Monday, July 15, 2013

Auction Wins!!

Hi my pals, I just love when we have the auctions here. I love seeing all the cool loot and I love that it goes to help one of our pals in need.

  I was lucky enough to win a couple in the last auction and I want to show off my swag!

The first to arrive was from my sweet pals Frankie and Ernie Frankie Furter and Ernie
Wow I think I smell them and they smell good!
 It was full of goodies. There was a hide a bumble toy and foodables and all kinds of gadgets that Mommy went crazy for. Poop bags, key chain,  car freshener and more. 

One of my favorites was deer jerky just for me. I have never had deer jerky and Holy Dogs it was delicious!!

Thanks Frankie and Ernie 

Next came a package from my sweet girly pal Ruby

 Ruby smells heavenly! Look at all this stuff!!!

 Do I have a pink pig on my back or is it just my imagination???

There was even an extra toy that I wasn't expecting and a card that Ruby pawed herself(well maybe she had some help).

Thank you Ruby.

I am going to think of all of you whenever I play with my new toys. This is the best day ever!

Please don't forget to follow the music to my French Cafe and enjoy some yummy foodables and help out our sweet pal Benny.

Loveys Sasha


Millie and Walter said...

Wow you really scored even if you did pay for it. You will have fun for a long time playing with all those toys.

Millie & Walter

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

WE are THRILLED to have been able to serve you somethingy FUN to EAT... since YOU are always cookering up such FANGtastic thingys fur US.

OMD look at all the super stuffs that RUBY sent to you! WOW WOW WOW...
PeeS... yes there IS a pink pig on your back. Just sayin.

Idaho PugRanch said...

Holy Dog Sasha, that is a lot of stuff and great stuff at that!!
The auction was fun!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ranger said...

Holy Pink Piggy! Dat is some pawsome swag you got there Sasha.

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha girlfriend you made out like a bandit with F&E's present. WTG
Enjoy your well deserved wonderful
Hugs your bfff Madi

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Good heavens. Looks like Christmas in July!! You sure got loads of stuff. Frankie and Ernie sent us some Deer Jerky, too. It was fabulous! So ENJOY!!!!!!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Cowspotdog said...

it was an excellent auction and for such a good cause. Enjoy all your wonderful gifties.

What Remains Now said...

Sasha...Your momma is super sweet to win you those auction items. I think she likes you! I hope you have a good time with all your new things.

AnnStaub said...

Wow Sasha you certainly hit the jackpot! 2 boxes full of pawsome stuff! Have fun with all of your goodies :)

Scooter said...

WOW!! You hit the jackpot with that one sasha!! You got 87 hours of playing to do now!!

Jazzi and Addi

bichonpawz said...

You got some real nice new stuffies and foodables too Sasha!! Good for you! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Unknown said...

Wow Sasha that is some haul of swag you got there from Ernie, Frank and Ruby. Nice one pal. Enjoy and yes you seem to have a pink piggy on your back. LOL. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Duke said...

What a lot of superfun stuff, Sasha! Enjoy your day playing with all of it!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Anonymous said...

Excellent loot! Enjoy it all!

stellaroselong said...

Wowzer yu scored bigtime....we were just checking if you received our beer order we left on a post of yours and how we need to pay for it to help benny out?
stella rose

Lovable Lily said...

One lucky girl... That's what we say about you today! Wow, all that swag is so exciting. And new treat's that you've never had too!

You hit the JACKPOT!

Lily Belle & Muffin

Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, how fantastic, you got so much great STUFF!
Enjoy yourself sweetie.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Anonymous said...

I like the pink piggy - it looks great . Enjoy the jerky beef - maybe you can use it for another 5-star recipe ?

Two French Bulldogs said...

Look at all those great prizes!!! We do laugh so hard when we hear the French cafe music
Benny & Lily

GizmoGeodog said...

The auction was so great Sasha and you scored some kewl swag...the care music make Momz giggle :)

Ruby said...

OMD! I'm am sooooo glads you like your box my Sweet Pal!!! I knew you would like the fact that I had to sniff and paw the stuffs before Ma closed the box, so you could tell it had my drool of approval!! BOL
Have funs!! (I loves that bee!! very cool)
Ruby ♥

Sweet William The Scot said...

Jackpot you got the jackpot of all jackpots. So much loot. Yes the auction was for a great cause.
Bless Benny. Your music is making me smile.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and sticking with us at this time in our lives.
Sweet William The Scot

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh wow, that's a lot of swag Sasha. You are going to be busy for a long time with all those goodies.

Yes, there is a pink pig on your back. MOL!

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Pippa Sheltie said...

Wowee Sasha, congratulations you lucky girl! Have a great time eating/playing with all your new goodies! And mom too!
Pippa :)

Mary Lou said...

Two packages!! Just for you!! How fun!! Rose has never tried deer jerky before, but I know that she would love, love, love it!! Oh, and your piggy toy? He is adorable!! I like pigs!! I know, I know, I'm weird!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;op
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Sashy
I am so happy for you! Just look at all that cool stuff- and your so cute as you check it all out!

tubby3pug said...

thanks so much for your well wishes to Ping-have fun with your toys

urban hounds