Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Sissy's Birthday!

Hi my Pals, I am celebrating my human Sissy's birthday, or as Mommy calls it "the best day of her life".

 She was born on October 3 and we love to pawty together.

She takes me to the park and for car rides to Dairy Queen. 

We love to play and snuggle.

 She is pawfect to me.

We like to chat.

Happy Birthday Sissy, I love you sooooooooooooooooo much!!

Pawty Pawty Pawty!!!

Now I have a little bit of sad news. Mommy hurt her right shoulder real bad and has a really hard time sitting at the puter and typing right now. She is going for physical therapy and I am helping her, but we won't be around for a few days until she is better.

I will miss you and will keep up, but can't do anything that involves a lot of typing. Please have good and happy thoughts for her


I will be busy working on my Howl-O-Ween bash foodables.

Loveys Sasha


bichonpawz said...

Happy Birthday to Sissy and we sure do hope that your mom feels better SOON! xo Chloe and LadyBug

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Happy Birthday to Sissy. Glad she knows the proper way to pawty with the dog! Love the cartoons...

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Sketching with Dogs said...

Happy Birthday Sissy, hope you have a wonderful day!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x`

Unknown said...

A big warm happy birthday to sissy. We send healing vibes and POTP to mum. Get well soon and no worries we see you when we see you. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

Happy Birthday Sissy - have a wonderful day. Hope Mommies shoulder gets better soon

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We know that you will show her a GOOOOOOOOOOD Time on her SPECIAL DAY!!

OMD OMD we are sooooooo sorry to hear that your mom has hurt her shouder.
If you have her lay down on the Bed... you can curl up around her shoulder and make it all WARM.. that helps the healing.. She would be better almost instantly.
You must take GOOD care of her so that she can resume her duties... like fixing your supper and doing your typing and stuffs.

Idaho PugRanch said...

A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sissy!!!!
Sorry Mom is hurting, we will send some healing thoughts her way!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

The Websters said...

Happy Birthday to your sissy!


What Remains Now said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful sissy, Sasha! She sounds perfect. I'll bet you two make quite the pair. Mommy...be good and heal up soon. So sorry you are hurt.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Birthday 2-legger
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Sissy! We are so sorry about your Mom, we hope she feels better soon!

Duke said...

Happy Birthday to your sissy, Sasha!
We hope your mom's shoulder feels better soon!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh Sashy!
Does your mommys arm and shoulder need some kissys from me to make her better? Do some bubblees need to touch her? I am sending some..
and I want to wish Sissy a Happy Birthdays from all of us,,,
the sky is filled with hugs and love- and here they come.
love forever
your tweedles

Elgor82 said...

Happy Birthday to Sissy!

We hope your mama feels better soon!!!

Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney

Frank The Tank said...

Happy Happy Birthday to your Sissy, she looks like a wonderful person to play with and cuddle! Have a great day and happy healing thoughts to your Momma, I'm looking forward to the Howl-o-ween festivities, especially your foodables!
Love and Licks your Furiend Frank XxxxX

stellaroselong said...

Happy Birfday to that cute little girl...she is a keeper indeed! We hopes your momma gets better real soon.
stella rose

Sully said...

Happy birthday sissy. Paws crossed mom get better fast.

Aroo to you,

Millie and Walter said...

Happy Birthday to your sissy. We can tell by the pictures that you two love each other. So sorry to hear about your mom. We will keep our paws crossed for her.

Millie & Walter

Taffy said...

Oh, Happy Happy Birthday to your sis! I am so jealous that she takes you to DQ. Tell your mom we will be thinking of her and hope her shoulder gets better soon!

Ruby said...

Happy Happy Happy Burthday to your Sissy!!! OMD,you guys sure do look FABulous togethers!! I would loves it if Ma took me to the Dairy Queen and gots me I-scream and stuffs...butts NO!
Anyhu, It sure looks like you guys had a great time celebratin'! I hopes you gots cake too!!
So sorry to hears about your Moms shoulder!! I'll send some healin' vibes and keep my paws crossed that she will gets better real quick!!!
Ruby ♥

Scooter said...

Happy Birthday Sissy!! Hope she has a great day!!
Paws crossed for your mom too!!

Jazzi and Addi

Mary Lou said...

Happy, happy, happy birthday to your human sister!! ;-D
Oh no!! You tell your Mommy to get well soon, and take care!! Okay? And you, my Friend, have a very important job of being your Mommy's Comfort Dog!! Okay? I will miss your Blog posts!! ;op

KB said...

Happy Birthday to your sissy! I hope that your mom's shoulder gets better very soon so you can all have fun together.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Happy Happy Sissie Day ;-)

That day is also the Gotcha Day of my unkhle Steve that lives in China -

He was 51 of those human years -

We hope there was yummy yummy khake!


My Mind's Eye said...


The Army of Four said...

Happy birthday to your sissy!!! She sure sounds wonderful; you're mighty blessed to have each other!
We're so sorry to hear about your mom's shoulder owie! We hope she feels better soon - would you please give her a little kiss for me?
PS: We love the cartoons - especially that last one!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I hope you momma is feeling better.
I have been thinking about you- and I wanted to say thank you again and again for sending monies to help with my surgrey bills. You are my Sashy- forever.

3 doxies said...

OH MY FREAKIN' DAWG...WTF?????? Furst I sees I has missed all these posts, I missed your sissy's birfday, AND your mom hurted herself! Girl, I is just a bad furiend, there is NO excuse in my laxness!
I wanna your hooman sissy a MUCH belated birfday and hopes ALLLLLL her dreams and wishes come true.
And tells your mom dat I is sending her soecial Puddles hugs and kisses and tons of my love fur hers to get betters.
My mum finished her thrapy on Wed so I knows how to do massages and stuffs if your mom needs my assistance.


The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay i hope yore mama is feeling better!!! happy belayted birthday to sissy!!! ok bye

Pippa Sheltie said...

Happy Birthday to Sissy! We hope Mom's shoulder is better soon, and the physio pays off. Are you feeding her lots of lovely foodables Sasha?
Pippa :)