Sunday, July 6, 2014

Posing with my Daddy

Yes Daddy, I am smiling real pretty for the flashy beast(snickers).

Shhhhhhhhh, Daddy doesn't know I am sticking out my tongue(heeeeheeeee)

Ooops...what Mommy???

I will pose nice this time, cause I love my Daddy sooooooooooo much.

Which one do you like better??

Loveys Sasha

p.s. sometimes Mommy's spoil all the fun


Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love the photo of you and your daddy- Sashy!

GOOSE said...

I like the one with your tongue is out. Glad you are with your daddy.

Two French Bulldogs said...

You look so cute and happy with pops.
Lily & Edward

Kinley Westie said...

I kinda like da silly one, becuz I are silly too.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What a great couple of pictures Sasha. We like the second one cause we think you look more like your Daddy in that one!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

bichonpawz said...

A very nice picture of you and your Daddy! Hope y'all had a nice holiday!

Duke said...

We love both pictures! You and your daddy look so happy together, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

I love both, but in the last one I can see your beautiful eyes! The main thing is you are togetzher with your daddy, isn't that woo-hoo-honderful?

Cowspotdog said...

those are both wonderful photos and it is so good to see your dad home with you

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We love them EQUALLY... beclaws it is SO obvious that your dad is VERY VERY HAPPY to be HOME with YOU on his Lap.

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, what cute pix of you and your Daddy! I'm so glad he's home with you and feeling better. I gotta bark that I like the raspberry pix best. BOL
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pol Comm

stellaroselong said...

Oh Sasha those are great pictures of you and your daddy...hugs stella rose

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha any pose of you and your Dad is wonderful
Hugs madi your bfff

Idaho PugRanch said...

WE love them both!
Mr bailey, Hazel & greta

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We like that cheeky first one...BOL!

XXXOOO Bella Roxy & Dui

Millie and Walter said...

They are both super cute.

Murphy said...

Such joy and happiness! We love it!

Your pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Sasha, this made all of us CRY! Your Daddy is sooooooo special and he looks GREAT!! Give him a big hug from all of us here. A little extra loving for him from your Doxie furends. Your pictures together are PRICELESS!!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Sully said...

I love them both!

Aroo to you,

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

The tongue photo made us smile!

Susan said...

Hi Sasha - I like the one with the tongue sticking out. It shows you really are Silly :-) It's nice to see you and your Daddy both smiling.
Oh, by the way, when I commented on a picture before Mommy thought she saw a Phillies shirt. She looked at the picture more carefully and saw that it was a shirt with something else on it, NOT a Phillies shirt! Oooops; my Mommy is silly, too!
Wugs, Lexi da Shih Tzu

Sweet William The Scot said...

Sasha were you photo photobombing your Daddy's picture. I like both pictures.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

SquirrelQueen said...

Sasha, you are such a funny girl. Both pictures are our favorites cause they both have you and your Daddy.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

KB said...

I love the second one. It is good to keep your tongue in your mouth sometimes ;)

Ruby said...

BOL!!! OMD!! I don't knows how I missed this postie, butts this pic is FABulous!! I likes the pic with you givin' your Moms the raspberry!! BOL
You and your Pops look amazin'!!!
Ruby ♥

The Army of Four said...

Well, I like them BOTH!!!! I love seeing you with your daddy - that's what makes them both extra special!!!