Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween 2013


Please grab a treat bag, you will need it to save your candy.

Our signature drink is a" Punkinteeny ", be careful, it packs a punch!

Help yourself to poppycorn surprise mix and spidery cheeseballs.
Watch out for those spiders
Grab as much gooey yummy candy as you can hold and eat!

 Yummy gopher eyeballs will fill you up.

Tube steak Mummys are sooooooooooooo good. Eat them before they turn you into a Mummy!!

This is a delicacy, shrimp brains. Once you have tried one, you won't be able to stop. I just hope that you don't turn into a zombie.

What party would be complete without pizza????
This is squirrel and gopher with plenty of cheese.

This is big foot hand and if you haven't tried it, please do, it is delicious.

Will you join me in bobbing for frozen popsicle hands?? It is challenging, but also fun. They glow in the dark, so lights out for this one.


 For dessert, fresh spiders covered in carob, they have a nice crunch.

Back from the grave cupcakes.

Please fill your treat bags and I hope you enjoyed the goodies.

Happy Halloween!!!!

Loveys Sasha


Wyatt said...

Mmmm delish, pass the platter of gopher eyeballs!

Stanzie and Wyatt

Anonymous said...

I love the tube steaks - you are the bestest chef ever, Sasha! Thanks, for the costume-idea, think I will go as me and my dad will be the fireplug, I bet that's funny! (for me)

Mollie said...

That was the bestezt food ever, I am totally stuffed . Thanks Sasha for a wonderful time xxooxxx

Mollie and Alfie

The Daily Pip said...

Crash, Bang, Boom ...oops, sorry seemed to have crashed into the pumpkinteeni table. I just can't seem to get the hang of these wings.

Oh my, look at all these snacks. Think I'll dig right in!

Your pal, Angel Pip

My Mind's Eye said...



Sweet William The Scot said...

I need a Punkinteeny, please. Maybe some of the spirits will ward off the evil spirits.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

3 doxies said...

I has looked through all dat candy and I has not seen NO CHEETOS!!!!!
Well then I guess I will head right back to da pumkinteeni table...let's see, can I hold 6 drinks? Why yes I can! Dang, is I talented or what?

Angel Pip can not fly worth a crap STILL!


Mary Lou said...

Spooky.... Creepy.... Scary.... Zoinks!! I want a bite of that Bigfoot hand!! ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

Lovable Lily said...

Oh Sasha, you've outdone yourself once again! We really are enjoying those Pumpkinteenies. So much in fact, that we're on #3!

Your spread of food is amazing!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Ruby said...

Holy cow patties!!! Did Puddles drink all the Pumpkintinis??! Shoot! Wells, I take 87 of the next batch! Oh, and some of those spider cupcakes! Oh, and some shrimp brains!! Oh, I do loves some brains!! BOL
Okays, I'll be back when the Pumpkintinis are ready....
Ruby ♥

Duke said...

Everything looks fabulous, Sasha! We loved the carob spiders best!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Mayzie said...

Hic! Gawsh, Sasha, this sure is a (hic!) super duper fabulous greatest pawty in the whole wide Blogville. And WHEE! Are those punkintinis goooooood! I thought Puddles was just gonna bring me ONE but nope...she brought SIX and dumped in the toilet bowl and we jumped right in. My brindle furs are a little sticky. Do you have a towel? Ooooo...cheeseballs!

Wiggles & Wags,

Mayzie said...

Heehee...I said Puddles dumped in the toilet bowl but what I (hic!) meant was that she dumped the punkintinis in the toilet bowl. BWAHAHA! She did NOT dump in the toilet bowl. Well, least I don't think so. PUDDLES???

Wiggles & Wags,

3 doxies said...

BWHAHAHAHAHAHA...Oh Mayzie girl...how bouts if we just not mentions da dumpin'.


Mayzie said...

Ohhhhhkay, Puddles (hic!) We won't mention the dumpin'. Here's me...NOT mentioning it. I'm zippin' my lips. WAIT! I can't feel my lips! Do I even HAVE lips?

Wiggles & Wags,

Ziggy Stardust said...

Puddles...the chandelier already???

Really girlfriend and please, stay out of the toilet, I can get you a bowl! That Angel Pip will never miss a chance to pawty down. I just hope he gets those wings figured out, he makes kind of a...Puddles, no go outside for that...mess.

Loveys Sasha

3 doxies said...

Oooops, uh, my bad...you know sometimes nature just calls at da most inopportune times. Dat ain't a word is it? Oh wells.

Now, where DID dat chandelier go to?


3 doxies said...

Oh there it is...my wig was coverin' up my eyeballs.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD OMD are we TOO LATE fur the FOODABLES and the DRINKS and the TREATS??? Fur SOME WILD REASON (pawhaps Squirrel GHOSTS) BLOGGER has not been puttin ALL the blogs we follow, up on our Dashboard... Puddles Called me from UNDER THE RIM or the LID or somewhere to tell me you were OPEN FUR BIDNESS.

ERNIE and ROXY were gonna bring a GUNNY SACK to fill with your FINE FOODS and TREATS... BUTT I gotted them STOPPED. NOW they each have one of your REALLY CUTE Bags...MUCH BETTER fur them.
AND I did NOT let them have a FABULOUS PUMPINTEENY.. and the are Whining and saying they are gonna pull TRICKS on ME.
I DID let them have SHRIMP BRAINS... Beclaws those two NEED more BRAINS fur SURE.
AND they are gonna have SPIDERS fur Dessert.
THANK YOU CHEF SASHA fur puttin on this FAB SPREAD fur Us... WE KNOW you have been bizzy taking care of your mom. We HOPE that she is feeling MUCH MUCH better now.
THANK YOU AGAIN fur ALL this hard WORK... Do you need any help with the Dishes and Pots an Pans??? I know TWO Young'uns who would be GLAD to help you.

Mollie said...


Mollie and Alfie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HI MOLLIE.... Glad you came back... Let's Grab a Pumpkinteeni and Go Congratulate Chef Sasha... and see if PUDDLES is STILL in the LOO.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Hi Sasha,

We learned about your blog from Frankie and Ernie and wanted to pop over and say hi. Your food looks so good. Last year Zaphod was a submarine too! See you later, Hailey and Zaphod (aka Lee and Phod)

3 doxies said...

Hey Sasha, tells your mommy there be no plates left and I want some more of these brains.
Never mind, I'll just grabs a fork...no need fur a plate.
What? I can't eat off da platter? Geez!


The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Hi Chef Sasha!
The Howl-o-ween nommables were Terror-riffic. Our favorites were the "wrapped mummies."
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer 4-pack
George, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Yummyilicious............We'll have one of each.

♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

Sweet William The Scot said...

I had a Punkinteen earlier today, but I want another and can I have a tube mummy.
Sweet William The Scot

SquirrelQueen said...

Slurp, smack, chomp, slurp....excuse us please. You are one fine chef Sasha, everything is delicious. But we need to tell you the gopher eyeballs are gone and there are no more Punkinteenies. Puddles said she would make another batch but that was hours ago. Is that Puddles on top of the piano singing?

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Scooter said...

So much cool stuff, I dont know where to start um decisions!!


Unknown said...

OMD Chef Sasha you have outdone yourself!! WOW!!!! Thank you so much for the pawsome treat bags too - we've always wanted to go trick or treating.

Hope your mommy is feeling better.
Wally & Sammy

Millie and Walter said...

Wow Sasha! Everything is so delish! Sarge and I are on our way to the ball, but I insisted we stop here for a snack first.


Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, those are some spooktacular foodables! Hope you all have a Happy Halloween.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Unknown said...

Hi Sasha
We came over via Frankies' as we did not see your post on our dashboard.
Brilliant foodables. Love all your creations.
Have a tremendous Thursday and Happy Halloween to all your family. Hope it is a spectacularly good spooky one.
Best wishes Molly

Ranger said...

WOW…. Move out of the way Joe (Cool)…. I'm gettin more. Yep… best food ever… Yep… more…. Yep.. nom, nom, nom… Yep… cupcakes…
Oh my…. I'm runnin on a sugar HIGH.
Thanks Chef.
Ranger & Joe Cool

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Thanks for popping by my bloggy.
Your food is delish, but I think I've had a few too many Punkinteenies...blurp....LOL

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween! Such yummy and spooky treats :-)

Idaho PugRanch said...

Good Gracious Sasha, what a great spread. We are famished from all the fun. We'll have some pumpkintini's with Hmmmmm we must try the Bigfoot Hand! Oh yum delish as always! Thanks Sasha for such a wonderful feast
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

The Daily Pip said...

Popping back by for some more snacks! Thanks Sasha!

Your pal, Angel Pip

Idaho PugRanch said...

WE just had to come back for more. This time we'll try the tub steak mummies and OMD gopher eyeballs!
Sasha you are the greatest
Mr Bailey, Hazel & Greta

GizmoGeodog said...

Chef Sasha you've outdone yourself...I've tried everything and I'm filled to bursting now...Momz sez no more candy for me till I work off this tummy...Thank you and Happy Howl-O-Ween

Sweet William The Scot said...

I think your cartoon is hilarious. Have a goulash ghoul Howl~O~Ween! Bawheheee
Sweet William The Scot

Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...

The tube steak mummies were delicious. Thanks fur the treats. Happy Halloween.

Unknown said...

Happy Halloween!

Jenn said...

Wow, those treats look scary-good! Hope you had a great Halloween!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh Sasha...you throw the BESTEST halloweenie parties EVER!!!

Dory and her Bro's!!
(special Grrrrs from Bilbo)

PeeEss...The picture of you in your costume got Mama all like, SQUEEEEE...teeheehee