Friday, October 24, 2014

Nightmares From Halloweens Past

Hi my Pals and thank you for all the love and support for my Daddy.

He is still in "infenced-in-care" and is very slowly getting better, but Mommy says everyday there seems to be something else happening. 

Please keep paws crossed with me and send POTP, he needs it.

I wanted to make a post and show you some of the nightmare costumes I have had to be forced into over the years. 

I hope you will feel my pain.


Mommy says sometimes this is true, I don't know why.


Last years nightmare


I can't bare to show you anymore.

Something must be done!!!!

This humiliation must stop.

I appeal to the Mayoral Candidates, please help me.

Paw Out My Pals

Loveys Sasha


Kinley Westie said...

But ya look so cute!

Unknown said...

OMD Sasha we feel your pain with those terrible memories of costumes of old.
We so pray daddy will be home soon. Our fingers and paws are crossed.
Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

My Mind's Eye said...



Cowspotdog said...

We are so thankful Mm doesn't do the whole costume thing with us - but you sure do look cute sasha.....prayers for you daddy too - we hope he can come home again soon

Murphy said...

We can se you suffer humiliation every Halloween! We tried to email you but it kept bouncing back so we must have a bad address. Anyway, we got your comment. The Arooo Ball is the game we are hosting for the Highland Games. If you want to pawticipate all you need to do is send us a pic with you and a ball, any ball. We are glad your daddy is improving. It is never as fast as they get sick though. We still hold you and your mom and dad in our paws!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

stellaroselong said...

OH Sashy it is a sickness that has infected all our parents, we have costumes laid out all over the couch that is waiting for us to try on this weekend, they were sent to us from another momma...it is spreading worldwide!!!!
We are sending all our prayers to your daddy that he gets better real real soon.
stella rose

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sasha I went back and read your older post. I am so sad that your Daddy has to be in the hospital again. I am sending POTP to your Daddy. Keeping his bed warm is a good thing.
Now those costumes, why I see nothing wrong with being a banana, why being yellow has to be better than being green.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Hi Sasha...we are also so very happy that your Daddy is getting better! We are going to try and work on a "only computer enhanced costumes allowed law'. Sadly, we think our Mama may veto it.....sigh. You do look mighty cute as a Nanner!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

Two French Bulldogs said...

We continue to keep your daddy in our thoughts
Lily & Edward

Sully said...

Pawesome costumes!! Continued prayers for your daddy.

Aroo to you,

Idaho PugRanch said...

Oh dear Sasha i feel your pain, mom made me put on my old spider costume the other night - the horror!!!!
We are still sending lots of prayers for your daddy.
Bailey too

Ruby said...

Oh gurl, I feel your pain!!! Butts I thinks you look adorables in all of them! Especially the Nanner costume! OMD, that was priceless! Um, I mean, that was horribles of your Moms to torture you like that!
I agree, there has got to be a law!
Ruby ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You always have great costumes, Sasha, even though we feel your pain - we don't like costumes either. We think we are in for some headgear this year:(

All paws crossed and lots of prayers for your Dad ( and for Mom too).

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Scooter said...

You look great in those costumes Sasha!! Yah, it will never end!! lol

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Halloween brings out a strange sickness in humans.....

POTP for your daddy.

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, Sasha, you were such a skeery shark! You had the jaws of doom down perfectly. I don't know why some pups fuss over costumes. They're a little silly, but I get LOTS of attention and treats when I wear them, so they're a pretty good thing in my book!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OH SWEET SASHA.... we are so HAPPY to hear that your mom is seeing improvement in your dad... It will take some time butt we are SURE he will be Well and HOME with YOU very much SOON. Sending him POTP and Crossed Paws.

This ClawsToom Insanity MUST STOP... We totally agree with you... butt HOW will we accomplish it? THEY control the CLAWStooms... and the Foodables... What are we to do to combat this Terror?

Millie and Walter said...

We're glad your daddy is feeling better and will keep our paws crossed for him. We think you look cute in all those costumes but do have sympathy about wearing any clothing. Wait until you see what our mommy is doing to us this year.

KB said...

Sending POTP to your dad. And you look cute in all those costumes :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi my Sashy
First of all I send lots of postive healing thoughts and prayers to your daddy so he gets better.
And I think all those costumes.. well my Sashy- you know how to live life to the fullest,, and that is why you have all those costumes!

Daisy said...

The banana one is my favorite! My mom's school has one side for elementary and one side for middle school. They let the middle schoolers dress up, not not the elementary kids! Well, one year a bunch of those kids dressed up as bananas. Her class all whispered "I didn't know you could be a *banana* for Halloween!".

Duke said...

You look adorable in all of your costumes, Sasha! Our paws remain crossed for your daddy and we continue to send him tons and tons of positive vibes and AireZen!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Susan said...

Hi Sasha - I'm glad to hear your Daddy is getting better - slow and steady wins the race. The POTP is good!
I try to tell Mommy I don't need to wear clothes (or costumes) because I already have a coat on all the time. By the way, our Mommies think the same way; I have a devil costume too!
Lexi da Shih Tzu

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Glad your dad is feeling a bit better. Phod has had 2 of the same costumes, the shark and the sub!

Marty the Manx said...

Sacha so glad your Daddy is getting better, even if it is slowly. Those costumes are..*sigh*...oh dear! By the way, can we have Sheppard's Pie at Kyla's party please?

Anonymous said...

I will cross my paws for your daddy and I hope we both are together with our dad's soon. many thanks for your kind words, dear Sasha, I'm sure when we all cross our paws a happy end is waiting for us. ...oh and I like your costume, it loos tasty and supercute!

sprinkles said...

I was just showing your picture to my chi boys, saying how cute you looked. They said they felt your pain.

Prayers for your daddy.

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hiya Sasha,

I feel for you having to wear those costumes .... and CAN feel your pain!!

Mum and I wanted to say that we are praying for your daddy and are sorry that the hospital have him ... it's nicer at home!! We are sure he will continue to get better and be home with you soon!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx

M. K. Clinton said...

You were rockin' those costumes. I think banning costumes will be a hard sell to our parents, but I think Dory, Stanley & Murphy will all agree it is humiliating. ☺