Tuesday, October 7, 2014

More Spooks At My House and POTP For My Daddy

Hi my Pals, I have more pictures of my spooky house to show you.

Try not to be scared.

The tree of doom!!

Stay away from this tree, the spiders will get you!!

Sissy be careful!!!!

It is even spookier after dark!

Can you see me???


I am really not scared and I usually poop right in the graveyard.

"Take that you spooks"

I need to ask for some POTP for my Daddy again. The phantoms are attacking his leg that he doesn't have anymore. I don't really get it, but Daddy is having lots of pain and has new medicines. Mommy has been busy trying to help him so she hasn't been able to visit much. Please cross paws with me for my Daddy to feel better. Thank you!

On a happy note, there are many events coming up in Blogville that I will be catering along with my partner Ruby and her fangtastic beverages!!

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

I think your house is too spooky to go Trick or Treating too. Mommy is a big scaredy cat!

We hope your dad feels better soon.

Oh, we saw the "W" on the red flag you have on your porch. The high school around here is a "W" with a blue background. Looks like the same style "W" though. Mommy was just looking on the interwebs the other day for a stadium seat to buy that attaches to the bleachers, because the stadium bleachers hurt her behind, and anyway she saw one for sale similar to your flag (White W, and red background), but she figured the town might boo her for having a red colored seat instead of a blue one. So, Mommy just bought a black seat with no "W" on it. Boring!

Murphy said...

We bet you get lots of kids on Halloween! We will see you at the Town Hall Meeting and probably at Dory's Halloween pawty too. We sure hope your daddy can feel better. Those nerves that tell the brain that there is pain just cannot be easily understood!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Lovable Lily said...

Your house must be the hit of the neighborhood! It looks pretty spooky to me.

We're so sorry to hear that Daddy isn't feeling too well. You bet we'll be sending the POTP his way pronto! You tell him we're thinking of him and wishing him well.


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You've got our POTP for your daddy. We don't like hearing that he is in pain! You need to make him some squirrel pizza for something to make him feel better!

Your house is VERY scary. Is that how you get out of handing out treats to kids.....scare them away?

Matilda the Boxer said...

I think it's fangtastic that you poop right in the graveyard. You'll show them!!

Crossing our paws that your daddy gets better soon.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha what a great....fun bunch of decorations you have. I bet your house is the show place of the block.
We surely have your Dad in our prayers and purrs. We have heard of those phantom pains I expect it must be the nerves in the upper leg kinda of regrouping. I hope the new med works very quickly.

Yay for catering we look forward to yours and Ruby's delights at the Town Hall

My Mind's Eye said...

PS Hugs madi your bfff

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Daddy doesn't like it when we bark on our walks but when we go by houses decorated for Halloween he doesn't mind us barking because he trained us to bark at the undead. Prayers for your Dad

Idaho PugRanch said...

What a scary yard you have Sasha! bet the kids love to come to your house on halloween!
We are sending lots of POTP to your daddy.
Mr Bailey & Hazel

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH Sasha.... we are SO very VERY much sorry to hear that your dad is having the pain thingy. We hope the new medicine makes it go away. We have our Paws crossed and are sending him POTP.

OMD... your porch and yard are SOOOOOO spooky... we bet the little trick and treaters Just ADORE it.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are sending lots of POTP that your Daddy's phantoms go away very soon!!

We just love your scary backyard...we hope our Howlaween party can be just as scary!!! (We will email you later to see if you can cater that too!)

Smiley Hugs!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Grrrrs from Bilbo

Cowspotdog said...

oh dear - the phantom pain can be terrible we have heard - we sure hope you dad gets some help with that. You house is looking very spooky indeed

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Sashy- first of all,,, I send your daddy lots of POTP,, and that the medicines work soon!

And second,, I think your yard is way to scary for anyone to visit.

Sully said...

Your house looks great I mean scary but great. Sending dad POTP.

Aroo to you,

Unknown said...

Oh man! YOu have the best yard EVER!!!!!!


rottrover said...

Sasha!! Bark at those phantoms and scare them away!! Better yet, have Remmington bark at them - THAT will scare them!!


KB said...

What a spooky spooky post! You have great halloween stuff!

I hope your dad feels better really soon. My husband works with some amputees, and they say that looking at their limbs in the mirror helps. I guess it helps the brain realize what's going on. Anyway, I'm thinking of your dad.

Ruby said...

Oh Sashy, I am sendin' your Pops tons of POTP and lots of AireZens!! I hopes his pain goes away real soon!!! Give him lots of kisses and hugs from me, okay?
OMD, how can you sleep gurl, with all that in your yardie??!! Holy Ghost Balls!!!! I would be barkin' at the lot of em'!
Ruby ♥

Daisy said...

I hope you are stocking up on candy for all the trick or treaters you are going to have! I bet you have the most popular house in the whole neighborhood! We hope the new medicine works wonders for your Dad - he deserves the good stuff.

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy Sasha. So sorry to hear your Dad is feeling pain and we send POTP from Oz that he feels better soon. We're sorta glad we don't celebrate Halloween cause your place looks scary and we are both sooks hehe.
No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Unknown said...

Love your tree of doom.
We send healing vibes and big hugs from across the pond to your daddy Sasha. We have him in our thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

We are sending your daddy lots of AireZen and healing vibes, Sasha! We hope the new meds work!

Your yard is a superscary scene!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

I hope the pains go away and your dad feels better... send him a big hug. You have the bestest howl-o-ween garden ever!

stellaroselong said...

Whooo our dad would love coming to your house cos he loves Halloween!!! Our mom not so much. What cool drool decorations, sending our good thoughts to your brave dad.
stella rose

Two French Bulldogs said...

Your house looks fantastic. We are sending lots of good vibes to your pop
Lily & Edward

Julie said...

Poor Dad. Sending him lots of loves and licks kisses to make him betters
Princess Leah xxx

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, your yard is super fun and spooky for HowlOWeen! Love your header pix with the peep body parts. BOL
Oh, I'm sending your Dad a bunch of healing vibes. I surely hope he feels better soon.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm