Saturday, October 26, 2013

Mommy Was In The Horspital by Sasha

Hy my pals and wow golly have things been crazy around here! 

Last week Thursday my Mommy got real sick and they had to come and take her away in a special kind of car called an am-bowl-ants.

I was soooooooooooooo scared and didn't want her to go so I barked and barked at the men taking her. 

They looked a lot like this.

Honest, they did, well at least to me. 

Daddy said they are going to take Mommy someplace that they can help her, but I didn't believe it.

I wanted her home with me!

They took her to this place and after hours and hours of tests, they found out that she had blood clot on each of her lungs.

Daddy said that was pretty scary, but they caught it in time and now she needs to rest and take medicine for it.

I was exhausted at the end of that day and also very sad cause Mommy had to stay at the hospital for a whole WEEK!

I need to sleep on this one.

The good news is that Mommy is home finally and feeling much better. I am ready to take care of her and will stay by her side. 

Please cross paws for her so that she keeps getting better. 

We will be back blogging as soon as Mommy feels much better.

 We miss you all

We were sad that we lost some friends to the rainbow bridge while we were away. I know they are running free with my Remington.

Loveys Sasha


Mary Lou said...

Oh my gosh!! Blood clots in the lungs!! That does sound serious!! Your Mommy is hard to kill!! I am so very sorry that she is not feeling well!! You be a good little Comfort Dog, okay? ;op
--Raelyn and Rose

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

OMD OMD OMD OMD SASHA... we are so very VERY sorry that your mom had such a SCARY thingy happen to her. We are THRILLED that she is HOME where YOU can tend to her now.. THAT will get her better FASTER than ANYTHINGY Else.
OMD we are so sorry ! You tell her to just sit back and Take her Medicines and Listen to YOU.
AND give her some cuddles from US.

Ranger said...

Oh my. I am gonna rub my paw together real hard and mention you mom in my nightly paw prayers.
I was wondering where you were since I hadn't heard from you in awhile.
Take good care of your mom.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Sasha, we are soo sorry to hear about your Mom. Thank dog she is home now where you can take good care of her. paws crossed for her good recovery
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
I am so happy your mommy is home with you now- just as it should be.
I can imagine how scared you were when those monster looking peeps came and took her away!
I am so glad the doctors were able to give your mommy some medicines to make her all better. And now I know that you will be the best nurse for you mommy to make sure she takes her meds and rests,,, and your daddy will help you too.
I will keep sending my doggy prayers and also healing bubbles to make her betters.
your tweedles

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Sasha we have our Paws CROSSED fur your mom to be 100% FANGtastic INSTANTLY.

Now in answer to your question about When the foodables will be needed...
Both the 30th. and the 31st. Either or Both... will have some Howl O Ween activities..
HECK SAKES... we would DEVOUR your Foodables on ANY and EVERY day that you put them up fur us. Just Sayin.
BUTT don't worry if your mom needs you and you don't have time to post at all. We just want your mom to Be A-OK.

Anonymous said...

OH WOW, thats very scary, glad Mom is home, we will forgive your if you don't get to post, because she needs you, and thats the most important thing!

The Mad Scots

Millie and Walter said...

Oh Sasha those green men that took your mommy away are very scary looking. We are glad to hear your mom is home and feeling better. We will keep our paws crossed that she continues to heal.

Millie & Walter

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

OMD! That is scary! We're happy she's home--but huge monsters taking her away for a whole week...unimaginable!

We'll keep our paws crossed.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & roxy

Dachshund Nola said...

That is scary! POTP to her.

Matilda the Boxer said...

OMD, I'm so sorry fur everything your momma went through. I'm SO glad they caught what was wrong with her in time. We'll keep our paws crossed that everything is okay and she feels better real soon.

GOOSE said...

Sasha that is very scary. Your mom will be in me and MOM's prayers for healing and comfort. You take good care of her and we will check back to see how things are going. You are the bestest nurse she can have. Hugs to you both.

Taffy said...

OH, Sasha! I'm so sorry you had such a rough week. But I am very glad your mommy is back home with you and feeling better. I know you will take the best care of her and all your love will most certainly make her better in no time. We will keep you in our prayers.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my goodness, terrifying. Thank goodness those men took her. Paws crossed for her

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, this sounds dreadful to us. Thank dogness Mom got to the hospital. Does this have anything to do with all the shoulder pain? We will cross our paws for Mom to be doing much better very soon. Go give her some kisses from us, Sasha.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Ruby said...

OMD!!!! OMD!!!! Oh my Sweet Pal! I am so glads your Moms is gettin' betters and is home with you now!! Oh, that musta been so very scary for you and your whole family!!!
I am keepin' my paws crossed that your Moms will gets all better ASAP!
Well, at least you can keep a good eye on her now! Ya know what always helps? A bunch of big sloppy slobbery kisses!!!! Yups! Gets a BIG drink of waters and gets your snooter all wet and drippy and jumps on the bed and give her smooches!! Works every time! BOL
Well, that and margaritas. Lots of margaritas....hehehe
Okays, you keep a close eye on your Moms and tell her Ma and I are thinkin' of her and sendin' TONS of healin' vibes and POTP!!
Ruby ♥

bichonpawz said...

OMD! Sasha!! We are so sorry to hear that your mom was sick...but we are very glad to hear that she was taken to the hospital and given medicine to make her better. We are praying for her to feel lots better. Make sure that you rest with her Sasha!! xo Chloe, LadyBug and Jeanne

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

Oh no Sasha! That sounds SO scary! I am glad your mum is okay. You look after her, okay.

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh Sasha, that must have been so scary for you and your mom and dad. We will send our very strongest healing purrs straight to your mom. We hope and purr she will be feeling purrfectly well very soon.

Kitty Kisses,
Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

PS, it has been a very sad week here in Blogville.

Duke said...

We are so happy that your mom is home with you, Sasha! We are sending tons of AireZen and healing vibes her way!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Unknown said...

OMD poor mum. We send healing vibes and POTP. So glad she is home. Have a serene Sunday and Sasha make sure mum has lots of the big easy today.
Best wishes Molly

Cowspotdog said...

Oh dog ness ...that is scary. It has happened to my mom many times too but dad always tells me to just watch and wait cause they are helping mom. Our mom just had surgery so we are looking after her too....we doggies make the best nurses! We sure hope your mom is feeling better soon

Anonymous said...

Oh Sasha, that's so sad. I will cross
all mypaws, that she feels much better soon. Please give her a hug from me.

tubby3pug said...

Oh dear your poor mommy, that is very serious. Keep a close eye on her and take good care of her

urban hounds

tubby3pug said...

Oh dear your poor mommy, that is very serious. Keep a close eye on her and take good care of her

urban hounds

Sully said...

OMD Of course Sasha we will keep our paws crossed and your mom in are prayers.

Aroo to you,

Lovable Lily said...

Oh NO Sasha! Surely NOT what we wanted to hear!! We are so thankful that Mommy will be OK. We will still keep our paws crossed for her. Blood clots are nothing to sneeze about. Mommy had one in her arm 14 years ago that damn near killed her. She spent 2 weeks in intensive care because of it. Mommy said to tell your Mom that she is praying for her. If we can do anything, we're here for ya!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Scooter said...

Aww..so sorry about your mom being so sick. I am glad that she is better and back home. You keep on taking good care of her, we will be here when she gets back feeling good again!! Paws crossed for her Sasha


Unknown said...

OMD Miss Sasha! How frightening for you and your family! We are very glad that the dogters were able to figure out what the matter was with your mommy and we are even more glad to hear that she is home and recovering.

Sending you both lots of love & licks,
Wally & Sammy

3 doxies said...

WTF????? OMD, I is just not believein' dis at alls! I was worried and concerned ya'll hasn't been around and BAM I sees dis!
Girl, yu tells your mommy to takes it easy and to gets betters likes...RIGHT NOWS! I should has thoughted of dis...hers would has gotten betters real fast if I had been drivin' dat am-bowl-ants!

Please gives your mommy lots of hugs and love from me and I is so sorry her was so sick!


Mayzie said...

OMD, Sasha! Your poor mommy! And poor you. That musta been SO skeery for EVERYBUDDY in your house. I don't know why they would send big green men to help your mommy. I think maybe you oughta talk to the horspital peoples about their hiring practices.

Every paw and toe and finger in our house is crossed for your mommy to get all better real soon. And I know that she will cuz of you being around to help nurse her and stuff.

Wiggles & Wags,

What Remains Now said...

Hope you are feeling better and Sasha is taking real good care of you. Super scary.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha we are so very sorry to hear your mom has been very sick and we know how scary it was for everyone.....oh dear me. Please give her our love and extra
Madi and Mom

Taffy said...

Hi, Sasha! Just checking in on you guys to see if your mom is doing ok.

Unknown said...

We hope your mommy is feeling lots better!