Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pressies and Mall Shopping

Hi my pals, I wanted to show you the cool stuff I got when Mommy went away last weekend.

 This is my new squeaky and I named him "Zender"

Can you see my booboo itchy right eye??

 I think Puddles sent me her allergies, cause now I am itching.

 Mommy made me take benedryl and it is getting better.

I got some yummy snacks and this cool bowl for when I go to the park.

 It folds up flat until I need it.

 I love the color.

These are just a couple more pictures of Frankenmuth at night.

I am so excited  about the upcoming Pet Blogger Mall!!! Have you checked it out yet?? I can't wait to go shopping

Loveys Sasha


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We can see your poor eye. but we think some of those Salmon treats in your new bowl will help cure it!

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

haopee said...

That does look like a super col bowl. We hope you get better soon. We hate the itchies too.

bichonpawz said...

Chloe has issues with itching too...not fun. Love Zender and your cute pink bowl!

Unknown said...

Great toy Sasha and we hope the itchies stop soon. We have one of those bowls. Great reminder we need to fish it out for the park. Have a terrific Thursday.
Best wishes Molly

Mollie said...

Awww we can see your sore eye, hope it gets better soon.. Love your new toy although that would be stuffing by now..BOL xx0xx

Mollie and Alfie

What Remains Now said...

Cool presents! Your poor eye, Sasha! I hope you feel better soon. I hate the itchies!

My Mind's Eye said...

Sasha it is allergy season for sure!!
Mom has itchy eyes.

What sweet pictures of you my BFFF
Hugs madi

Cowspotdog said...

That is a cool bowl and the pink is perfect for you. Hey - Mom has a photo of her standing right next to those giant toy soldiers!

WFT Nobby said...

Hi Sasha
So glad I dropped by today. Perhaps this post will help Gail understand that when she goes away, she really should buy presents for me upon her return...
Toodle pip!

GOOSE said...

Oooo I hope your eye gets better. I don't like itchy eyes. That is a super great squeeker you got.

Anonymous said...

I hope your eye is getting better. Finn gets some allergies too. We had her on Benedryl for a few days. LIke your new squeaker too!

Anonymous said...

I hope your eye will be better soon. Zender looks great and your bowl too...maybe you can fill it with cotton candy?

Lovable Lily said...

Your furend Zender sure looks nice! I bet you're gonna have lot's of fun playing with him. And we love your new travel bowl. We have 3 of them for when we travel. We always keep one in the glove box of the van for when we're thirsty. You will really enjoy it.

We're sorry that you got the eye runnies. That is NO fun at all! Hope that you are feeling much better today.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

ZENDER is grrrreat. Perfect fur some FUN Play time. OMD your BOWL.. it is so PRETTY. PINK is YOUR color fur sure.
Frankenmuth is a magical place.

Two French Bulldogs said...

When my eye was like that, a hot/warm washcloth compress worked
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Poor Sasha, hope that benedryl helps a lot. Bad time of the year for allergies.

Mom was very nice to bring you those great pressies. Zender wouldn't last long here, but he looks like a great toy.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Idaho PugRanch said...

I love your pink bowl Sasha, pink is kinda my color. We love those Yummy Chummies but Mom can't handle the smell of them HA HA
Hope your eye gets better!
Bailey, Hazel & Greta

Ranger said...

Great pressies Sasha. I hopes your eye gets better soon (so you can see me in my PJs).

Scooter said...

Hey Sasha!
Wow, what a cool new toy! I bet it's fun to play with and I'd like to come join you for some fun. Sending you healing vibes for your itchy eye. Hope it gets all better asap!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Sketching with Dogs said...

We were just thinking when we saw your photo that your eye looks sore. Hope it is better soon Sweetie!
Wow, they are fantastic pressies, love the way the dishes work.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x

Sweet William The Scot said...

You have a booboo and Puddles sent it to you, well that is not a nice present. I like your chicken and bowl much better.
I know all about the Mall.
Thanks for being a friend
Sweet William The Scot

tubby3pug said...

what a cute new friends you have and may we say your new do is lovely hope your eye gets all better

urban hounds

Duke said...

What a cool bowl! We bet you get a lot of use out of that, Sasha!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

GizmoGeodog said...

Salmon treats are the nommiest Sasha...and a sweet pink bowl to hold them...Sorry about your poor itchy eye...send those allergies out to some squirrel and feel better soon

Scooter said...

I hope that you eye gets better soon. That is one snazzy bowl too!!

Jazzi and Addi

AnnStaub said...

Very exciting Sasha! I check it out a while back, but need to visit again and see what's going on.

Reuben said...

Oh Sasha, your new chewy is wonderful! He is the perfect-sized chewy for a correct-sized mouth.

I no can wait for the mall, I is on needles and pins!


Millie and Walter said...

Sorry to hear you are all itchy Miss Sasha. At least you have a new toy to distract you.

Millie & Walter

JacksDad said...

I hope your eye is better by the time you read this!!

Jo's World said...

Hi Sasha:

Your name has been added to the roster of The Thunder Support Group. We will welcome you to our first meeting this Saturday!


Oskar said...

I'm sorry you've got the itchy eye, but don't worry, you still look beautiful!

You made my mom person's tummy growl, now she's wanting some Zender's chicken.

Nubbin wiggles,

Mary Lou said...

I hope your eye gets all better!! That is no fun. :-(
I bought my first Beautifully Unique mutt, Shadow, some Salmon Yummy Chummies for her last Christmas with me!! She enjoyed them!! But they were crummy!! I called them "Crummy Yummy Chummies"!! Hee, hee, hee.... ;-D
Love, Raelyn.... Plus Rose, my BEAUTIFULLY UNIQUE "Mystery Dog"!!

SquirrelQueen said...

Aw Sasha, a itchy eye is no fun. We hope it is all better now.
Zender looks like a fun squeaky and we love your new bowl.

Thanks for the shout out on the mall!

Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

Unknown said...


Sasha is a beautiful girl! My Shih Tzu is only 12 weeks old bless her!

Remington was a lovely boy! I remember him well! R.I.P Gentle Giant!

Please follow us back! Its great fun and when I say 'us' I mean my 3 dogs, 2 cats, 4 ferrets and 10 horses! :D

Thankyou, Jessica, Charlie Boy, Roman and Brooke x