Saturday, December 27, 2014

My Christmas Pressies by Sasha

Hi my Pals and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with love, foodables and pressies!

Thank you to Dory for a great pawty, I danced so much and had so much fun that I slept all day today.

Bilbo was such a gentleman, thank you for a lovely evening.

Here is my Christmas 2014

I woke up surrounded by pressies, I don't know how Santa Paws does it, but I never even heard him.

Of course I tore right in!!

I got a new penguin squeaky, I am introducing him to Buzzy.

I got a new Santa squeaky and a pretty new collar with a bow on it.

Mommy got new soft jammy pants, but I decided they are a very nice bed for now.

Mommy also got a new popcorn popper and I can't wait to have some.

This is right after we all woke up.

That is all for now, I also got a ton of yummy treats which I will show you next time.

My bestest pal ever, Tweedles sent me something very special and fresh all the way from Oregon and I will show you that next time. It made my house smell so good.

I love you all and God bless us one and all.

Paw Out My Pals.

Loveys Sasha


Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Those are great gifts Sasha. You are one lucky pup!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Santy Claus knew you were a good girl
Lily &Edward

Murphy said...

So glad you got some good pressies! Looks like you had a nice day. Are you sure you don't want us to send you some snow?

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Cowspotdog said...

you deserved to have a wonderful Christmas and we know for sure your Daddy was watching over you all and sending lots and lots of love

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
Santa and all her helpers really did sneak up on you didn't they?
I think maybe they took their bells off and sat them on the stars,, because the stars were glowing so bright! And the reindeer may have been wearing slippers!
Your Christmas was full of fun!

Sully said...

Wow Santa Paws was really good to you Sasha!

Aroo to you,

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

you look like a present yourself, all curled up there under the tree! Sounds like you had a great Christmas.

That food at Dory's....we can hardly move..

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha...you my sweet girl are so deserving of every single gift too and then 10 x more. Lots of hugs and thanks for all the good foodables.
PS I love popcorn
Madi your bfff

Ruby said...

OMD, you MUST'VE been a good gurl Sashy!!! Lookie at your cool pressies!!! And kudos for liberating your Moms jammies for a nice soft bed!!! BOL!!!
I hopes you and your family had a most FABulous Christmas! I am thinkin' of you all and sendin' you lots of loves and {{{hugs}}} and
Ruby ♥

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a most lovely Christmas you had Beautiful Sasha! I just wanted to let you know I had the best time ever at the pawty yesterday and am so lucky that I had the bestest looking Shi Tzu in Blogville as my date!!

Soft growlies and licks,

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

Santa must be an expert at tiptoeing. We didnt hear him sneak in this year either.

Kinley Westie said...

Looks like ya got some good stuff!

Charliedownunder said...

Crikey Sasha ..... you sure got lots of goodies, aye?? All I got was a big head butt from a PIG!!!!

Susan said...

Hi Sasha - You were really on Santa's Good List and deserved all those nice pressies! Can't wait to see your foodable pressies BOL!
You are the Pawfect photo model; always looking right at the camera :-)
Lexi da Shih Tzu

Duke said...

What great gifts and your new collar is so pretty, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Chef Sasha... the foodables you served at Dory's Pawty were AMAZING... We are STILL stuffed.. THANK YOU.

OMD OMD at furst we thought that YOU were one of the Pressies under the tree.
You surely did get some GRAND thingys... and you have MORE to show us? We can't wait fur THAT..
OMD OMD your mom gotted Poppy Corns? We love Poppy corns...

Marty the Manx said...

You looked so sweet under the tree Sasha! You got some fun pressies! Those Jammies look nice to cuddle up on! Can't wait to see what else you got! Have a great Easy!

Frank The Tank said...

What a wonderful Christmas you have had, you must have been on Santa's Nice List this year to have so many nice presents, you look super happy under the Christmas tree, your furs are so beautiful too, such a nice time you had, I love that little bee, it reminds me of my Halloween costume! BOL! Love and Licks from your furiend Frank XxxxxxxxX

KB said...

I can tell that you were a very very good girl this year, Sasha... you got so many fun presents!

Millie and Walter said...

You looked so cute sleeping under the tree. Santa sure thought you were good this year from all that great stuff you got. He must have thought your mom was good too to give her those soft jammies.

Wyatt said...

We like your buzzy bee. Much nicer than the real bees!

Happy New Year,

Wyatt and Stanzie

The Army of Four said...

Hello, sweet friend!!! It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas! We've been praying for you and thinking about you, but due to our Mom and a shoulder issue, we are once again WAY behind leaving messages.
I'll bet you were the BEST thing under the Christmas tree!