Friday, November 1, 2013

The Day After Halloween

Hi my pals and a HUGE THANK YOU  to all of the Halloween pawty planners and doers. I have been away cause Mommy was sick and this was so fun to come back to. 

Now as to Halloween at my house. I put my paw down this year and said "no more costumes for me".

As you can plainly see, I lost that argument. I am a banana!!!

A banana!!

I am humiliated.

Kids in weird clothes coming to take our treats.

 I don't get it, but I am glad it is over.

This creepy guy was hanging around and smelled suspiciously like Sissy's Boyfriend. 

I hope he didn't eat him.

Finally it was over and we had a pawty with yummy snacks which I prepared(of course).

All in all it was a pretty fun day.

I hope you all enjoyed yours as well. 

Loveys Sasha


Millie and Walter said...

Sorry about the banana costume, but you did look cute in it. Your foodables sure looked good.

Millie & Walter

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sasha, you do look cute as a banana:) We spent our Halloween at the kennel, but word has it we might all be going home tomorrow. Hugs to your Mom - hope she is doing better.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Anonymous said...

Whew, we did do costumes, yep why a banana, were you gonna be a treat is Mom ran out? Gald your back, and yep we missed all the Blogville doins also, a bummer!

The Mad Scots

Cowspotdog said...

They dressed you up as a banana.......how could they....you're a little princess....you should have had a princess costume.

Ruby said...

BOL!!! Oh Sasha, my Sweet Pal, you look just adorables in your costume!! And I do LOVES bananas!!! BOL
We sure have to put up with alot this time of year, don't we?! Next there will be turkey's on our backs and Pilgrim hats on our heads just for their amusement!! Pffffft!!
I sure loved all your foodables yesterday!!! Thou, I'm still tryin' to recovers from all the Pumpkininis I drank and shrimp brains I ate....BTW..not a good combo, if you know what I mean!!!
So glads you had a Happy Halloweenie gurl!!
Ruby ♥

Scooter said...

Yah it was fun and you did a great job Sasha with the food.

Jazzi and Addi

KB said...

I am hoping that your mom is doing better! You look cute as a banana. You can come join us next year - no costumes for the doggies in our house!

It does look like you had some scary visitors!

Sully said...

You look fabulous as a banana. Hope your mom is doing much better.

Aroo to you,

Two French Bulldogs said...

But the cutest banana ever

SquirrelQueen said...

While we are sorry you lost on the costume thing we think you are the cutest banana we have ever seen Sasha. It's good to have you back, glad your momma is feeling better.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Duke said...

Oh Sasha - we don't mean to snicker but you are the cutest banana ever!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

Yikes a banana ?????? Big sigh ....Sasha next it will be those darn antlers. Glad you had a great Halloween. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE think you look MOST A PEEL ING in your Banana Clawstoom.
Your Yard is kinda SCARY though. Hope you gave all those frightening thingys... THE SLIP.

BaaaaaWaaaah I made FRANKIE FUNNIES fur you Sasha.

Love your Pawty foods... as always they are BOO tiful.

Anonymous said...

you look very tasty as banana, Sasha... and this blue boy will really be your brother in law once? I think that could be funny!

My Mind's Eye said...

Hey Sasha....I hope you made good notes on all this nonsense...when yourassistant's position comes up for review you be sure to give her demerits!
Hugs Madi your bfff

GOOSE said...

Well you are a sweet little banana.

What Remains Now said...

You look adorable, Sasha! You all look like you really enjoy celebrating Halloween. I wish I could have come over to have some of those yummy snacks!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Wow Sasha...you is the cutest banana ever!!!

Dory and her Bro's

Pippa Sheltie said...

Oh no Sasha, how could you let them stick the banana costume on you! Well, at least you're not as scary as those creepy peeps - I am genuinely freaked out!
Your food looked scrumptious!
Pippa :)

Kari in Alaska said...

A banana? Seriously?

Stop on by for a visit

The Websters said...


I am so so so so sorry about your mom. I bet you were very worried.

Now, as for those snacks, they look delicious and very festive. You are certainly the hostess with the mostess.

I'm also glad halloween is over b/c it means the best holiday is coming up--thanksgiving. I'm hoping to eat my weight in Turkey this year.
