Friday, July 12, 2013

A Fun Story to Share

  Hi my pals, it has been kind of stormy here lately. Mommy and me like to have carpet picnics so I won't notice the storms. It doesn't help much, but the picnics are fun.

  I love her for trying.

 I want to tell you a fun story and I hope you like it.

Daddy has a friend at his work that decided to try pet fostering. She loves animals and  has a dog named Dexter. Lowell is the dog she got to foster and the first night was pretty bad.

 He snapped at her and growled and she wondered what she got herself into. She was afraid to introduce Lowell to Dexter because she thought they might fight.

 Lowell got a little better so she finally decided to try a meeting. 

Dexter is the dog on top and as you can see, he immediately put Lowell in his place and things got better after that.

When Lowell gets too hyper, Dexter "hip bumps" Lowell and he sits down . Dexter seems to have things well under paw. 

Never underestimate us pets. We know what to do!!

Have a great weekend and eat some ice cream!!!
Please follow the music back to my French Cafe post and enjoy some yumminess.

Loveys Sasha


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

We just finished our SUPPER and we would like to have a Carpet Picnic with you and your mom... for dessert. Could you set us ALL 4 up with some of your DELICIOUS Crem Benny Brulee please... and we can all listen to your Frenchy music... and be thankful that ..... WE HEAR that BENNY is OUT OF THE HOSPITAL and HOME AGAIN.

OMD that is a grrreat story about Dexter taking matters into his own Paws. Bravo...
Even though we DO NOT NEED it... we THINK we are gonna get a storm in a about 87 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Good for Dexter, yep we know how to handle our own problems.
Thanks for the giggles

The Mad Scots

Dachshund Nola said...

Good for Dexter!

What Remains Now said...

Sounds like Dexter is a good foster parent. We will enjoy some ice cream for sure this weekend, Sasha!

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

BOL! You're really into that icecream!

SquirrelQueen said...

Yay for Dexter for taking charge and calming things down. We pets always know best.

A carpet picnic sounds like fun. Looks like you really enjoyed the ice cream Sasha.

Mama is still laughing over the cat and tuna.

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Millie and Walter said...

What a great story. Dexter's mom sure is lucky to have him around to put the foster pup in his place.

Millie & Walter

Two French Bulldogs said...

Dexter is a good teacher. Those posters are funny
Benny & Lily

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Carpet picnics??!! We only have those when SHE drops food.

Love the posters.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Especially the mud.

Unknown said...

That is great new Sasha. Rock on Dexter and Lowell. Have a super Saturday. Best wishes Molly

bichonpawz said...

Way to go Dexter!! Sasha...hope you are enjoying your ice cream! We just love it too!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Sketching with Dogs said...

Well done Dexter!
Love the funnies, bet that middle one can't wait to jump on the couch, BOL.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Anonymous said...

A carpet picnic sounds feral nice. Our humans will try anything for us, won't they?? Tha story made us smile, and we loved thepic with the cat and the tuna! He a great weekend Sasha!

Anonymous said...

Carpet picnic sounds great - it's in the name carPET! That was a great story - I think dogs can be better teacher than humans.

Duke said...

We love the hip bump idea!
We hope there was ice cream in that cone, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

PICNIC???!! Wows!! OMD! How funs is that my Sweet Pal?! I hopes you gots lots of fun stuffs to eat!
Oh, that Dex sure looks like he knows his fosterin' stuffs!! Yea!
And, they look like their havin' a good time
Ruby ♥

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello sasha its dennis the vizsla dog hay mmmm ice kreem!!! ok bye

Reuben said...

Dexter is large and in charge - just like me, BOL! We has a storm about every single day here but my mama never does any fun inside picnicks :(


My Mind's Eye said...

WEll one thing for sure Sasha K9s are much more accepting of other pets than cats. My uncle adopted my sister at the same time my peeps adopted me. 3 weeks later he brought my sis over to stay while he was away. Let's just say blood is not thicker than water. I let her know lickety split it was my house and she needed to leave.
hugs madi your bfff

The Army of Four said...

I'm lost on the thought of ice cream.......

Jane said...

Cool story, Sasha! Love those funnies! :)

Unknown said...

BOL pawsome story Miss Sasha...sounds like Dexter was born to help other pups!

We hope the storms have passed.

Wally & Sammy

Pippa Sheltie said...

Oh, I would love to join you for a carpet picnic, it looks really fun! Did you cook yummy food for it Sasha?
that doggies look funny, but I wouldn't like that big one sitting on top of ME!
Pippa :)

Dexter said...

That's a great story (well, of course, it stars a black labradog named Dexter). But doggies have a way of communicating which is far superior to that of humans.


KB said...

Carpet picnics! Those sound like fun. I loved the story of Dexter and Lowell. I will never underestimate you!

I love your banner photo.