I am opening my French Cafe for a few more days so you can enjoy some goodies and remember our pal Benny.
"Mayor Madi has set aside July 7th. to the 20th.
as BENNY's BUDDIES time. That is when you can do some fun GAMES
or other neat activities fur our buddy and your followers can take pawt
in YOUR activity or game and make a donation to help Benny with his
HIGH as a Squirrel in a treetop Bills. "
I borrowed this from Frankie and Ernie.
Please join me in a French Cafe as I present my contribution to Benny's Buddies
Bonne Apris-Midi!! Bonjour!
Welcome one and all to a special event to help our pal BennyTwo French Bulldogs
Welcome one and all to a special event to help our pal BennyTwo French Bulldogs
Handsome Benny
According to legend, the first French onion soup was developed by King Louis XV of France. He wanted a snack late one evening but only had butter, onions, and champagne in his hunting lodge pantry.
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson had the White House chef, Frenchman Honoré Julien, prepare “potatoes served in the French manner” for a dinner party. He described these as “Potatoes deep-fried while raw, in small cuttings”. (French fries at a White House state dinner…. classy.) This is one of the earliest references to fried potato strips being referred to as “French”.
For a $5.00 donation you can order any of the above items in any combination and it will be delivered to you. Remember that all of this is to benefit our pal Benny.
For every order I will enter you in a drawing for
this very cool cookbook from Three Dog Bakery. I have 2 cookbooks to give away. Please let me know in comments or email if you have placed an order or have helped out Benny in any way and I will enter you in the drawing.
If you would like to enjoy any of the above items, please make a $5.00 donation to the link below. If you already donated, I understand and I will still be happy to enter you in the drawing. Just please let me know if you have already contributed to Benny in some way.
Beautiful Nurse Lily
Benny is fighting the bad C and we are "Fighting Like Frenchies" right along side of him.
The food truck is up and running. Mommy has the keys safely away from...well I think we all know who.
menu is in Benny's honor, I hope you enjoy it.There will be a slight
fee and all the proceeds will benefit Benny in his fight.
wine and cheese for a starter. We have Camembert, Grapes and Bordeaux.
Please enjoy this with your choice of a ButteryBenny Croissants or a
nice Bennybaguette.
Benny Onion and Squirrel Soup. Only the best French Chefs serve it this way.
Benny Onion and Squirrel Soup. Only the best French Chefs serve it this way.
According to legend, the first French onion soup was developed by King Louis XV of France. He wanted a snack late one evening but only had butter, onions, and champagne in his hunting lodge pantry.
Crepes Benny with Possum and fresh Bechamel Sauce.
Crepes Benny with Possum and fresh Bechamel Sauce.
Crepes Lily with Sweet Stawberry Cream
Crepes Lily with Sweet Stawberry Cream
Benny Fries
While the Belgians may or may not have invented the French fry, today, they do consume the most French fries per capita of any country in Europe.
Benny Fries
While the Belgians may or may not have invented the French fry, today, they do consume the most French fries per capita of any country in Europe.
In 1802, Thomas Jefferson had the White House chef, Frenchman Honoré Julien, prepare “potatoes served in the French manner” for a dinner party. He described these as “Potatoes deep-fried while raw, in small cuttings”. (French fries at a White House state dinner…. classy.) This is one of the earliest references to fried potato strips being referred to as “French”.
Benny Crepes with Lily Sauce. Sweet and Sassy all at the same time
Benny Crepes with Lily Sauce. Sweet and Sassy all at the same time
Macaroons ala Lily
Macaroons ala Lily
Creme Benny Brulee
Creme Benny Brulee
French Beer to help you wash it all down.
French Beer to help you wash it all down.
For a $5.00 donation you can order any of the above items in any combination and it will be delivered to you. Remember that all of this is to benefit our pal Benny.
For every order I will enter you in a drawing for
this very cool cookbook from Three Dog Bakery. I have 2 cookbooks to give away. Please let me know in comments or email if you have placed an order or have helped out Benny in any way and I will enter you in the drawing.
If you would like to enjoy any of the above items, please make a $5.00 donation to the link below. If you already donated, I understand and I will still be happy to enter you in the drawing. Just please let me know if you have already contributed to Benny in some way.
There are many activities going on with this. Please visit our pals
Mayor Madi
Frankie and Ernie
Frankie Furter and Ernie
Amour Sasha
Mayor Madi
Frankie and Ernie
Frankie Furter and Ernie
Amour Sasha
Sasha you sure are such a generous soul. I know Benny and his family is so appreciative.
We agree with Goose. Nice one Sasha. Have a fabulous Friday and stay cool.
Best wishes Molly
Oooh la la, they are such mouthwatering delicasies!
What a kind girl you are Sasha.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
You are the bestest cook in the whole wide world, Sasha, and the kindest one too!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
We have gained 87 pounds eating all these DELICIOUS foodables... butt it is WELL worth it. In so many ways!!!
Oh how we love this cafe. You make me feel awfully special friend. We had a pastry as we sing to the French music, BOL
Benny & Lily
You're a kind and generous pup Sasha...I know that Benny appreciates all your hard work
Sasha you are one fine Resident Top Chef of Blogville!!!
Love love love the music
Hugs Madi your BFFF
Oh gurl! You have the bestest heart in the whole universe!!!!
I loves all your foodables, and I bets your gonna sell TONS of snacks!!!
You are the sweetest Pal ever!!
Ruby ♥
pees: are there extra napkins...I'm droolin' all over myselfs...
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