Monday, May 6, 2013

Weekend Stuff

Hi my pals, I hope you all had wonderful weekends. The weather was really good over here, so I got to go out lots, which I love.

 Mommy and Sister went away and abandoned me, but actually my Daddy really spoils me so it was pretty good.

 Shhhhhhhhh don't tell Mommy about all the cookies I got while she was gone. 

Mommy went to this place called Frankenmuth in Michigan. I wonder if there are a lot of dachsies named Frankie there?? I will have to ask Frankie and Ernie about that.

They had this yummy chicken dinner and even brought me leftovers.

Crepes for lunch

Doggy shop, I got treats and a new toy. I will show you in another post.
Mommies favorite popcorn place!
I was very busy finding a perfect sunpuddle,

and enjoying every minute of it!

I have a surprise coming in the mail and I am so excited!!! Dip Dip and the Bridge @ Dip-Dip and the Bridge have a really cool and very talented Mommy. She makes these pawsome "mini me" stuffies and lots of other cool stuff. 

 I saw some and was totally jellies, so my Mommy ordered one.

 It is coming in the mail, but here is just a little "behind" the scenes photo.

Loveys Sasha


Dachshund Nola said...

Looks like she had fun!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha...OMDs I'm so glad you could see your interview today. Google reader did not identify it as a new post so lots of folks missed it. I went to their blogs to tell them to drop by.
I love love love the mini Sasha and your fluffy tail. guess what I have Mini Madi posting tomorrow. I just love it even has a speck on its nose.
Hugs madi your BFFF

3 doxies said...

Oh dat was so good dat your mom gotted to go out fur a girl;s day and do some eatin' and shoppin'! You is a girl and should has been theres but I would take bein' spoiled by dad furst.
Dat looks like da cutest doggie shop, it is a neat shape...I hope dat makes sense.
I am so excited to sees your mini me dat Lynne made. Her is so super talented! I loves to see everybuddies her has made...they is quite exquisite. I wonders if your will come potty trained like mine. Then...and then we can has a play date fur our mini me's. OMD wouldn't dat be fun?
Okays, I has your mum's pee-cans ready fur when you picks me up. I was gonna make hers a pie but you knows we not has all da ingredients...hehehehe!


3 doxies said...

PS: I LOVED YOUR INTERVIEW at Madi's and bless your heart fur mentionin' me.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

LOVE the Behind the SeenITs picture.
Your mini Sasha is gonna be gawgous just like YOU. That lady has some MAJOR TALENT..

FRANKENMUTH... My MOM has been there and LOVED IT!! I'll bet that was a wonderful time... Did they bring YOU somethingy?
PeeS... your interview was MAHVELOUS Dahling. PeePeeS... DO NOT let Puddles or Mini Puddles be makin you any Pee Can Pies... She TRIED it ONCE... and she was gonna cooker them in a SAUCE PAN... On top of the Stove... withOUT even Cracking the Shells let alone actually taking the PeeCans OUTTA the Shell. I'm just SAYIN... Even I know better than THAT.

Anonymous said...

It is a secret amongst all Poppas that they KNOW where the EXTRA stash of cookies are. Mommies don't give them out EVER. I love your new stuffie. Hope Momma and Sis had a great time!

Cowspotdog said...

oh lucky Mom - my Mom loves that popcorn shop too and loves frankenmuth.

Ranger said...

I can't wait to see your new toy. Isn't it pawsome when they come back from a trip with toys and treats for us? We are such lucky pups.

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, what a fun day! You got cookies (shhhhhh) and extra goodies from dinner. I can't wait to see the pressies you got from that shop!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a fun weekend for Mom! And you didn't do so badly yourself, Sasha - Dads are really good about passing out those treats:)

We love your mini-me - can't wait to see more views of it. VEry cute.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

What Remains Now said...

Don't worry, Sasha, your cookie secret is safe with us. I was just talking to a friend about Frankenmuth this weekend! I haven't been there in years. A new mini-me in Blogville! Your mini-me looks so cute, just like you, Sasha. I can't wait to hear more about it.

Unknown said...

Mom looks like she had a blast! Good for Mom and also for not forgetting about a certain beautiful baby girl at home :). Don't you LOVE your mini-me! I was so thrilled with Max's! Lynne is so awesome at making them! Can't wait to hear more!

The Daily Pip said...

Gosh, that looks like a fun place to visit. You know we are only a few hours away from Michigan. What part of Michigan is that town in?

Sure have missed you all!

Your pal, Pip

Two French Bulldogs said...

How cool, we wouldn't mind visiting that popcorn store
Benny & Lily

Millie and Walter said...

It's not too bad to be abandoned by your mom if you get spoiled by your dad and your mom brings you leftovers and presents.

Millie & Walter

GOOSE said...

It is a good thing you have a daddy that spoils you when the mom is gone. And it should be that way. That mini me is very cute, just like you.

Unknown said...

OMD!! How pawsome Miss Sasha!! Your mom looks like she had a grrreat time AND you got pressies which is always the best!!
Wally & Sammy

Unknown said...

Wow Sasha what a great weekend being spoilt by daddy. You got a Mini-Me? Pawsome we say your no one in Blogville until you have a MM by Lynne. Can't wait to see it. Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

bichonpawz said...

Sounds like a fun time was had by all! Love that little "mini me"!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

Sketching with Dogs said...

Looks like your mum had an awesome day out while you stayed with Dad and got spoiled, ha!
Oooh, a sneak preview of your mini-me, very intriguing, she will be in the mail today.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Dougall-the-Scottie said...

I like the Mini-Sasha's poofy tail!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

If your abandoned but get extra cookies AND a doggy bag, that's good. We were abandoned today and not only did we NOT get anything...dinner was a couple hours late!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

Duke said...

We bet you're watching your mailbox ever day for that mini-you! It's so cute and we can't wait to see your loot, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

asta said...

Dawling Sasha
It looks like not only yoow Mommi but you and yoow Daddy had a gweat weeken. I love yoow headew pictoowe
Smoochie kisses

AnnStaub said...

Mmmm all those foods look really tasty! I think I am hungry now!

Lovable Lily said...

We think it was a great choice to stay home and be spoiled by Dad! I bet you get treated like a Queen by him.

Looks like Mom had a wonderful time on her little trip. Just look at that fried chicken ~ we're drooling over here. And she stopped at a doggie store too! We can't wait to see what she brought home for you.

Oh no, we missed your interview? We gotta go check it out right now.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

I like your Mini-Sasha very much... I'll bet it's a great Chef too :o)

GizmoGeodog said...

Sounds like your Daddy and You weekend was really nice and your mom's ladies weekend was too...Can't wait to see your mini me