purrs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

My Sashy,,,
I am just glad your better!! I think Owlburts visit made you better too.. He is still there looking in your window.

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Sasha we are sorry we are so late to hear about this but we are very glad you are feeling better now. Our mom had been so busy making Christmas gifts she hasn't been reading everyone's blogs. That dress is so pretty on you.